My Starfish Foundation - Project For Happiness Past Projects

Past Projects

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Environmental Protection
Let's Go Waste Wise! Zero Waste, Zero Pollution

"Let's Go Waste Wise! Zero Waste, Zero Pollution" is a solid waste management project aimed at keeping Kampung Tanjung Aru Lama clean and waste-free. Located in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Kampung Tanjung Aru Lama is a typical water village with buildings constructed on stilts over the water. The village is home to approximately 3,000 residents, most of whom are from low-income families. Our focus is on the coastal area (as shown in Figure 1), where about 800 villagers reside. This area has been chosen as the project location because the primary waste issue stems from garbage disposal in coastal residential areas (Figure 2). This waste can flow into the ocean, causing pollution and threatening marine life. Additionally, waste from these areas can wash ashore at Tanjung Aru Beach, a popular tourist destination, adversely affecting the tourism industry in Sabah. While there are many water villages in Kota Kinabalu, some are illegal. In contrast, Kampung Tanjung Aru Lama is a legal settlement managed by Dewan Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu (DBKK). We believe that working with a legal village will facilitate better cooperation with key partners on this project. Therefore, Kampung Tanjung Aru Lama is an ideal location to launch an awareness campaign on proper solid waste management and the importance of maintaining local cleanliness.Based on a research survey conducted by final-year students in 2024 (Jocelyn, G. J. (2024), the main causes of waste pollution and poor waste management in this area include the direct disposal of rubbish into the sea, bins being full and overflowing, and villagers wanting to recycle but lacking knowledge on how to do so (Figure 3). To address these issues and help local residents achieve a higher quality of life, our project includes several activities, such as awareness talks and community clean-up events. We will assist the villagers by teaching them proper waste management practices, promoting a zero-waste lifestyle, and demonstrating recycling methods. Additionally, we will organize community clean-up events to improve the cleanliness of Kampung Tanjung Aru Lama and encourage residents to take responsibility for their environment. Furthermore, the project includes a Waste2Cash program, where we will collaborate with recycling companies to visit the village and purchase sorted waste from the villagers. This initiative will not only enhance waste management and keep the environment cleaner but also provide an opportunity for villagers to earn money by selling sorted recyclables.Other than that, this activity is also expected to continue even after this campaign ends, and it will encourage the community to keep practicing 3R culture and free environment from waste pollution.  Figure 1. Location of Kampung Tanjung Aru Lama, Sabah which divided into Zone A: Land Area and Zone B: Coastal Area  Figure 2. Current situation at Kampung Tanjung Aru, Sabah Source: Jocelyn, G. J. (2024).Figure 3. Analysis of Factors Contributing to Ineffective Waste Management in Kampung Tanjung Aru Lama Source: Jocelyn, G. J. (2024). 

RM 1,835.80

100% of RM 1,820.80 Goal

by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
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Environmental Protection

Malaysia generates almost 38,000 metric tons of solid waste per day and 45 percent of it is food waste. This is the issue that need to be focus on for a better solution. Based on statistic from Sabah Government show that the cost of waste management at Kundasang, Ranau is RM 68,349.02 per month that include food waste. Imagine that we can convert food waste by producing compose fertilizer, we can reduce the cost and  pollution. As we know that method of disposal at Ranau is open dumping that can cause pollution.The Food Waste Revolution seeks to promote a circular economy approach, where waste is minimized, resources are conserved, and materials are continually reused, recycled, or repurposed.The project takes inspiration from the concept of technopreneurship, which combines technology and entrepreneurship to create innovative and sustainable solutions. It recognizes that technological advancements, coupled with entrepreneurial thinking, can drive transformative changes in waste management, resource utilization, and the overall sustainability landscape. By using a discarded container, food waste will be thrown into the container. Then, the compost material is mixed for several months and the food waste will decompose into organic fertilizer that can be used for agricultural activities. This can reduce the cost of purchasing fertilizers, avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and increase agricultural activities with quality production and low cost.As we know that convert food waste into compose fertilizer have been widely known at peninsular Malaysia rather that at Sabah & Sarawak especially in Kundasang, Sabah. The community at Kundasang did not aware about this method and this is one of the opportunity to them gain new knowledge.

RM 300.00

100% of RM 300.00 Goal

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Quality Education
Sunshine and Smile: Solar- PV Powered Mini Aquaponics with IoT Monitoring Sytem for STEM

5.1 IntroductionThe ' Solar-PV Powered Mini Aquaponics with IoT Monitoring System for STEM’ project addresses crucial aspects related to education, sustainability, and community development. Its goal is to create a portable, affordable, and user-friendly DIY aquaponics system that incorporates solar energy. The project targets 120 students, including those with special needs and students from the Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi (PKKI), at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Timbul, Senggarang, Batu Pahat. It aims to provide practical application of theoretical knowledge aligned with the Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT) curriculum.        Through collaboration with volunteers, teachers, environmental activists, and the local community, the project strives to establish a sustainable and successful entrepreneurial endeavor. It recognizes the significant gap in Sains, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, particularly the lack of experiential learning opportunities for students. Traditional classroom teaching often fails to effectively engage students and provide real-world applications of theoretical concepts. By designing and implementing a functional aquaponics system, the project aims to bridge this gap by offering students an interactive and practical learning experience. Through building, operating, and maintaining the aquaponics system, students will gain a deeper understanding of renewable energy, sustainable farming practices, and IoT technology. 5.2 ObjectiveThe objectives for this project are: Developing a portable and user-friendly DIY aquaponics kit powered by solar PV.Providing interactive and hands-on learning experiences for school students to understand the principles of aquaponics, renewable energy and data analysis.Promoting environmental sustainability through a real-life aquaponics model, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between fish farming and hydroponics, and highlighting resource efficiency and sustainable agricultural practices.Nurturing STEM education by fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and teamwork among students.Encouraging collaboration among volunteers, teachers, environmental activists, and the local community to ensure the success and sustainability of the project.  5.3  My Starfish Foundation and Public SupportThe support from My Starfish Foundation and the public is crucial for the project's success. Financial assistance from My Starfish Foundation and public contributions is essential to fund the development of the Solar-PV Powered Mini Aquaponics System and IoT monitoring system, covering expenses related to materials, equipment, research, development, and production of the aquaponics kits.      Furthermore, community engagement is vital for the project's success. By gathering volunteers, teachers, environmental activists, and the local community, the project can establish a support network, foster collaboration, and ensure long-term sustainability. My Starfish Foundation and public support will help promote sustainable farming, STEM education, and community development, establishing aquaponics learning centers in schools and communities. These centers can serve as models for other nearby schools, potentially transforming existing schools into specialized aquaponics learning centers, benefiting future generations and preventing the neglect of similar projects in the future. 

RM 1,100.00

110% of RM 1,000.00 Goal

by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
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Arts & Culture
Unreel Pangkor

Project Background and IssuePangkor Island is an island located on the west coast of Malaysia, with its local residents having strong relations as a whole. This is due to its common industrial heritage in fishery. However, with the ever expanding growth in tourism, the local residents may struggle in maintaining a good balance of their own locality and the tourist commercial activities.Our project concern lies within the mushrooming growth of Pangkor’s island tourism development, which can potentially deteriorate the local culture and heritages over time. This has already been in effect and can be seen throughout the fishery industry. An example of such effect would be the tug of war relationship between the existing fishery areas and duty-free centres. To counter this problem, we propose keeping and cultivating the local culture, which includes sharing the local knowledge of the heritages and cultural views. This project aims to raise awareness towards the Pangkor island’s cultural identity, which will ultimately result in a vast appreciation of its history and culture. Our primary goal is to strengthen the Pangkor island’s integrity by reminding the community of its significant values. This process will forge a strong foundation for a sustainable tourism future, which will be done by collecting, preserving and contributing to these declining industries, as well as the island’s heritage.  Project purposes:Preserve Industrial Heritage: Document and preserve Pangkor Island's fishery legacy by sharing local knowledge and cultural perspectives.Empower Local Community: Strengthen the island's communal identity amidst the fast pace tourism growth by emphasising its significance.Promote Sustainable Tourism: Create a healthy appreciation for Pangkor Island's heritage to maintain and improve a balanced tourism development that respects local culture.Preserve Sunset Industries: Keeping and preserving historical and cultural values, to protect Pangkor Island's assets, particularly its fading industries, from modernization impacts

RM 4,830.00

120% of RM 4,000.00 Goal

by UCSI University
UCSI University
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Racial Harmony
Difference Welcome! Celebrate Innovations.

This is a little bit of the Jahai community background. The Sungai Rual Orang Asli Village is located about 22 kilometers from the Jeli Town. It was established around 1972 with 7 chiefs (Tok Batin). Nowadays there are only 4 chiefs (Tok Batin). The area of the village is about 659 hectares. The Orang Asli are from the Jahai community and there are 516 people of 108 families stay in this village. The majority of Orang Asli in this village are muslims. The main occupations of the villagers are in the palm oil and rubber plantation. The development of the Village comes under the supervision of Department of the Orang Asli Affairs.From the Books of Tribal Communities in the Malay World by “Geoffrey Benjamin & Cynthia Chou” (2003) shows that there is society’s ancient perception towards Orang Asli. Malaysia is multi-racial country, this problem should not happen in order to meet with the Malaysia’s objective who value and practice unity. The problem is important because it affect Orang Asli Jahai interest and this has implications for the genuine livelihoods progress of Orang Asli Jahai community.  We choose to change the ancient perceptions towards 60 Orang Asli Jahai community in Sungai Rual, Jeli to strenghthening unity among 90 participants from University Malaysia Kelantan Kampus Kota, University Malaysia Kelantan Kampus Jeli and Sekolah Kebangsaan Pengkalan Chepa Kota Bharu. We aims to benefit Orang Asli Jahai community by providing them an opportunity to promote their culture and talents based on our project activities such as “Night story with traditional dancing” and more. This will lead Orang Asli Jahai community to be known among other communities by perform their traditional dancing. Additionally, we familiar that Orang Asli Jahai is creative in weaving so we provide entrepreneur innovation knowledge to benefit Orang Asli Jahai community about entrepreneur small business in collaboration with UMK EI and Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (JAKOA)  to market Orang Asli Jahai products. We will also help in terms of creating a page related to Orang Asli Jahai in collaboration with University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), American Corner Kelantan PPI UMK and Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (JAKOA) to provide more exposure regarding Orang Asli.It is important for My Starfish Foundation and the public to support this project in terms of below :Cultural Conservation : Change the perception of other communities towards Orang Asli Jahai by providing exposure to Orang Asli Jahai culture such as play in group of community combination, traditional games, traditional dances and how Orang Asli’s in reality. By promoting unity and understanding among different communities, we can work towards eliminating stereotypes and prejudices. Economic Growth : Enable Orang Asli Jahai community about the potential of being an entrepreneur with innovation entrepreneur knowledge. This can lead to increase revenue, job opportunities and improved living standard for the community.  Community Engagement : Supporting this project will encourages community engagement and collaboration. All the participants can enhance the unity towards Orang Asli Jahai. It can also being able to avoid negative implications for the genuine livelihoods progress of the Orang Asli Jahai community. Knowledge Sharing : Innovation entrepreneur talk for new knowledge of innovation entrepreneur. Using whatever types of products that can have innovations element. This can empower their skills and insights that can lead to sustainable economic development.    Overall, public support for this project can have a significant positive impact on the Orang Asli Jahai community such like their economy, sociality, their livelihoods progress and this will fulfill Malaysia’s objective which is create unity between all types of races by foster inclusivity, empower the orang asli Jahai community, and build more harmonious society. 

RM 360.00

100% of RM 360.00 Goal

by Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Tholib Mumtaz Tuition Academy

Pusat Pengajian Dan Tahfiz Anak Yatim Al Sidiqi has been established since 2021. Located in Kampung Mengabang, Kuala Nerus Terengganu. The distance of the study center is approximately 1.3 kilometers from IPG Dato’ Razali Ismail Campus. This study center comprises a total of 10 students and 5 teachers which accommodates children who have lost both parents or one of them. The students enrolled are ranging from 6 years old to 13 years old. We have obtained information saying that this school focuses on the teaching of Islam religion including Islamic practices and memorization of the Holy Quran which explains that the curriculum taught here is not the same as the government schools. That is to say, they do learn academically, but it is not properly taught with the guidance of standardized syllabi, as the core teaching is about religious practices. In addition, The students here are taught for free in which the study fee is dependent on the school's source of funding and people's donation. Some of the reasons they were being sent to this school were due to the inability to pay for proper education, and of course, to get a solid foundation of religious knowledge. However, we have concerned that there are several problems found in this school which have caused the students to face improper teaching and learning (T&L) session, unlike their other fortunate friends in the government schools. To start with, this school lacks teaching staff, especially in the academic field who teach standardized curriculum by the Ministry of Education. Also, the absence of physical education teacher has somehow led them to rarely experience sports day programs. Not only that, they do not have multimedia teaching materials (ICT) -- LCD projector, white screen to optimize the delivery of learning content and the knowledge reception.  Thus, realizing the fact that these students do not have the opportunity to experience a real school environment equipped with proper and enough teaching and learning materials, the Social and Welfare Bureau of Students' Representative Council in Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Dato' Razali Ismail ( IPGKDRI ) has planned to initiate a project called Tholib Mumtaz Tuition Academy to expose them to the same teaching and learning environment just like in the government schools. As IPG is the training center for future primary school teachers, managed by the Malaysian Teacher Education Institute of the Ministry of Education Malaysia (IPGM KPM), we have been exposed to the best teaching skills and have been trained to brush up on them. Thus, with the assistance of voluntary teachers in IPG, the Tahfiz students would be able to learn through a more balanced and comprehensive tuition education --- hands-on activities, a sports day program, and proper T&L sessions. Why is it important for the MyStarFish Foundation and the public to support this project? To begin with, we foresee the importance to help these underprivileged kids to rejuvenate their hopes by getting to learn through a more balanced and comprehensive tuition education. That means, the funds provided will be used to buy the ICT T&L materials, exercise books, a hailer (to be used for sports day program), and a notice board which will be useful for updating the current school's information. All these stuff are needed to conduct the Tholib Mumtaz Tuition Academy to open a door for the students to face the same experience as other kids in the government schools.  If the project is not supported, it would be devastating to know that these underprivileged children will be left behind to be in the same experience as other kids in the school.

RM 1,086.00

155% of RM 700.00 Goal

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Quality Education

In Malaysia, the awareness of dyslexia is not up to par as autism awareness. Most parents are not aware of the basic signs or symptoms that their children may show. This problem, if not curbed from the beginning, will destroy the future education of dyslexic. The process of identifying dyslexia is important so that early intervention can be carried out to help dyslexic students. The formal diagnostic process of dyslexia through medical centers and hospitals will take between 6 months to 1 year. This process involves many tests, evaluations and so on to be sure of the existence of learning problems in children. This long process can be aided with the use of the Dyslexia Symptom Intervention Screening (SISD) instrument by parents and teachers. In context of this project, we aim to spread awareness among the Sri Serdang community of Selangor. This is due to the increase of remedial and special education classes in government schools in this area. Also, a similar project called "Dyslexia Symptoms Identification Programme" was conducted in 2020 and through the programmes, we have observed that most teachers who are also parents have a weak understanding on dyslexia and how they can help their children. A total of 130 participants attended the programme at Universiti Putra Malaysia. The programme was organized in collaboration with Malaysia Dyslexia Association and Selangor State Education Department (Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Selangor). In this dyslexia awareness program, the Dyslexia Symptom Intervention Screening (SISD) in the form of a book "Buku Panduan Simptom Disleksia" published by UPM Press will be shared to all participants who attend. This instrument has been validated in a total of 39 schools in the Sepang district and successfully identified 5 dyslexic students. The instrument was shared to the Institute of Teacher Education, namely the Malay Language Campus, Kedah Darul Aman Campus and Raja Melewar Campus with a total of 594 student teachers participating. Not only that, this SISD has also been shared in the Dyslexia Knowledge Transformation Program involving 156  national schools throughout Selangor.

RM 400.00

100% of RM 400.00 Goal

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Environmental Protection
AtmoBloom: From Scrap To Sky

AtmoBloom: From Scrap To Sky From Scrap To Sky. We will bring scrap that we commonly see in household item waste such as plastic bottles and paint buckets, into something that we can use to provide food to the table. The name of our project title is AtmoBloom. Atmo refers to the word "atmosphere," which highlights our implementation of aeroponics techniques in planting. It is a method where the roots of the vegetables are suspended in the air instead of soil or water. Besides that, "atmo" also refers to our vertical tower aeroponic system, which allows the plant to grow in the atmosphere. Bloom indicates the green vegetables that will bloom within our vertical tower aeroponics system. We will be collaborating with Pertubuhan Rumah Anak Yatim dan Asnaf Kampung Sijangkang to install the aeroponic vertical towers at their place. Our project is about creating awareness on sustainability as we use recycled materials to build the vertical towers. We want to engage with the students to give exposure about agriculture and sustainable practices. Apart from that, we will be creating activities with the students to develop self-determined learners. The reason why we use vertical farming is because it is  a space-saving farming method. By doing vertical farming, we can harvest roughly around 36 plants per tower.  Our vertical tower is different from other commercial vertical towers in that we use recycled plastic bottles as the tower structure. We will stack our vertical tower and customise it to have slots to put the netting pot. This is one of the initiatives for us to reuse the common waste in our country, plastic bottles. Apart from that, we will be using a biofertilizer which is Effective Microorganisms (EM). EM is a blend of microorganisms that will enhance the soil quality and quality of crops. This EM solution will be mixed into the water in the container as well as nutrient solution.

RM 733.00

114% of RM 638.00 Goal

by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
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Quality Education

SK Dato’ Harun 1 is a school situated in Petaling Jaya. Learners who attend the school are mostly urban poor learners, orphans, and also from the M40s in general. These learners have low confidence, lack English proficiency and communication skills. Based on our interview with their teacher, Ustaz Faizul Razali, they struggle to share their opinions and thoughts due to their surroundings that do not provide them a safe space to speak English. They feel unmotivated and shy to speak when among their friends who are more eloquent. Due to these issues, they function a few levels below their peers when asked to engage in English. Thus, Dr Adelina, our head of project, has created PEARL, a project that aims to help these learners improve their second language acquisition, self confidence, and love for language by providing a safe space for them to acquire the language skills. The volunteers for the project are three B Ed TESL students of Universiti Malaya who are pedagogically trained in teaching and assisting second language learners. Nearby, is a mosque with a nazir who is interested in assisting with the education of these children. The mosque is Masjid Jumhuriyah, Petaling Jaya. The mosque provided a comfortable hall to conduct all the lessons. Learners explore the art of the English language through readers’ theatre, puppetry, games, plays, storytelling and many more. Nevertheless, post-pandemic, the volunteers realised that there is a need to add to the skills that were lacking among these urban poor learners. They were financially illiterate and surrounded by adults who are equally financially illiterate as well. They lack an understanding of many financial aspects. This comprises elements such as saving, investing, budget planning, and many more. They are not able to tell the difference between needs and wants, spending and saving, and investment and wastage. Furthermore, these poor learners are also raised in households which do not emphasise the importance of spending money wisely. For instance, we discovered that the parents of these children often use their money on unnecessary things which they can barely afford. When given an imaginary budget for the learners to make choices on things they would spend on, our team found  that they would rather spend their money on things that they do not need. This further emphasised the importance of teaching financial literacy skills to young learners. This is a concern as in general more cases on youth bankruptcy have been recorded in Malaysia over the past years. Auction-a-Pearl is an extension of the Pearl4PJ Project (MBPJ, 2021) focusing on communicative English through play, drama, poetry etc and Pearly Starfish (My Starfish Foundation, 2022), focusing on English language acquisition through digital literacy.  Auction-a-Pearl aims to help these learners understand their learning needs by exposing them to financial literacy whilst using communicative English. We believe that by helping the learners pragmatically engage with topics related to financial literacy, we are able to provide quality education to the learners while enhancing their knowledge of the English language. As delivery will be through English and using ICT, financial literacy could be potentially developed among the urban poor learners in a 21st Century setting.   

RM 330.00

110% of RM 300.00 Goal

by Universiti Malaya
Universiti Malaya
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Environmental Protection
Recycle Your Used Cooking Oil!

Used Cooking Oil or "UCO'' are oils originating from household, commercial or industrial food processing operations, that have been used for cooking or frying.UCO from households, food premises such as cafeterias and restaurants are among the main contributors to water pollution. Pollution originating from UCO occurs due to:1)    UCO that are thrown into the sink can clog drains and sewers, ruin septic tanks.2)    The freezing method of UCO into solid state and throwing it along with solid waste and lastly end up in the landfill. The problem here is at a certain temperature the solidified oil will melt and pollute the landfills.The most significant problem that occurs from the improper management of UCO is indeed the environmental issues, particularly in water and soil pollution. When UCO ultimately ends up reaching the natural water reserves, it is severely harming aquatic and marine life. It has been found to kill the fishes, birds, plants and other aquatic life forms by coating them with oily layers, literally reducing their ability to breathe, thus choking them to death.There is better way to manage UCO by recycling them. This approach has environmental and economic benefits. In brief, public can sell UCO to the UCO recycling agencies for biofuel production as a sustainable replacement for petroleum-based diesel. As for environmental benefits, there will be less pollution from reduced disposal of UCO and less natural resource extraction for diesel production. In terms of economic benefits, public can generate extra income from recycling their UCO. The current selling price of UCO in Malaysia is around RM1.50-RM2.50 kilogram.However, not many knows about the benefits of recycling UCO. The awareness among public is still lacking. For that reason, we have to instil their awareness on recycling UCO for the betterment of the environment and as well for the better livelihood of the public. Hence a program will be held to provide awareness and knowledge to the public on recycling UCO. As a pilot program, the focus of this program will be a residential community in Taman Sri Bayu, Tampan Pantai Sepang, Taman Sri Sungai Pelek, and Kampung Bagan Lalang. 

RM 450.00

100% of RM 450.00 Goal

by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Empowering Teenagers to Say “No!”: A Program to Promote Gender Equality and Sexual Awareness in Schools.

PROJECT BACKGROUNDThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) state that the promotion and achievement of gender equality has become one of the important global goals for a sustainable future. The goal is to eliminate any form of gender inequality that can cause a huge waste of human potential. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) considers Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE- Comprehensive Sex Education) as a critical driver to achieve gender equality (UNESCO, 2019). CSE is defined as an age-appropriate, culturally relevant approach to teaching about sexuality and relationships by providing scientifically accurate, realistic, and non-judgmental information (UNESCO, 2015). In Malaysia, sexuality education has existed for over a decade. However, many available studies show many challenges that hinder the achievement of gender equality. Recent studies have also shown that an average of 18,000 teenage girls in Malaysia become pregnant each year. Of this number, 25 percent or about 4,500 cases involved pregnancies outside of marriage (The Star, 2022). JUSTIFICATION OF COMMUNITY PROBLEMS/NEEDSGender equality is not only confined to human rights but also important in accelerating sustainable development project progress (United Nations, 2022). According to Johari Talib et. al (2012), comprehensive sex education (CSE) can empower boys and girls to understand and respect their physical differences and make wise choices related to their rights and responsibilities by providing them information that comes with the decision to be together, have children, control over their bodies, and make informed decisions in their lives. CSE is regarded as a tool to foster gender equality and norms, at the same time preventing and eliminating all forms of discrimination that women and girls face. The Malaysian education system has introduced sex education in a limited perspective. Mohd Mutalip and Mohamed (2012), reported that sex education in schools acceptance among adolescents is moderately high and agree to be applied to school subjects where it can curb social problems among young people in the country. Sexual education is still stigmatised in Malaysia, teenagers are observed to have difficulty in finding a safe space to have an open conversation and obtain the proper answers and receive help about sexual and reproductive health. They engage in online activities and are exposed to a lot of sexual content from social media. According to a study conducted by Durex Malaysia (online survey) in the month of April to May in 2022, it is not surprising that 60% of the respondents learned about sex by reading articles, viewing films and videos, while 62% had sex for the first time at age 22 years and under. The same study showed that 40% of young people feel pressured to engage in sexual activity, yet almost half (42%) do not use condoms or other birth control methods, which results in one in every 20 women experiencing an unwanted pregnancy. Concerns related to gender-based violence, sexual harassment, rape, mental health issues and domestic violence are a reflection that gender equality has failed to be achieved at the household level. With the arguments above, this community project intends to dismantle the implementation of sexual education in Mambau, Negeri Sembilan to assist each teen in understanding their own value. OBJECTIVESOur main objective is to achieve gender equality and empower teenage girls and boys to understand and respect their physical differences and make wise choices related to their rights and responsibilities by providing exposure to teenagers regarding gender equality based on scientific information that can encourage them to be responsible, ethical and respectful of others. Our main goal is to eliminate the hyper-sexualization of the word sex and everything related to it. The modules are carefully designed using social media platforms and the use of Virtual Reality (VR) simulation tools to equip teenagers of all ages with the confidence and resilience to make fact-based and scientifically informed decisions about their well-being and boundaries.To create awareness to safeguard children from child marriages and unwanted pregnancies due to lack of knowledge, ultimately, teen pregnancy cases, baby dumping and underaged rape cases will be reduced. Young people, especially girls will be aware of their self-esteem, have the capacity to change social attitudes and norms, and build self-efficacy, which will lead to economic empowerment and development of the society. Helping underprivileged children to have opportunities to learn, gain knowledge about sexual issues and social issues. This platform aims to alleviate the stigma involving women empowerment and sexual education among the underprivileged due to their lack of capacity to receive good quality education and correct information about the topics. 

RM 1,622.00

162% of RM 1,000.00 Goal

by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Negeri Sembilan Kampus Seremban
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Negeri Sembilan Kampus Seremban
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Animal Protection
Warm Cats Heart

There are many, many thousands of street cats in Malaysia. It can be found everywhere in Malaysia. Street cats include stray cats and feral cats, are mostly mixed breed cats. Feral cats refer to the cats that have lived in the wild for long time without an owner while stray cats refer to the cats that have been adopted by people, then abandoned for some reason, and breed on their own after abandonment. Therefore, survival rates for stray cats are low because they do not know how to forage like feral cats. Furthermore, they do not know what they can and cannot eat. Many well-meaning people take pity on street cats and often feed them on the street. However, we need to know that protecting street cats requires not only “love”, but also proper management. While giving love to cats, people who love cats should also show rational thinking and actions to ensure the surrounding environmental hygiene when feeding street cats.Let's focus in Taman Bendahara, Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. In this area, there about 25 to 30 street cats living here. Many nearby residents, students or shopkeepers will feed them but in an improper way. For example, they will lefts the cat food directly on the ground. Although some of them will put the cat food in a container but after that the container will be thrown aside and no one cares. It is not only bad for cats, it will also destroy the environmental hygiene.  Other than that, leaving cat food on the floor will also lead to waste. This is because the cat food might be contaminated or wet from the rain and cats can no longer eat it. If it continues to be ignored over the time, it might cause more problems such as diseases that caused by environmental hygiene. Therefore, as a student studying and living in this area. We decide to do what we can to help the cats and also the community. The purpose of this project is to place 8 cat feeders at 8 specific spots in this area. The cat feeders will be made by ourself using the UPVC pipes. With the cat feeders, street cats can have fixed place and container to eat and no need to worry about cat food being soaked by rain. The design of the cat feeder allows at least two cats to eat at the same time. In addition, having cat feeders can also improve current environmental hygiene. Furthermore, the cat feeders also convenient for the well-meaning people who want to feed the cats. 

RM 204.00

102% of RM 200.00 Goal

by Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
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Environmental Protection
The 'We' Double 'E'

The title of this project, “The ‘WE’ Double ‘E’” is derived from the short form “WEEE” of Waste from Electrical and Electronic devices which is also known as e-waste. E-waste is any abandoned product that has a battery or socket and contains harmful and poisonous materials like mercury that can seriously endanger both human and environmental health (Geneva Environment Network, 2023). E-waste contains toxic substances, including mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, and flame retardants, which can harm DNA, cause preterm delivery, skin disorders, hearing loss, dizziness, and shortness of breath, as well as male reproductive and genital abnormalities. The risk of cancer, liver damage, and kidney damage can increase when toxins from untreated e-waste pollute soil, water, and the atmosphere (E-Waste & its Negative Effects on the Environment, 2019). In Malaysia, a total of 280,000 tonnes, or 8.8 kg of electronic garbage per person, were created. E-waste generation in Malaysia is projected to rise as the country moves from a middle-high to high-income status, but the rate of recycling e-waste is lower than the generation of e-waste (E-Waste in Malaysia, 2023). The main idea of this project is to give back to the environment and protect natural resources. For that, the chosen community is the residents of Taman Pantai Sepang Putra, Kampung Bagan Lalang, Taman Sri Bayu and Taman Sri Sungai Pelek. The purpose is to improve their knowledge, attitude, and practice toward e-waste handling and expose them to proper e-waste disposal. The residents are unaware of proper e-waste disposal methods. My project team is initiating an awareness program to give them ideas and knowledge about the importance of the environment by collaborating with  Tan Boon Ming Sdn. Bhd. The reason for choosing residential people is that they are one of the potential contributors to e-waste;Upgrading to newer electronic devices more frequently than necessary,Disposing of old or broken electronics improperly,Not recycling electronic waste properly.

RM 1,027.00

113% of RM 907.00 Goal

by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Theraplay 3.0

Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-kanak Terencat Akal Johor Bahru (PPKTAJB) is a home for the special needs community. The organisation was established in 1990. Currently, this charity home accommodates 185 beneficiaries with the age range from 10 to 98 years old. It provides permanent shelter, individual care, health well-being and self-management to the beneficiaries with multiple incurable disabilities such as autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, mentally challenged and learning difficulties.  Through the interview with the manager, Mr Jeeva, we found that the main issue they are facing is the lack of the number of physical therapists to assist the beneficiaries’ activities. Hence, they only manage to spend most of their time indoors and the space they spend most of their time in is lacking in equipment. This condition is insufficient to improve their physical and mental health conditions. To solve this issue, Theraplay 3.0 team hopes to assist them by promoting survival skills as a support to their daily needs and become less dependent on staff’s assistance through improving their motor skills and social skills. Other than that, providing an indoor green corner is another effort applied to encourage the beneficiaries to get closer to nature and enhance their well-being. By looking into their special needs and sensitivities towards their environment, the sensory experiences will also be another main focus in our design consideration.  In conclusion, we propose designs and activities to enhance the special needs children’s understanding of the world and practice independent life by applying therapeutic approaches hence creating a conducive and healing environment for them.  

RM 3,000.00

100% of RM 3,000.00 Goal

by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
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Quality Education
Read to Speak Out Campaign (RSOC)

Language proficiency among rural school students is usually found to be below average, compared to students from urban and city schools. Student self confidence level to speak is relatively low. During the Movement Control Order (MCO) period, the situation becomes worse as students spend most of their time at home, without regular contact and supervision of their teachers. Activities related to enhancement of communication skills such as public speaking competition, motivational camp etc. are limited. From our observation, participation in speaking related competitions such as storytelling and debate are dominated by students from city schools. The other issue related to poor language proficiency is lack of reading culture among the rural school students. Our plan is to conduct a program, namely the Read to Speak Out Campaign (RSOC)at one of the rural schools in Perlis, SK Jelempok. The initiative is to benefit around 30 Standard 4 to Standard 6 students. The program involves setting up a speaking and reading corner at the school, mentoring sessions with UniMAP students and a public speaking competition.  From our brief conversation with the headmaster of SK Jelempok, some students need help in improving self confidence to speak in front of a big crowd. The school is supportive as this initiative is in line with their aim to improve leadership and communication skills among students. The students can be prepared to represent the school in any related competitions at state or national level. It is hoped that this inaugural program will be a great success in improving student language proficiency and confidence in delivering their thoughts on current issues. Similar ideas can be replicated in other rural schools.  

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Language Café

Language Café is a one-stop centre for the students to enjoy learning English language in an exciting way. The young students will be exposed to a conducive and positive environment in the room that provides various forms of teaching and learning materials. The games from the previous English language activity called Grammar Learning Adventures (GLAD) conducted by UiTM Negeri Sembilan, Kampus Rembau shall be added into the room to give students more comfortable spaces to gain their knowledge. This room will also be used in spreading the joy of learning English Language as well as the joy of learning Grammar Learning Adventures (GLAD) to the other under-enrolled schools in the rural area of Rembau.The Language Café will be set up at SK Bongek, Rembau. This school has been chosen as it is located in a rural area which is SK Bongek, (NBA3011), Km 31, Jalan Tampin, 71300 Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. The total number of students from Year 1 to Year 6 are less than 150 which to be categorized as one of the under-enrolled schools. This is the first school that has experienced the English language activity called Grammar Learning Adventures (GLAD) conducted by UiTM Negeri Sembilan, Kampus Rembau. In this Language Café project, approximately 20 primary students from this school will be trained by student facilitators and lecturers from UiTM Negeri Sembilan, Kampus Rembau to become “Buddy Trainers”on Grammar Learning Adventures (GLAD) for another under-enrolled school in Rembau,that is, SK Kampong Batu.SK Kampong Batu is the second under-enrolled school that has been chosen to experience Grammar Learning Adventures (GLAD). SK Kampong Batu has been categorized as one of the under-enrolled schools in Rembau which has less than 150 students. It is located just 3.1km from SK Bongek. SK Kampong Batu (NBA3009) is located at No. 1, Kampong Batu, Negeri Sembilan, 71300 Rembau, Negeri Sembilan.Due to the local environment that lacks the use of English, students in both schools need to be exposed to an environment that could increase their motivation not just to learn but also to love English. This will give them the confidence to communicate well in English with their teachers, peers and for their future use too.The students face problems when it comes to speaking in English as they have grammatical difficulties. Grammar is one of the important parts in English language. Unfortunately, the students have yet not mastered their grammar which has led to English communication difficulties not in just writing but in speaking too. This is based on the interview with the principal of the school and has caused a concern by both the principal and the school English Language teachers.If the students are given a chance to experience a new and comfortable environment which allows the students to have a high interest to love and use English, their communicative ability could also be improved. 

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kampus Rembau.
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kampus Rembau.
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Assembly to Assemble | CommUnity' Activation

Au2 Taman Keramat is located in district of Ampang in Selangor, alongside the Klang River. The village consists of 18-block flats with 668 units while the overall population is approximately 2300 people. According to the leader of taman, crime rates are high within the community. Prior to EMCO1.0 (Year 2020), we had the opportunity to run a live-build project ( Keramat Community Library ). During the post-mortem, we had come to a realization that although we have a tangible final built library,but  there was less ideal collaborative condition during the implementation this community project. First, the lack of communication and engagement between university students and the youth community which led to an imbalanced community project because 90% of the builders were from the university hence it becomes an “one-sided” projectthat focused on the university students rather than the whole community.  Therefore, the reflection of our previous project should be taken into strong consideration to understand the proper method to construct a healthier way of engaging the community. Several researches will also be done in order to produce a general guideline for community engagement.From understanding the situation, we hope to contribute our knowledge in architecture (the understanding of relation of people and place) to ease some of the social, environmental and community work. To instil the importance of a community public space, we hope to have a participatory community engagement which includes the youth to be more proactive and involved. This workshop shall teach the community to be able to build, sustain, and innovate on future designs if they wish to.  

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by UCSI University
UCSI University
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Quality Education
Ignite the Fun in STEM!

Sekolah Kebangsaan Parit Keroma Darat is one of the oldest schools in Muar Johor. It was developed after World War II with the name “Sekolah Melayu Parit Keroma Darat Muar. The performance of pupils of SK Parit Keroma Darat in Science and Mathematics in the last few year’s assessment has taken a dip. The issues related to STEM education. After a few discussions with Puan Mastura, one of the Science teachers, we found that the students are less interested in STEM because they think that STEM is a hard branch of study. One of the reasons for the declining number of students’ enrolment for STEM subjects is due to lack of interest which then brings them to be involved in non-STEM subjects. The students showed lack of interest as well as limited awareness about STEM subjects. Collaboration between university students and the teachers can help the STEM empowerment. We believe that by doing this project it helps us to expose and increase the interest of the students of Sekolah Kebangsaan Parit Keroma Darat. It is important to start STEM education at the early age of primary students because the children can build their interest towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics at this age. When the children enter school, they can continue gaining the knowledge through investigation and exploration activities. By renovating and transforming a special activity center for STEM, the students can enhance their knowledge and engage themselves in the surrounding environment with fun and informative context. Creating a makerspace in a classroom is one way to accomplish this. Establish a space for hands-on learning that allows students to think, create, test and retest, and bring their inventions to life. 

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community

Johor Disable Children Charitable and Care Organisation is a home for special needs children. The organisation was established in 2017. Currently, this charity home is a double storey corner house that accommodates 20 beneficiaries with the age range of 2 to 34 years old. It provides shelter, individual care, health wellbeing, self management, training and education to the children with multiple incurable disabilities such as autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, mentality retarded and learning difficulties.  Through the interview with the founder, we found that some of the children are having difficulties in social interaction, only 6 of them who are having learning difficulties and ADHD are receiving formal special education in school. These children are lacking physical activities due to insufficient equipment and conducive outdoor environment . They only have physiotherapy activities twice a week. This may not be sufficient to benefit their health therapy conditions. Besides that, in order to support their growth development, there is a sensory room in the special children's home. However, this sensory room is only equipped with limited equipment and instruments. Furthermore, the founder hopes that the children can get vocational training so that they can become more independent and able to contribute back to society. Hence, we hope that we can apply knowledge in landscape architecture to improve the occupational training environment in solving current problems. We proposed to enhance the landscape of the special children home so that the outdoor area can provide therapeutic and healing to the children. 

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Welcome to Legal Clinic

   Based on the official statistics of divorce cases registered and recorded by the Malaysian Syariah Judiciary Department (JKSM) from 2013 to 2017, more than 283,177 Muslim couples in Malaysia divorced, raising concerns about the institution the Islamic family in the country. On average, there is one divorce case every 15 minutes among Muslim couples in Malaysia. This case is very shocking to Malaysia. In 2020, the world was shaken by the pandemic covid-19 so, it is not surprising that divorce cases in Malaysia have recorded a remarkable increase since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented. Financial problems are one of the leading causes of divorce as many husbands lose their source of income due to being laid off due to Covid-19. Most cases involved B40 groups such as small traders, restaurant assistants, factory workers, and self-employed.Usim Legal Clinic (Klinik Guaman Usim) is an association of students of the Syariah and Law Faculty of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) which, manages consultations free of charge and open to the public with the help of consultancy services from qualified lawyers in both Syariah and civil cases. The clinic offers consultancy services under Shariah cases such as divorce cases, estate management cases, child custody and marital property while consultancy for house/land sale and purchase, termination of employment contract and incorporation issues are under civil cases. Usim Legal Clinic (Klinik Guaman Usim) is also active in conducting free consultations and counselling throughout the MCO. Our clients are not only clients in Negeri Sembilan but, almost one Malaysian has contacted this clinic to request consultancy services. Most of the cases received are related to divorce cases. Among the questions that are often asked are the basic law(hukum) to divorce, the legality of the pronouncement of talaq outside the court, court procedures of divorce and an actionable plan to claim a divorce. 

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
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Arts & Culture
Come Together - A Music Project of Hope and Happiness

From the outset, the World Happiness Report 2021 stated that potential mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted by the various physical distancing, social restrictions, and stay-at-home related policies, would be one of the most important challenges of the pandemic. From the report, the pandemic’s toll on negative emotions is clear, 42 countries demonstrating significantly higher frequency of negative emotions, showing a remarkable upwards trend compared to the Happiness Report of 2019. Among all the negative effects, worry and sadness have both shown notable increment statistically. (Helliwell et al., 2021). Besides, a research on United States college students’ mental health problem during COVID-19 pandemic also concluded that 71% of the college students in the US agreed that their stress and anxiety had increased significantly due to COVID-19 Pandemic lifestyle (Son et al., 2020). The results were similar to some others research were done in another country that also picked up stress and anxiety as a notable mental health issue that is currently faced by the societies (Levkovich & Shinan-Altman, 2020; Salari et al., 2020). In Malaysia, the first spike of the pandemic occurred following a tabligh event at the Sri Petaling Mosque between 27 Feb and 1 March 2020. Since then, the Malaysian government announced the first Movement Control Order (MCO 1.0) that began on 18 March 2020, followed with a long series of movement control orders after that. By the end of June 2020, there were 121 death-reports due to COVID-19, followed with 113,010 cases by 31 Dec 2020; On 18 Feb this year, the death toll breached the 1,000 marks. On May 3rd, Malaysia already had 417,512 cases and 1,551 deaths and the number of cases still increasing the day after. While the Malaysians are still battling with the virus, a sense or a feeling of tiredness might also have sneaked into the people’s mind. There are constant reports of signs a lower compliance to follow SOPs, demotivated to follow protective measurements and affected by a number of negative emotions. These are marked as pandemic fatigue, where the Malaysian Director General of Health Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah once commented that pandemic fatigue is around us. He further explained that the recent spike in Covid-19 cases is caused by pandemic fatigue, where pandemic fatigue causes people to "become complacent" in adhering to public health safety-measures. Pandemic fatigue can cause people to let down their guard, also becoming demotivated when they see no end to the pandemic. Obviously, pandemic fatigue is one of the significant issues that is faced by the Malaysian, also the people from all over the world today. World Health Organization (WHO) came out with a clear description on what pandemic fatigue is and provided a guideline on some possible ways to alleviate the fatigue. An Australian-based psychology portal ( described pandemic fatigue symptomsas frustration, irritability, depression, anxiety, physical exhaustion, difficulty in focusing, difficult to problem- solving and making decisions, and a diminishing interest in activities one previously enjoyed. Music is a natural gift for human. Music can be used for various purposes that include relaxation, or even as medicine to treat some illnesses. Scientific studies in recent years contributed to the discovery on the potential effects of music on health issues, or to be used as a tool for maintaining a good health (Chanda & Levitin, 2013; Trappe & Voit, 2016). Music can be used for disabled and distressed children, music also can be used for the adults and the elderly when treating neurological problems in these cohorts, music is also often used to improve one’s quality of life. In the hospitals in the US, music is used to reduce stress and anxiety before a surgical treatment, as well as pain management. Music can improve mental health, boost self-esteem and confidence, it can also used to help people to relax and to uplift their mood and mind. Most importantly, music gathers people, it can also create a loving and supportive environment for one to be remember that the pandemic is not over and all shall stand united to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
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Environmental Protection
Green Lantern

Cooking oil is widely used by many Malaysian especially for restaurant operators, food manufacturers, and households. However, the used cooking oil, unfortunately, is being dumped into the drain and sewer, creating pollution. Even though there are organizations that collect the waste used cooking oil, most of the households did not have knowledge that used cooking oil can be recycled. Thus, instead of throwing it away, why not change it into something valuable? We come with an idea to change used cooking oil into organic dish soap. Nowadays, a lot of soap brands in the market use 100% chemical ingredients such as ammonia, sulfuric acid, sodium borate, etc., and the price is quite expensive. Therefore, in this project, by mixing the treated waste cooking oil (WCO) with some ingredients such as lemon water, coconut oil, and alkali salt, we believe that numbers of dish soap production can be increased; hence reducing the cost of production. This kind of idea can also provide job opportunities to the community of Nilai which is located near USIM. Most people, especially those who do not have a fixed income may be affected by this pandemic. Therefore, by learning how to make this product, it can also help them to increase their side income,as well as promoting a clean environment. Moreover, we also want to conduct an awareness campaign for the students about environmental protection. Schools have a responsibility towards future leaders - not just teaching them how to read and write, but also educating them about environmental awareness. In addition, we also want to discuss how to recycle the used oil to create a new product,  valuable knowledge related to 3R meaning, how to save energy in school or at home, about zero waste, and lots more will be disseminated. High school students are experiencing rising stress levels and lower engagement with learning since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,Kids feel that “they are more stressed than they were before the pandemic, they have more work, they are less engaged in school, and their relationships with teachers and other kids are strained. Therefore with this project, we can help them to decrease their stress and fill their time by doing something fun and beneficial. 

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
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Environmental Protection

The main message carried out by Earth Day 2018 is “End Plastic Pollution”. Many types of plastic ultimately end up in our oceans - an estimated 12 million tones every year. In Malaysia, plastic is identified as a major pollutant. Inline to the Melaka’s slogan “MELAKA BERWIBAWA : PINTAR, HIJAU, BERSIH”, we propose a project called ECOGARD to transfer the knowledge to the schools in Melaka about the way to develop a vertical plant growing structure, that occupies less space and requires minimal maintenance. The vertical gardening structure serves to be: (1) a reference model vertical plantation for community, (2) an image to promote green recycling, (3) an alternative economical income generator, (4) a recreational facility in school, (5) a project to promote STEM education.ECOGARD is a project inspired by Verde Garden, which means Vertical Drip Ecological Garden. It was an idea that was gained from the students that participated in the exchange program to the De La Salle University – Dasmariñas (DLSU-D), Philippine from 3 to 16 NOVEMBER 2018. The students and lecturers were fascinated by (DLSU-D) vertical garden when they joined in the activity of making them and believe that they have huge potential. Ever since then the students came up with various ideas to evolve this idea to be better and to be done in MMU when they return. It is a garden built using plastic water bottles with simple modifications and creativity. It applies the concept of recycle, reuse, reduce, refuse and reform, which can be implemented for greening purposes as well as a wall decoration. An ECOGARD with 252 plastic bottles was built in MMU Melaka with each bottle in the garden frame will be able to hold one type of plant. ECOGARD can be built using 1.5L carbonated drink bottles, which can be easily found through recycling. Since the plastic bottles are non-biodegradable, this garden is built to sustain for a long period of time without decomposing, enabling it to have a higher life span. Furthermore, the soil used in the bottles can be made from composite soil and compost food waste.Building ECOGARD in a vertical position by implementing the vertical drip ecological method, it does not occupy a large space and requires only minimal maintenance. By building more of this garden, we can be a step closer to nature amidst the concrete buildings in the campus and schools.

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Quality Education
Cancer Awareness: From Bench to Community

Cancer is one of the world's most serious health issues. According to the Global Burden of Disease, cancer claimed the lives of 9.56 million people in 2017. Cancer is responsible for one out of every six deaths worldwide. Since cancer is one of the leading causes of death, making strides against it is one of the world's most important issues. Millions of efforts have been done worldwide to search for the cure and prevention strategies in order to improve the quality of life.   International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Kuantan, is one of the education organizations in the east coast, thus the role to transfer the scientific knowledge into layman terms should be highlighted including cancer related issues. For this project, the focus is on female-related cancers which is breast cancer. Breast cancer is ranked the first or the highest case in Kuantan, Pahang. Based on the study done by Radiah et al., in 2020 (unpublished data), the knowledge and awareness on cancer is low among the community in Kuantan, Pahang generally. Thus, among the aspects that are proposed to be highlighted are:  awareness on early signs and symptoms, cancer and genetics, healthy lifestyle education especially from dietary intake and exercise perspective,  sharing sessions with breast cancer survivor from Kuantan, Pahang. It is hoped that there will be a good level of knowledge and awareness possession by the targeted population about the prevention and the importance of early detection of breast cancer at the end of this project. As for long term goal, this project will results in promoting further initiatives to strengthen the awareness and right guidance to breast cancer patients, and high risk population.Besides being involved in education and awareness campaigns in this selected community, students also have an opportunity to engage with cancer survivors in this town as partners. By conducting this project, the challenge and difficulties will be experienced so this will enhance their motivation and understanding on the importance of sustainable research in cancer in order to benefit the society – from bench to community

RM 392.00

140% of RM 279.25 Goal

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Quality Education
Reading in Paradise

Sekolah Kebangsaan Kokol (SK Kokol) is a primary school located in the rural area of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah- namely Kampung Kokol, Menggatal. To have a better picture of Kampung Kokol’s rurality, it is located around 40 kilometres from Kota Kinabalu city centre. Based on recent interviews with the school principal, we have identified that the school is currently educating around 187 students from Year 1 to Year 6 along with 21 preschool students. Whilst we are working on another community project- service learning project with the school, the school principal has brought up other concerns with us- SK Kokol does not have a properly built and designated space for a library, and place to set up Information and Computer Technology (ICT) equipment for their students.Due to the school’s growing number of students and the implementation of distanced seats in compliance with SOP procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic, they were forced to turn their previous library (pusat sumber) into a classroom. This caused the library's space becomes tiny and only used to store limited numbers of books. Therefore, we wish to build a new building in the school to provide a designated space for students to enjoy their readings while accompanied by the school’s lush scenery. The existing library will remain used to keep the books. The new building will use as a reading space, where we plan to build a reading nook with a comfortable outdoor environment for students to enjoy reading. Initially, we plan to build a mini library which can store books and also set up Information and Computer Technology (ICT) equipment for student use. However, the construction of the library is costly and needs several clearance documents, especially the letter of approval from the Sabah Education Department (JPNS), which might take longer to be permitted. Hence, while waiting for the letter of approval, we decided to build an outdoor reading space for student use as also listed in our prior plan-build a reading hut. But, in this project, we will build proper outdoor reading nooks which are way better than huts. Accordingly, this project will not stop when project ended. The project will continue in the next phase - building a proper mini library (indoor) plus a smart classroom- as also required by the school. For this purpose, we will seek funding from other organizations such as the Sabah Credit Corporation (SCC) as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).The school principal also expressed that these problems have existed for a long time as their call for help has been ignored continuously. When we visited them, the school principal told us that they would love to receive assistance for their school to become a better place for their students. Therefore, our project wishes to support them and bring the school’s needs to public attention.As stated earlier, this project also integrates with the service learning project, known as SULAM (Service Learning Malaysia-University for society) which is offered every semester.  In other words, this project is a continuous project and potentially be expanded to other schools, conducted by the same or different groups of students.

RM 1,020.00

100% of RM 1,020.00 Goal

by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Heart to Heart

Our plan is to organize a charity program to the community called Heart to Heart. Purpose of our project is to keep students active in helping the local community to be better than before. By doing this activity, it can indirectly foster a spirit of cooperation and love among the members of our club. Our focuses are to help orphanages live in better and more active conditions, and foster cooperativeness between outside organizations and Merge Club.  The Merge Committee, UMK’s Library Management Team, and Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan will work together to make this project successful. The project will take place at Yayasan Anak- Anak Yatim Kelantan (YAATIM). Our targets are Orphanages. On the day of the implementation, our team will go to the orphanage to carry out the planned activities. We will need supplies for mural, for cleaning the area, gifts for the homes. We target to have 19 items listed in the budget section below. It is very important for us to get this sponsorship because it can be used to reduce the costs of the activities and will help our club achieve its goals. The lack of costs has been something that worries us and we desperately need this sponsor to build a complete facility for our targeted communities. Additionally, as we are new in this kind of project, it will be very beneficial for us to get guides from you in order to build a strong project foundation. It will definitely help us grow as a more knowledgeable individual about how the community project works and its process.  

RM 435.00

214% of RM 202.90 Goal

by Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
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Environmental Protection
Green Nature for Better Future

The number of plastic waste keeps increasing every year and becoming a growing segment of the municipal solid waste stream. Landfill space is very limited and plastic is difficult to biodegrade. For this project, we are proposing to build a mini greenhouse by using recycled plastic bottles. We chose "Kampung Teluk Layang'' for the implementation of the project. It is a village for a community of stateless people who do not have an identity that stay in Sabah. During our site visit to this village, we discovered a lot of trash near the shore. We realize that this situation threatens the life and beauty of the environment.So, we want to raise awareness and educate people about the importance of environmental protection to these villagers. This mini greenhouse will serve as an exposure for them to comprehend more about environmental concerns.We discovered that some of them have planted vegetables and fruits but it is inefficient because the crop is disrupted by animals such as monkeys. This greenhouse will act as crop protection from any predators so that their crop can grow healthy. Apart from contributing to a reduction in pollution in the air and water, it is to encourage farming and emphasize the importance of greenhouses as a protection. To find permanent work also has become a challenge for this community. Through planting this will increase their food production and it also can support their daily lives without having to travel to the town. 

RM 249.00

106% of RM 234.50 Goal

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Animal Protection
Paw's Eden

Care and Secure Help Center (C.A.S.H) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that operates as an animal shelter and houses over 200 homeless cats and dogs. The overwhelming number of animals sheltered by C.A.S.H has hindered the shelter’s conditions. In this case, the dogs are the priority as they take up the majority. The dogs have 2 outdoor playtimes a day, where healthy adult dogs are separated from the puppies and dogs with mobility issues. After visiting the shelter, we observed that the  dog’s playground is paved with gravel and barricaded by fences while fully exposed to the harsh weather. This worries the owner as the excruciating heat might result in heat strokes.  As for the facilities, the playground is lacking in the exercise department as there are only a couple of concrete cylinder wells for the dogs to jump on to for exercise. As for the dogs with mobility issues, They get their exercise by roaming around with wheelchairs in a more shaded area. Dogs that have mobility issues use customized wheelchairs to aid their movement until they have fully recovered. However, since each wheelchair is customized to each dog, after that dog heals up, the wheelchair will no longer be in use. Collab wants to help C.A.S.H animal shelter based on our ability. By understanding this, we would like to take this as an opportunity to improve the environment and welfare of the dogs by utilizing the undergraduate’s architectural knowledge and practical expertise. Moreover, raising awareness of the problems animal shelters face by seeking help from volunteering students during this project. 

RM 3,275.00

101% of RM 3,235.90 Goal

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Quality Education
Annual Public Health Campaign 2016/17

Public Health Campaign (PHC) is an annual event which provides free public service throughout various states in Peninsular Malaysia. Since its inception in 2002, its main purpose is to increase health awareness among the public and to disseminate health information on the prevention of diseases. It also aims to enhance the role of pharmacists in the community.Over the years, this campaign has played a vital role in raising health awareness of the Malaysian public, promoting changes in lifestyle to encourage healthy living as well as serve as a platform for UCSI University students to give back to the community. It has attracted between 1000 to 1500 direct participants each time, with many more unlisted members of public perusing the exhibition site.For this event, we will be working closely with the community of Kuala Sepetang in running a health campaign on 21st and 22nd December, tentatively at a local primary school hall. Kuala Sepetang is a coastal fishing village 15km away from Taiping, Perak. It has an estimated 1,000 households with a population of 6,000, most of which are Chinese. Most of the population have up to primary level education and about half of all working population are involved in the fishery industry. Adjacent to Kuala Sepetang is Kampung Menteri with a Malay majority population with roughly 200 households consisting of 1,500 residents.The main focus of PHC has always been the exhibition with materials related to the chosen theme. For our campaign in Kuala Sepetang, we will be focusing on cancer. The poster display will include Malaysian statistics on cancer, recognising warning signs and knowing when to seek medical advice. With these, it is hoped that the community in Kuala Sepetang will have a better understanding on cancer and become more inclined to change in their lifestyle for the better.Other than that, various health screening tests such as blood pressure test, blood glucose test, body fat test and waist-to-hip ratio analysis will be conducted throughout this campaign to attract the public as well as to provide a free public service. Patient counselling from qualified counselors will also be available to the public during this campaign. The pharmacy students will conduct the "Know Your Drugs" session to educate the public on the importance of proper drug use. We will also be conducting the demonstration of drug compounding for public viewing during the campaign.In order to provide more longer lasting impact on community health, we will be liaising with local clinics and/or hospital to refer public members with abnormal screening results to doctors for further action.

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Arts & Culture
Community Outreach Programme 2016

ENGAGING THE NEXT GENERATION IN PERFORMING ARTSWe strive to provide opportunities for student bodies to attend cultural performing arts performances in the hope of awakening an appreciation for the arts and influencing future behavioral patterns. Thus, ticket discounts and activities of outreach are offered to students and the younger generation in the surrounding community. We believe that through the exposure to performing arts, our local community may grow to appreciate the goodness, the truth, and the beauty.WHY NEXT GENERATION?Performing arts in Malaysia is still in the developing stage. The love for the arts if nurtured at a young age, will eventually produce an arts-loving population. Performing arts is not included in most Malaysian school curriculum.Performing arts can play a bigger role in the younger generation’s journey of intellectual discovery and social awakening. Students who receive arts education have stronger social skills, a driving motivation to learn and a higher self-esteem for themselves than their peers. Education in the arts helps to create a positive school environment for learning and human developmentWHY PERFORMING ARTS?THE VALUE OF PERFORMING ARTS IN THE COMMUNITY• Arts improves the quality of life, and it is also a source of the community’s pride. The economic, educational and civic benefits of the arts are made available to young people by broadeningtheir access to the arts and reducing the barriers of cultural participation; • It promotes the understanding of others and their different ways of life;  • It preserves cultural heritage as the legacy for future generations; • It provides opportunities to socialise, builds bridges across generations, cultures, and geographic, supports the younger generation’s activities and involves the people of the community.Above all, we believe that arts contribute to the education and development of young people. Many businesses see a possible commercial advantage in the marketing of their brands, products or services being associated with the arts sector.

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Arts & Culture
Dialect Survey and Collection of Folk Rhymes in Tanjung Piandang, Perak]

Dialect and folk rhymes are valuable intangible assets because they have inherited the culture, history and characteristics of immigrants from various regions. When they decided to stay in this new place, they have also brought their own language and culture along with them. Malaysia is a multiracial country which promotes multilingual interaction among the society. Therefore, the Chinese society also undergoes dialect variation particularly to multilingual environment in this society.However, the declining of the usage of dialects and lack of documentation about settling history directly affected the society. These intangible assets will be lost when the old settlements are being cleared off by the development of the society. It is necessary for us to take action and make documentation, so that these cultural and historical heritage can be kept in a better condition. A settlement nearby coast of Peninsular will be suitable for this project as the early settlements usually was built nearby the coastTaking Tanjung Piandang as the location of project, it is a fisherman's town nearby Parit Buntar, Perak. The town mainly consist of Teochew, which recorded the history of early Chinese settlements in Malaya. The village also surrounded by different races residence, having connection and interaction between the societies. By carrying out surveys on dialects and interviews on local residents, this project aims to collect folk rhymes, interpret the linguistic connection between local residents and early immigrants, and hence leave a documentation about the cultural heritage of that area.

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Quality Education
English for All

Local graduates failed the English competency tests set by the interviewers based on Bernama report. This lack of proficiency in English amongst those entering the workforce will inevitably contribute towards the continuing decline in Malaysia’s international competitiveness and employability. The trend is particularly noticeable in the rural and even the suburban areas where the main bulk of the country’s population resides, and it has become clear that urgent action is needed from all parties to address these language gaps. Exposure, encouragement and motivation to enhance young generation in using English language must start from the early stage as in primary school. This continual attitude using English in everyday communication will give a big impact for students in terms of their English Proficiency in the future.Therefore Communication and Media Club in collaboration with have Faculty of Communication and Media, Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) decided to conduct the English literacy programme entitled “English for All” and in so doing, to play our part in helping to create knowledgeable and confident young Malaysians capable of communicating in English globally. In the initial phase, the programme will be made available to primary school students (Year 4-Year 6) from selected schools (one urban, one rural) in the State of Selangor and Perak, with the long-term vision being to expand the programme to other schools and other States in due course. The maximum number of students who will be involved per session is 40. The implementation of the programme will be the responsibility of a team of resource persons from Faculty of Communication and Media headed by Faculty Dean.

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Arts & Culture
Guardian 1.0·Sungai Udang

Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society, with settlers from various regions mixing to create its unique cultural form. The early settlers bring about their own cultures and languages, and after centuries of interaction with each other, created a rich historical and cultural heritage unique to every settlement. However, due to many reasons, most of these settling histories were not in record, and as memories of these early settler stories faded away, they will be lost forever. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the documentation of oral histories to preserve our own local and regional histories.Sungai Udang is such an example. It is a century old fishing settlement, in northern Perak, made up of mainly Teochew dialect group, surrounded by Malay kampungs, with connections to other Teochew fishing settlements nearby. It is one fishing settlements along the west coast of Malay Peninsula that still largely preserve its natural form of livelihood from the early settlers. However, due to developments in recent years, especially the decline in fishing industry, things are starting to take a change. Especially with the Mandarin language spread within the Chinese communities nation-wide, its Teochew dialect is also losing ground.Due to the fast changing pace of society in recent decades, we are losing our historical and cultural heritage at an increasing rate. New lifestyles have emerged, creating ever new generations with completely different social experiences. Lifestyles of our early settlers are mostly drowned in the tide of social developments. However, memories of early livelihood and settler stories still remain among the older generations, mostly aged 70 and above, whom were widely recognized as the last generation preserving some of our historical and cultural heritage of our early settlers. Therefore, with the passing of this generation within the next 10-20 years, this heritage will be lost to us forever.“Guardian 1.0·Sungai Udang” project aims to rediscover and document the local history, culture and dialect of Sungai Udang. We hope that this project will create awareness and understanding of the local historical and cultural heritage passed down from our fore-fathers, and appreciate this land that we inherit.

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Project IGNITE

Project IGNITE, previously known as ASEAN Project is one of Project Based on Exchange (PBox) that was initiated by AIESEC Local Committee in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Through Project IGNITE 2016, AIESEC wish to enhance the socioeconomics of the indigenous communities in Kampung Kachau Luar, Semenyih. In the field of entrepreneurship, by collaborating with Fakulti Ekonomi & Pengurusan (FEP), various efforts to help indigenous communities to enhance their socioeconomics will be introduced. Among the initiatives introduced are helping them in promoting their eco-tourism (jungle trekking), selling of their handicraft products, provide short-term courses such as basic accounting and bookkeeping to the aboriginal communities and many others.Besides helping them to enhance their socioeconomics, education is also very important at the moment. It is the biggest challenge for these indigenous community in order for them to compete in the modern world. Considering dropout percentage among orang asli children is very high, efforts to channel the importance of education to the indigenous communities will also be carried out with the help of the international facilitator. By doing this, we sincerely hope to reduce the education gap between the urban and orang asli children in Malaysia.Workshops that focus on secondary schools , private higher learning institutions , and matriculation colleges around the Kajang, Bangi, Semenyih and Cheras areas will also be held and facilitated by exchange participants .The workshop is conducted to educate high school students on the knowledge of social entrepreneurship as well as the relevant soft-skills needed for career development. We wish to reach out to youths in order to prepare them for future regional economic challenges.

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Environmental Protection
Kuala Sepetang – Waste Separation Awareness Campaign

Kuala Sepetang is a traditional fishing village in Perak, Malaysia. It is formerly known as Port Weld. The first railway line in Peninsular Malaysia was built up at Kuala Sepetang in 1885. It is mainly constituted by Chinese village (Kuala Sepetang town and Kampung Seberang) and Malay village (Kampung Menteri). Kuala Sepetang is a unique place and well-known for its mangrove forest. It occupied by various types of eco-species. The livelihood of villagers are mainly depends on forestry, fisheries, charcoal industry, agriculture and of course, eco-tourism. It’s inevitable that many youngsters have gone out to find better job opportunity outside Kuala Sepetang. It occur a similar situation as many other traditional towns that age population are aging. Yet, the exciting thing is the attractive environment has opened a new economic of scale for the villagers which is eco-tourism.The old generation has a little knowledge of the importance of perseverance of environment. They do not carry out the 3R which is recycle, reuse, and reduce. Yet, due to the limitation of municipal services, it is estimated that only 20% of residents connected to the waste management services provided by town counsel. Another 80% of residents have to take their very own initiative to manage their waste.  Not surprising, it has cause a huge challenge for local counsel and resident from the perspectives of environmentally and socially A large quantity amount of waste resources has been throw away to river way and seas. It has becomes a serious environmental issue for Kuala Sepetang. The precious mangrove forest could be damage by the long term waste disposal. The health of residents could be severe by polluted water sources.The unsettle waste resources has severe the damage level of flood in Kuala Sepetang. The rubbish has forming a resistance to the smooth flow of river way. When the raining is falling more than usual, those rivers way cannot perform its usual function. It has influenced the daily life of villagers significantly.Aside from that, those unsettle waste resources flow into the sea and affected the eco-system. The fisherman has noticed that the quantity of fish has dropped significantly especially cockle. There was a fear that mangrove forest will also get affected in future.As a result, it is time for us to begin and organize a waste separation campaign in Kuala Sepetang. Besides waiting for the implementation of water conservation policy by government, we would like to raise an activity that involves every residents of Kuala Sepetang to protect our environment. Everyone can contribute their effort by recycling their waste resources to reduce the effect of environmental issues.It takes time and effort to collect, separate and send away the trash, but for sure these process can really makes a better, happier and clean community.

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Arts & Culture
The Day I Met The Prince Children’s Theatre Tour

After a roaring success of our project last year at USM, with the vital and gracious support from Khind Starfish Foundation, the 2nd year students from USM’s School of the Arts, under the tutelage of Dr. D. Muralitharan Pillai, this year during our July–Sept 2016 Semester Break, take the Children’s Theatrical production “The Day I Met The Prince” on tour. In our journey to reach and engage a larger group of society through the platform of theatre, our tour takes us to the Temple of Fine Arts Kuala Lumpur and Temple of Fine Arts Johor Bahru.Theatre, to us is twofold, it is a medium of communication, and serves as a platform of interaction between the actors and the audience. Therefore, in combining the life skills of drama with the actoraudience relationship, we aim to create a new holistic paradigm in engaging life skills to society, through the performers and the audience.Children’s theatre is an art form, which fulfils the creative needs of children, cultivating their interest in the arts and developing their life skills, while igniting the love for education in general through the aesthetics of the arts.We believe that by utilising the tools of drama in Children’s Theatre, which is essentially, a process of stimulating creativity, in engaging perceptions of the world and themselves. And most crucially, it acts as a scaffolding to stretch their creative imaginations in mapping a pathway to realise their dreams. We believe that we can, spark the imaginative process of creativity in a child. For when we, nurture creativity, we give birth to imagination, and when imagination blossoms, the fertile process of seeking knowledge is awakened. This in turn, we believe, in time, will move toward a world free from poverty.

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
We Love , We Care 2.0

INTI International University Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Club was established in June 2012. The club aims to be able to provide health care to those who are not able to do so due to financial difficulties. In addition, we would also like to increase the personal health awareness and provide alternative health care knowledge among these people through TCMUp to now, charity care is one of the significance components of the club’s mission. In the previous years, the TCM club has constantly collaborated with external charity organizations such as Tzu Chi and Remedic Healthcare Foundation (RHF), to provide basic medical health care for the poor and the destitute as well as teaching them to improve their health. We also had collaborated with China Medical University (CMU) for the charity treatment events.Our club strongly believes that everyone has the right to receive adequate medical care regardless of their social statusand should able to access medical assistance. As a matter of human dignity, everyone is entitled to health care. To that end, healthcare should be considered an essential building block for a healthy community. Sadly to say that through our regular visits to different places, there are still have low-income groupswho do not receive adequate healthcare.We often meet frail elderly and bedridden patients who need financial support and help for medical attention. Meanwhile, despite the subsidy from the government, some patients are still not able to afford the escalated medical costs. As a result, these would lead to deterioration of health and quality of lifeHealth is always above everything else because unhealthy people couldn’t carry out their daily life as usual. It is my belief that through providing medical education as well as treatment to the needy, this allows them to take care of themselves when medical assistance is not available. Hence, we are eager to serve the communities.The venue of this event will be in “Sekichan KHIND Company”. According to our survey, the communities in this area are mostly suffering from dampness syndrome such as Rheumatism. This is because due to their career mostly in Sekichan is regular contact with water such as fisherman, farmer. According to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a person with regular contact with water and wind attach, this kinds of situation will be easily develop dampness in their body, the dampness easily to attack and accumulate in joint, muscle. In the long term periods, it will become serious and leads to serious pain in joint and muscle. In medical term, we named it as “Rheumatism “or “Rheumatic disorder”.What is Rheumatism? Rheumatism or rheumatic disorder is a conditions causing chronic, often intermittent pain affecting the joints or connective tissue. This is also marked byinflammation and pain in the joints, muscles. The therapeutic interventions in such disorders is called rheumatology. This situation can be solved by using acupuncture technique.We have learned the theory and practical applications of acupuncture. Acupuncture is very efficient in treating people who are experiencing Rheumatology pain such as joint pain, lumbar sprain, knee pain, headache and others. If acupuncture is applied together with the Chinese medicine, it will accelerate the recovery of the patients’ Rheumatology pain syndrome.To ensure the care of this project will be divided into two stages:Stage 1, the team will identify the needs of the community.Patients with Rheumatolog pain syndromewho are unable to afford medical treatment will be selected for the program. Besides providing acupuncture treatment and prescribing medicine on the spot there will be booths set up to explain and teach the public on the methods to differentiate body constitution , as well as train the public to applyacu-point pressing and basic tuina techniquesto relieveRheumatologypain syndromes. Distribution of booklets regarding acu-point pressing and basic tuina techniques to the communities will be done.An information corner will be set up so that more people can get the information.At the same time, we will follow-up the condition of the particular patients, trace the level ofRheumatology pain after they practiced basic tuinatechnique. Consequently, tuina techniques training and Qi-Gong training will be carried out.Besides, we will provide basic knowledge regarding raw Chinese herbs. By teaching them to differentiate variety herbs with the flavor of herbs, they will be able to boil herbs according to their needs in order to improve their health.Stage 2, an analysis will be prepared to compare the scale ofRheumatology pain of the patients before and after practicing basic tuina techniques that taught by us. So that they will be able to cultivate and improve their health condition.In conclusion, we will expand our charity care throughout different places which lack of medical services and poor communities in the future. Besides that, it is also a pathway for them to know more about Traditional Chinese medicine. The charity event should be continued in order to create the awareness of health to the people as the saying goes, health is above the wealth.

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Environmental Protection
Clean La Jetée

Marine environments in Malaysia continue to face serious problems, mostly due to the worsening of water pollution over the years. Rapid development along coastal areas and influences from the mainland has been identified as the major factor affecting marine pollution. Jetty is a structure extended into a sea or river to influence the current or tide to protect a harbour. For example, it may use as a communication system of transport, the fisheries, tourism and others. But, all of this can be disappeared slowly if the jetty was polluted. Recently reported, water pollution in Perkampungan Nelayan Orang Asli, Pasir Gudang Johor became more serious and it already continuous almost 10 years and its make 120 fisherman loss the profit. According to the Malay Mail News, the polluted river was happened in 2008 until almost all the fisherman needs to pay all the loss every year. Their income has mostly reduced from RM 2,000 to only RM 800 per month. The problem was already reported to authorities but no action has been taken so far. The main objective of this project is to provide awareness to the Orang Asli and fisherman communities on the importance of the river to the life ecosystem. This project also aims to enhance the water quality level at Orang Asli Jetty area.  The water will be treated with effective microorganism (EM) mud ball to absorb the heavy metal content and treated grass absorbent to absorb the oil spillage. These mudballs purportedly contain properties that will purify water, improve water quality and solve sanitation problems. Whereas, the treated grass is a safer and more efficient methods of cleaning up oil spill due to high cellulose content and water repellent structure. The water treatment will be focused at fisherman jetty since jetty is the most polluted area due to boat oil spill and boat cleaning activities. Furthermore, Orang Asli depends on the water and fish as the main food for their community without knowing the habitat is already affected from the polluted water.  Extensive pollution able to eliminate all the sources of income including damaging the ecosystem and dirty water also can affect their health. An understanding of the process involved in maintaining and preserving the quality of water is needed to give people an assurance of health and safety.EM Mudball' is a mixture of clay, organic matter, molasses, minerals and a good combination of bactericidal lactic, phototropic, yeast and antinomycetes. All the ingredients will be crushed into a ball shape and thrown into the river. This Mudball can only be used after being dried for about a week.EM Mudball is formulated for environment disadvantages that are easily handled and submerged in water and act slowly from the bottom of the water. It aims to break down organic molecules such as waste, mud, heavy iron and so on. The material takes 30 days to dissolve and all microorganisms will begin to react to decompose any sediments found in the river. In addition, one mudball is able to clean about 1000 liters of water gradually according to the pollution level that occurs in the river. The good bacteria found in 'mudball' will be longer and more active than conservation using liquid EM technology. It is not only able to solve the problem of water pollution but also able to repair the existing water quality. The life of flora and fauna in the water is also preserved and the ecosystem of life is not affected.Figure below shows the E.M. Mudballs being thrown into rivers, lake and seas during beach and river cleanup campaigns. It also has been recognized by Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS) Malaysia and researcher Deric Tan from Sabah claim after a month’s throwing the mudball, the sludge and foul odor completely disappeared.“Clean La Jetée” may be one of the inspiring ideas that will change the minds of the young generation and the local community towards the positive thinking and the important of clean environment. This program will be carried out in collaboration with volunteers form Persatuan Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya of UiTM Cawangan Johor Kampus Pasir Gudang. With this collaboration, it is hoped that it will be able to attract more young generations to care on the cleanliness of the jetty. Furthermore, this program might be part of leisure activities such as do the mudball with the community and it is vital for humans to protect and control marine environments from water pollution. The more people involve with this program, the higher the impact of this group to care on the jetty since they need to clean area for their own benefits.

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Quality Education
Teachers to the Rescue!

Recently, there were a number of cases involving babies and toddlers died at the nursery. One of the factors of this is due to difficulty of breathing. Besides, foreign body airway obstruction is quite common to happen among babies and toddlers. Other factors that lead to these may vary but a simple and easy act may change the consequence. Having teachers who are equipped with the skills of first-aid training and CPR may be rewarding as they may be the ‘first help’ to the children in need. One may be lucky if the nursery is located near to the hospital, but what about those located in the rural area in which the hospital is one hour away? A first-aid could act as the earliest saving action that may change everything. Some teachers may have undergone the course but a refresher course on this is not something wasteful. Considering this, we intend to hold a first-aid training to 30 teachers from 15 nurseries around Segamat, Johor as the result may work wonders. The nurseries cater to the needs of infants and toddlers (up to 4 years old). This training will expose the teachers on first-aid intervention. It will be a one-day training which comes with hands-on training where the teachers will be honoured with a certification at the end of the training. Eight fire brigade students from UiTM will also be involved as facilitators during this training. This training is hoped to contribute to the society as it may save lives of the innocence.

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Autism is a Gift

According to Autism Society of America (2016), Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others and also well define as “spectrum condition” that affects the person’s behavior. Normally, this disorder happens during childhood. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDD) (2014) claim that, about 1 percent of the world population has autism spectrum disorder. However, currently in Malaysia, there is no epidemiological data available on the prevalence of autism in Malaysia. But, a smaller scale study by the Ministry of Health on children between the ages 18 to 26 months showed a rate of 1.6 in 1000 children, or approximately 1 in 62512 (MOH,CPG: Management of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children and Adolescents, 2014). Thus, in order to improve the outcomes of this disorder, awareness among parents should be increased. Besides, early diagnosis/intervention and access to appropriate services/supports should be done (Autism Society of America, 2016).In this program, we would like to cooperate with occupational therapy’s (OT) students from UiTM Puncak Alam, a Non – Governmental Organization Akademi Autism Insani and Association of Muslim Intelctual Generation (AMILIN). The target group participation in this program is parents with autistic children whom registered under Akademi Autism Insani and UiTM students. There are about 15 students will be handling this program. Five facilitators from ‘Persatuan Islam Al-Falah’, five from AMILIN and another five facilitators from UiTM Puncak Alam students.

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Arts & Culture
Chinese Cultural Camp

Malaysia is a country with several of races and ethnics. Each races have their own unique cultures and traditional costumes, included Malaysian Chinese. Organizing this camp is giving all Malaysian Chinese from different university in Malaysia a chance to understand and embrace their culture that have mostly being forgotten by not only Malaysian Chinese, but all Chinese from all over the world.Why is this happening? All of this started when the Ming Dynasty falls and China being ruled by the Manchurians(满洲人) for centuries. In that period, all Chinese cultures and traditional costumes were vanished by the Manchurians in order to take over the country and turn them to their kind. It was said that to vanish a race, you have to vanish its culture first. So the Chinese(so called Han“汉”) were forced to shave their hair and wear the Manchurian’s traditional costume.A huge crowd refused to shave their hair that time because it was said that hair is a part of what your parents gave and should be cherish. That is why a lot of Chinese were killed by the Manchurians with the slogan of “keep your hair without your head or keep your head without your hair”. Centuries passed, Chinese nowadays no longer know what is really their culture and traditional costumes. Pity to know that most of the Chinese wear Cheongsam and Samfu which is modified by the Manchurian’s traditional costumes and thought that those costumes are Chinese traditional costumes.Until an organization, which is Young Malaysians Movement (YMM) started to think and find out our true traditional costumes and cultures after discovering Hanfu, which is the Chinese Traditional Costume. So they stared to organize camps and talks in schools and public. Unfortunately, most of the Chinese university students are not able to attend these camps because of the financial problems. So, this camp is held to enable all Chinese students from different universities to attend this camp for 2 days and 1 night. With Khind Starfish Foundation, this program will be organized smoothly without worrying the financial problems.Furthermore, this camp will be having a lot of activities such as teaching Chinese traditional manners by the professionals who studied about this. Also, the participants will be having a chance to learn the Chinese traditional archery(汉射) in order to learn a lesson which is self-reflection. Thus, all Chinese students from different universities in Malaysia stand a chance to know each other and share their opinions.

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Environmental Protection
Clean Rivers for Recreation

River is one of the natural resources that provide numerous benefits to mankind. For instance, it may be used as a communication system of transport, marine farming, the fisheries, tourism and many more. However with the presence of contaminations, all these benefits will be vanished over time. Extensive pollution able to eliminate all sources of income including damaging life ecosystem. Moreover, dirty waterway can cause variety of diseases to humans, plants and animals.Stream contaminations and pollution can be addressed with appropriate actions such as river cleaning programs on an ongoing basis and having river care campaign with the local community. The main objective is to nurture awareness of the youngsters of the cleanliness and beauty of the river.“Clean River & Recreation” may be one of the inspiring ideas that will change the minds of the young people and local community towards positive thinking. This program will be carried out in collaboration with volunteers from Persatuan Penyayang of UiTM Cawangan Johor Kampus Pasir Gudang. Through the collaboration, it is hoped that it will be able to cultivate the interest of young generations to care on the cleanliness of the river. Furthermore, this program might be part of leisure activities such as playing remote control boat on the river. A growing number of young people play and involve with the game, the higher the positive impact of this group to care on the river since they requires a clean area for recreation purposes.

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Quality Education
Misi Banteras Masalah Literasi (MBML)

Department of Education and Training, Queensland Government define literacy as the ability to read, view, write, design, speak and listen in a way that allows you to communicate effectively. The power of literacy lies not just in the ability to read and write, but rather in a person’s capacity to apply these skills to effectively connect, interpret and discern the intricacies of the world they are living in. Helping someone to read and write effectively which many of us take for granted, can actually improves the future of everyone in our societyExcellent literacy skills open the doors to employment opportunities so that people are able to pull themselves out of poverty and chronic underemployment. Illiteracy is one of the biggest factors for underemployment and it happens a lot to the lower socio-economic status people. The children we observed got lack of education attention from their parents at early age. Thus this inadequateness leads to illiteracy problem amongst the children, and we are trying to start from here.Harian Metro reported that according to a survey conducted by The Global Campaign for Education, with thousands of teachers from 150 countries found that 106 million students from around the world failed to get a good basic education. Furthermore, Datuk Nafisah Ahmad, the National Library of Malaysia director- general, said that Malaysia’s literacy rate is 94.64% out of almost 31 million populations. In Selangor, a population of 6.2 million of which adult literacy rate is at 95.7% - which is 4.3% are suffering from illiteracy which equivalent to 266,600 people. Out of these numbers, there are 23 children in Kampung Setia Jaya (KSJ), Selangor who cannot read and another 35 children who are able to read but did not understand what they read.We believed that education and literacy are the tools needed for a society to arrive to its true form of happiness. Misi Banteras Masalah Literasi is a project to help the lower socioeconomic status community in increasing Malay and English language literacy level among the children in KSJ. We aim to accomplish this mission by conducting periodical classes of two times per week, which will be facilitated by students from International Islamic Universtiy Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak. This class will be using one-on-one teaching concept. Each class will be held for one hour and thirty minutes. Each student will be allocated with 10 minutes to read in front of a facilitator. This project will be using a wellestablished module from iSina as the ground and guide for the facilitators. All facilitators involved must attend three courses/workshops organized by iSina and all of them will be certified by iSina as a proof of teaching qualification.

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by Selangor International Islamic University College (SIUC)
Selangor International Islamic University College (SIUC)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Parents For A Day - Kidolympic

Introduction to Sunway Student Volunteers (SSV)SSV is a student leadership body in Sunway University. To date, we have more than 1,000 members and we are constantly organizing events to help the Poor and the Needy. We organize and help in more than 100 events on a yearly basis. In SSV, we believe that everyone can make a difference because a truthful effort brings joy to others.Parents for a DayParents for a day is a semiannual SSV event that brings underprivileged kid out to the city and out of their village in order to gain new experience and also provide a learning ground for the children.So, what is Kidolympic?In short, Kidolympic is a sports day event which is mainly organized for the Orang Asli children.Underprivileged kids eg. Orang Asli Kids do not have the chance to experience what most of us experienced as kids – sports day. Hence, we propose this project to allow the children to gain a new experience. Through this project, the children will get to experience the city, and we believe this would be a good exposure to them as they seldom have the chance to come out from their village.This project (sports day event) will be a good platform for them to learn some new skills such as leadership skills, communication skills and also teamwork. We would also get to build their confidence throughout this event as we would be giving out medals to each one of them at the end of the event.By organizing Kidolympic, we hope to make a change in the Orang Asli community by educating the children as they are the next generation of the community.

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Quality Education

Kg Melayu Majidee is a Malay village located in the city of Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. Its population is around 30,000 people. The huge population come from different age groups consisting of children (0-14 years), youth (15-24 years), adults (25-64 years), and seniors (65 years and above). The North-South Expressway's southern exit point in Johor Bahru Interchange connects Kampung Melayu Majidee from the direction of Ulu Tiram. Kg. Melayu Majidee is flanked by major roads which link to the city. Economically, it is surrounded by fast-paced developments for Johor Bahru. Kampung Melayu Majidee is enjoying the state capital's resources for humanitarian developments and township infrastructures.As a result of fast development and huge population increment, many road accidents occur throughout the years. On 18 February 2017, there were 8 teenagers dead due to the road accident during cycling at Johor Bahru. It was informed that the police picked about 20 modified bicycles and wrecked bicycles from the scene of the accident. From these accidents, it was found that many people do not pay enough attention to the safety awareness on the road. Rules and regulations, safety equipment and attitudes are important criteria for safety awareness.This project aims to help children in primary and secondary schools to have safety awareness on the road. It is important that they can take safety measurements when they are on the road to reduce the possibilities of road accidents in the future. It is hoped that this community project will spread to all districts in Johor and then Malaysia later.

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0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Helping the Underprivileged Community

We choose students from primary school in Kg Sg Balang Darat, Muar,Johor for this project because 65% of the students in this school are from low income family. Children in this area tend to follow their father’s footsteps by doing menial work in the palm oil plantation after finishing school.  They lack the exposure on possible job opportunities available in the market place.  Moreover, this area is infested with drug addicts.  Research has shown that children who grew up in disadvantaged neighborhoods fare worse across multiple measures of well-being than do children reared in neighborhoods with richer and safer environment.  Thus, to overcome the disadvantages faced by students from Kg Sg Balang Darat, Muar,Johor, this project aims to expose them to a fun, safe and interactive edutainment activities where children can experience the world of adults in KidZania, Kuala Lumpur. They will also be guided on enhancing their soft skills during group activities with our team. In the last week, they will listen to aspiring life journey of Mr. Mohd Sukur Ibrahim, a person with disability, who was granted the OKU Excellent Entrepreneur Award 2016.  Despite being certified as the shortest man in Malaysia by Malaysian Book of Records, Mr. Mohd Sukur successfully overcome all the challenges life has to offer.  The children who are able-bodied can learn so much from the talk. In short, this program is expected to cultivate strong desire and determination, and foster self-belief in the students to achieve greater height in their future.

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0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Soyai Malaysia- Soymilk SelfSustainability Proje

What is SoyAi?SoyAi Malaysia is a social entrepreneurship project of selling soy milk with the aim of helping the Myanmar refugees in Malaysia.How are we helping?In order to help out Myanmar refugees found commonly around the area of Sunway Mentari, we have decided to start up a small in house business for them whereby they are able to have their own small production line on site in their learning centre. We address their needs to sustain on their own feet independently. This is because we would like them to be able to survive without relying heavily on the help of the public as they have been constantly depending on the funds from the public.Through this project, Myanmar refugees will also obtain the chance to gain some business and entrepreneurial skills. This project is the perfect platform for them to experience and widen their knowledge about how businesses are being conducted which are life-long survival skills.The caretakers of the centre will also be taught on simple financial recording for business purposes. Through this hands-on method and with our burning desire and passion in tackling the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we hope more Myanmar refugees would be able to receive equal opportunities to receive proper education and hence, increasing the job employment rate of refugees in Malaysia.How do we ensure that this project will work?This project will be closely collaborated with the SoyAi Myanmar. SoyAi Myanmar team has more than 3 years experiences in this field and they manage to break into markets by having their soymilk sold at major shopping complexes and the international hotels in Yangon, Myanmar. Their clients include selected outlets of the convenience store, Park Royal Hotel, Yangon Bakehouse, Tutti Lethwei Gym, Go Green Organic Food Shop and the rest are private deliveries for offices and homes. Some offices order up to 100 bottles per week. Their current sales per week are about 1400 bottles of soy milk.Besides, we have also contacted a local soymilk seller to provide guidance to SoyAi Malaysia team.We will also have a back-up legal team for this project in the event of disruption as refugees have no legal status in Malaysia.

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Teach The Needs 3.0

Every year, there are approximately 10 candidates from Sekolah Tunas Bakti Sg. Besi, an Institute of Moral Rehabilitation, register for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, SPM. Sekolah Tunas Bakti is an Approved School institution for the education, training and detention of children established or prescribed under section 65 (approved schools) of the Children Act 2001. All candidates are under Court Order under Paragraph 91 (1) (f) (sent to an approved school or Henry Gurney School) Children Act 2001. However, these candidates do not have proper resources to revise, including textbooks and exercise books. Besides that, lack of educators is one of the reasons since  they do not have teachers to guide them. We would like to help them pass SPM subjects through lessons tutored by college students. We will also provide 10 sets of textbooks, reference books and practice books as study material. We understand the importance of their opportunity in taking this exam because it promises them a better prospect in life in terms of job security, networking, and dignity. This is our noble effort in providing them help that their environment could not because we believe that everyone deserves a second chance in life. We are confident that the effort put in to run this programme will provide them with a broad exposure to the importance of seeking knowledge in the future. 

RM 3,243.00

126% of RM 2,567.03 Goal

by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
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Environmental Protection
Project Alantic – To create a sustainable tomorrow

The earth is a beautiful place. It provides a natural platform to allow biotic and abiotic survive. It takes as long as 3.8 billion years for earth to create an ecological and biological stable cycle that we have today. In the other hand, modern civilization comes with consequences. Anthropogenic activities such as overuse of the natural resources, pollutions and use radiation.The earth has a 71% coverage of fresh and salt water. Hence, it is important to keep the aquatic ecosystem safe and sustainable. Although there are increases of environmental act and programs going on, there are always a lot more to be done in a normal individual daily life. People beginning to look into the environmental issues but yet they do not have the right knowledge and idea of how conservation works.With the Project Atlantic, we hope to spread awareness on the current issue and topic in the aquatic environment. Next, the green growth has been introduced to the public by the United Nation. The Project Atlantic will be carry out with the guide of the sustainable living goals (SDGs). Thus, the participants can understand and gain certain knowledge how and why is a sustainable aquatic environment so important to majority of the living organism. Beside, Project Atlantic’s syllabus has included the factor of practical living tips. Some hands-on skills will share in the sessions.Last but not least, we hope provide an option to the students to explore the applied science field but introducing and expose the participants the aquatic related careers and letting them experience the mini science conference.

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Chicken Coop Project

Temoh is a town located in the Perak region of Malaysia and the orang asli village, (Kampung Temoh) will be the location of the project implementation. Poverty is a major problem among the Orang Asli. A recent news reported that 1,329 Orang Asli children in Perak who are under two years of age suggested that 40 percent were malnourished by two years of age (Malaymail, 2019).  Besides, 70 to 80 percent of Orang Asli children are underweight or stunted in height by school-going age. In order to reduce malnutrition cases among the indigenous group especially young children who needs nutrition for growth, poverty should be eradicated.This project aims to improve the socio-economic status of the orang asli. The “Chicken Coop Project” participant lives in a 2 bedroom house together with his sister’s family of 6, a total of 9 people in the household of less than RM2,000 per month. About 4 years ago, they had a family member die at the age of 17 years old due to malnutrition. Currently, he rears chickens but on a small scale and the mortality rate is high. The overall outcome of this project will help to:1) kickstart and equip the participant with knowledge and skills to raise chicken, 2) provide complete shelter for the chicken so that chicken will not fall sick due to rain and flood, 3) source for alternative feeds to supplement and reduce commercial feed cost low, and4) to help them market the chicken at a competitive price.  Thus, the sustainability of this project is greatly emphasized.

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0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Helping the Underprivileged Community

Undocumented children include those who are stateless, dependent of foreign workers, foreign children staying illegally, children born from mixed or unregistered marriages, children born soon after marriage, children born of single mothers, and unregistered children from indigenous groups. As many as 43,973 undocumented children in Malaysia, ranging from seven to seventeen years old, were reported to be out of school. As a result of their status, there are up to 85% of illiteracy rate as they are not entitled access to the standard national schooling system. Study showed that poverty and citizenship status are the top contributors to the high illiteracy rate in Sabah. The consequences of illiteracy may have economic and social impact on the children. With little access to education and economic opportunities, they and their families are more likely to live in poverty.Teluk Layang Alternative Learning Center (Sekolah Alternatif Teluk Layang) is located behind Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). It started in year 2015 by a group of UMS students. Currently, the school teaches Bahasa Melayu on every Saturday, starting from 9am to 12pm. Most of them are from the ethnic Suluk and Bajau, and our target community are all undocumented. The eldest student is 16 years old whereas the youngest is 7 years old.To tackle this problem, PriviLAD aims to aid children from the Teluk Layang Alternative Learning Center by giving them literacy and life skills. Education is vital for them in order to help mould a person and to lift them out of poverty. It creates opportunities for children to develop skills that will help them provide for themselves and their family. Breaking the cycle of illiteracy and improving their self-esteem is important for them to be independent, feel empowered and can take control of their lives.

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Initiative to Zero Waste – Building a Composter for SMK Tebobon

Composting is very important for food security. Through the composting process, organic waste becomes the input to produce nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, increasing water retention and cation exchange (CIC) and increase production profits. From the environmental point of view, recycling these waste and applying it to the soil provides many benefits such as increasing the organic matter in soil, reducing methane produced in the landfills or public waste, peat replacement as substrate, carbon capture, soil temperature control and increasing soil porosity as well as reducing the risk of erosion and desertification. Realizing the importance of Composting, Engineering Faculty of Universiti Malaysia Sabah has produced a prototype to compost organic waste such as food waste and leaves. This technology is planned to be transferred to rural school which is the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tebobon to train the staffs and students to make compost. The reason why this secondary school is selected because, although SMK Tebobon had been awarded Anugerah SERASI in year 2012, through the Sekolah Rakan Alam Sekitar (SERASI) programme and for three years from 2012, 2014 and 2016, SMK Tebobon had been awarded Anugerah Wira SERASI, they have one main problem which is the unfinished composting project. The existing composting project in SMK Tebobon was discontinued due to lack of expertise in the field as well as allocation. The existing composting system is an open system (Refer Figure 1) which has led to many problems such as the presence of stray dogs and is exposed to uncertain weather factors. Thus, not only composting process will ensure the environmental sustainability to be achieved but it also enrich the quality of human capital in terms of knowledge as well as improving the quality of life. Besides, it help strengthen the pupils’/students’ character and taught them to love and care for the environment.

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Environmental Protection
Towards Zero Waste – Feel and Heal

Minyak Beku is a mukim in Batu Pahat, Johor. This area is famous for its beautiful beach and its history. Unfortunately, the villagers have low awareness on sustainability and pollutions. SJKC PING MING is located in a fishing village located at Minyak Beku, Batu Pahat, Johor. This primary school has low number of students, which is less than 100. Almost 99% of the students are from the fishing village where their parents work in the fish industries. Inside the school compound there is a small abandoned agriculture land. Hence, AQSA decide to guide the students in SJKC PING MING to reuse the abandoned agriculture land in a sustainable way of 5R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Repair).According to The Star, Malaysia generates about 38,000 tonnes of solid waste per day. From this, nearly half of the total solid waste consist of food waste, 44.5%. Most of this wastage conditions also occur in other developing countries. Excess food waste has become a worldwide problem as it is impacting the environment negatively. In the landfill, anaerobic digesters break down food waste in an oxygen-free environment. Methane is produced during the food waste undergoing anaerobic decomposition. Methane is one of the greenhouse gases, which contributes to global warming. Composting the food waste is an alternative method compared to landfill or incinerating. Food waste decomposition also helps to save space in landfills and reduce the methane emission. Composting is a natural process, where the decomposer breaks down organic materials into a dark rich substance. The compost can help to suppress plant diseases and enrich the soil.

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0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Cultural Inculcation

Globalization is “the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale”. This idea is mainly based on Western philosophy and the idea of transparency from it has indirectly bring everyone into a mutual values and belief. The idealism of standardizing everything at the globalization scale has change the majority lifestyle, such as having everyone to speak English and adopting a materialistic and individualism lifestyle. However the emergence of such culture in countries such as Malaysia, have a certain impacts on their culture and tradition. For example, Malaysians possesses many language skills such as Hokkien, Bahasa Melayu and Tamil. However, as technology emerges in their life, these languages are neglected because the vital language to master technology is English. In long-term, all they left with will be what they can benefit from, not what they are made of. Globalization is able to bring together believers of the same but destroy those with alternate beliefs, subsequently leading to extinction of certain culture. Malaysia is well known for being a diversified country. Having all the ethnics together, the fusion of the culture has created a unique identity for Malaysians. The concept must be implanted strongly, especially into the minds of young adolescences that are still building self-identification with their country and ethnics. By truly understanding and appreciating it, they are able to protect their culture and overcome manipulation of multinational corporations and modernization. This project aims to inculcate culture awareness on orphanages. To achieve the objective, volunteers will be acting as facilitators and mentors to the children from orphanages to help them in understanding the culture of Malaysia. Volunteers will personally learn and then impart the knowledge to the children through various activities, such as Wau making and delicacies baking to ensure that both practical and basic knowledge of culture is genuinely absorbed by the children. It gives them a chance to learn traditions despite not having a family to demonstrate the practices to them.    

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0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Arts & Culture
“Serakal Berzanji 4 Youth”

Berzanji is an intangible cultural heritage that has long been practiced in Malay society in Malaysia. There are many good values for character building and human relation embodied in Berzanji.Normally, this Malay heritage is held during the Maulidurrasul (Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday) celebration and also during the ceremony of celebrating birth and marriage.However, not many young people know the origins and philosophies behind this Berzanji tradition. The Arabic words in Berzanji are being read without full understanding of its meaning so that the stories and values in Berzanji are left unknown and unstudied.Plus, the Berzanji tradition is no longer a compulsory activities in the Malay community celebration.Nevertheless, in Sungai Kuali Serkat Pontian village, this tradition is still preserved. This cultural heritage is an asset with can support a sustainable rural development.This tradition reinforces the family institution, especially in educating children with the value of love, care, gratefulness and tolerance. The instillation of this value is not only in words or stories in berzanji but also through the symbolic events such as hair shaving and harmony interaction between members of the community during the event.Thus, “Serakal Berzanji 4 Youth” is planned to restore the uniqueness of Berzanji for the young and modern generation. This can be achieved by taking the Kampung Sungai Kuali Serkat Pontian as a model.This project involves university students, local residents, school children and NGOs as an effort to strengthen Malaysian society unity through conserving and revitalizing the art of Berzanji as cultural heritage.

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0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Animal Protection

The Malaysian secondary school students have a poor command of English & lack of good communication abilities. Based on the National Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (Pre-school to Post-Secondary Education), 3 of 10 of secondary students achieved a minimum credit in SPM English paper. At the same time, one of the most highlighted importance of raising quality of education by the general public is communication skills among secondary students.Thus in accordance to the 4th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG #4), project Speak Up! is created by AIESEC in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) to specifically target the English proficiency level of Malaysian primary & secondary school students.By collaboration with MyReaders in the field of education training and facilitate, various effort is made to ensure the impact of the project. Among the efforts would be Read for Life high school workshops to help to improve literacy of student that have learning difficulties in English. This is done by syllabus designed by MyReader to target specifically for those student that have learning difficulty and can’t catch up with their peer in school.Beside Speak Up! workshop is another initiative to expose the concept of Sustainable Development Goals to students and to improve their presentation skills. Volunteers will teach students on how to relate SDG to our community, and coach them on how to present their ideas during the end of the workshop.Focused on secondary schools and primary school students around the area of Kajang, Bandar Baru Bangi, held and facilitated by international volunteer that came from Asia Pacific region.

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Helping the Underprivileged Community

Education is also one of the National Key Results Areas (NKRA), which was launched in 2009. With regard to the NKRA, the Malaysian government targeted that by 2012, all students would acquire the basic reading and writing skills after three years of schooling. By 2015, the Malaysian Government is targeting all children in this country to have at least primary education.The Orang Asli children are not to be left behind in the focus of national educational development. Enormous efforts have been made since independence in 1957 up to now which aimed to improve the standard of formal education to those who live largely in rural areas. We want to collaborate with Malaysia Outreach Volunteer Experience (MOVE). The is a non-profit organization that aims to empower young people to get involved in volunteerism and humanitarian; also to achieve, namely to strengthen the domestic economy by supporting the vulnerable groups in the B40 (Low Income) community.There are 3 pillars of MOVE:           1. Knowledge & Awareness           2. Attitude & Behaviour            3. Opportunity & Skills DevelopmentThis is to align to the national aspiration to commit the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  “Competitiveness, productivity, innovativeness and capability in management of new technologies in Malaysia will be determined by the quality of its human resources. […] In view of the challenges ahead, Malaysians should be well equipped with a strong base in education and training. (Government of Malaysia, 2012)”One of MOVE segmentation program is MOVE Edu; for the first time MOVE work together with Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) to provide engaging and interactive education for Orang Asli kids in Maran, Pahang. HRDF has sponsored a mobile library cabin that also can serve as class for the kids; HRDF also provide some allowance for the volunteer. The project timeline started from August 2018 until February 2019. Currently we have about 30 indigenous kids aged from 10 - 12 years old.  We believe, this special gems need to be nurtured and to attract them with interactive educational approach which slightly difference from school teaching.

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0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Quality Education
GREAT (Generating Rural Environmental Awareness Team)

Naziha a/p Hair, one of our batchmates, is from an indigenous group that has long struggled to deal with the community's attitude toward environmental awareness. They don't know how to recycle and properly handle solid waste, in addition to lacking basic environmental awareness regarding air, water, and noise pollution. Also, she informed that the "suku kaum batek" indigenous adult community has its own specific ideology and finds it difficult to accept outsiders' opinions. As a result, we would like to help them to handle this problem by educating the community and promoting environmental awareness, particularly by focusing among children. So, we are running this project to emphasise the environmental health of the indigenous community for their social, cultural, economic, physical survival and well-being in order to increase the cultivation of natural resources and revive the environment of their village area. Therefore, we are honoured to work with the indigenous community to maintain a safe balance between the natural world and those who inhabit it.This effort focuses on the concept of fun-based learning, which uses engaging ways that include cognitive, emotional, and behavioural components to introduce young people to the importance of environmental stewardship. 

RM 2,677.50

128% of RM 2,084.00 Goal

by Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Advocacy In Decomposed fertiliser (AIDER)

The people who live in Teluk Layang are considered stateless, which indicates that the government does not recognise their citizenship despite being born and raised in this country. Their predicament caused the denial of their human rights, despite the fact that they had no control over the fact that they were born without citizenship in this country. This was not in any way a decision they made. Because of the complexities of the situation, generations of stateless people in Sabah have gone undocumented, with the number growing by the year. Although no official figure has been established, their population is estimated to be between 500,000 to 1,000,000 people.       Due to the absence of legitimate identification papers, it is difficult for individuals from Teluk Layang to find work in the public or private sectors in this country. Unemployment drives them to hunt for other possibilities to get money to buy needs. Farming is a highly significant activity in their society. There are around 400 villagers that primarily rely on agricultural operations as their major source of income and food.       Fertiliser is one of the materials often used in farming. In the absence of fertilisers, agricultural output and productivity would decrease significantly. However, fertiliser prices are very expensive and difficult for these low-income communities to own.       Therefore, it is necessary to put into action an effort that will provide assistance in the manufacturing of composed fertiliser for them. It is feasible to increase their crop yields by utilising this composed fertiliser.

RM 517.30

106% of RM 487.30 Goal

by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
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Environmental Protection
Zero Waste Ecoenzyme Project

Kampung Sungai Buaya, Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang is a village of around 300 population that is known for its large farming area, palm oil plantation, touristic spot, which is the Taman Negeri Bukit Panchor, and also their local food business.  We have been informed by the village head of Kampung Sungai Buaya that the village produces a lot of waste including organic waste and plastic bottles/container waste daily, but the villagers are not well informed about recycling their wastes into something useful. Instead, 90% of the wastes in the village are combined in the provided garbage bins and picked up by the district’s garbage collector and sent to the landfill without going through the recycling process.  Our project is about recycling and converting organic waste into a multi-purpose solution known as eco-enzyme or garbage enzyme, for cleaning, fertilizers insecticides, wastewater treatment, etc. Eco-enzyme has been reported by many research papers from countries such as India and Thailand that it could assist in reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and also plastic bottle/container waste substantially.  The village head of Kampung Sungai Buaya agreed that our project could substantially help their village’s waste management. Thus, we would like to start our first journey to overcome their issues by organizing our outreach programme with the villagers of Kampung Sungai Buaya, Nibong Tebal and educating them about using their wastes to  create their eco-enzyme solution. 

RM 716.00

280% of RM 255.60 Goal

by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Theraplay 2.0

Pusat Jagaan Warga Istimewa Kempas is a home for the special needs community. The organisation was established in 1993. Currently, this charity home consists of two double-storey houses that accommodate 25 beneficiaries with the age range of 13 to 98 years old. It provides shelter, individual care, health well-being  and self management to the beneficiaries with multiple incurable disabilities such as autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, mentality retarded and learning difficulties.  Through the interview with the founder, we found that most of the beneficiaries are mentally challenged and face difficulties in social interaction and daily activities. These beneficiaries are lacking physical activities due to insufficient equipment and a conducive outdoor environment. They only have light exercise which might not be sufficient to improve their physical and mental health conditions. Besides that, no professional equipment or consultancy that can aid their therapy. Furthermore, the founder hopes that the beneficiaries are able to live happily with the support provided by the charity despite the harsh life they are living. Hence, we hope to transfer landscape architecture knowledge to improve their outdoor environment in solving current problems. In short, we proposed a landscape master plan for the charity home to restorate an outdoor environment by providing relative benefits of therapeutic and healing activities to the unprivileged community. 

RM 1,100.00

219% of RM 501.49 Goal

by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
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Arts & Culture
Hello Seletar!

Sungai Temon is an ethnic minority village of about 400 people. Here lives a group of sea people who live by the sea. They mainly focus on fishing activities for a living and they live in 9 different villages individually. This group of sea people has their own ethnic culture, history, and tradition, which is also one of the multi-ethnic characteristics of Malaysia. After our conversations with local leaders Mr. Lam and Mr. Jeffree, we found that they are facing many economic, educational, and cultural heritage issues. Their fishing industry has been affected due to environmental pollution caused by reclamation activities and development plans. At the same time, due to the mother tongue of ethnic minorities, it is difficult for them to learn new things, so most young people drop out of school and continue to work in the fishing industry. Fortunately, there is a group of community workers that comes to their village to teach the children English regularly recently. In terms of culture, they also frankly said that because their cultures are passed on from generation to generation through oral language, some traditions gradually disappear and cannot be passed on accurately from generation to generation. We also found that as early as 2014, there were enthusiastic people, Mr. Choo, who helped to found the Seletar Cultural Center and set up a small museum to preserve the culture of the “sea people”. However, due to a lack of management and responsible individuals, it has been stagnant at present, and the building is too rudimentary. Its unique cultural and national characteristics cannot be recorded and inherited more accurately and cannot play their true role. Through the research and experience with orang Seletar, we have found out that they have faced many problems and the public is not aware of it. Hence, it causes society to be neglected. Although the news has reported about their difficulties and background, their culture still remains a mystery to many. Moreover, the Orang Seletar are sea nomads with different environments, but they are still part of the culture of Malaysia as it is a multi-racial country. As far as helping them is concerned, the government currently does not provide adequate assistance so the help that they are getting is very minimal in Johor Bahru said by the Orang Seletar compared to those in Borneo. This is why we want to help them so more people can learn about them.  Hence, as design and mass communication students, we will help to record their traditional arts & culture by using our specialty in design and advertising. We will publish a book and make some documentaries about their history, arts and culture to raise awareness to let the public understand the situation they are facing.

RM 6,230.00

101% of RM 6,108.66 Goal

by Southern University College
Southern University College
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Animal Protection
Save Animals Through Unity (S.A.T.U)

There are simply too many cats for the number of homes that want a pet, and we humans are not always the most responsible guardians even when we do accept these animals into our homes. Too frequently, cats end up lost or abandoned and revert to a feral lifestyle in order to survive. Animals shelters suffer under the weight of high demand for services and too few resources, and the result is a burgeoning population of unowned cats that urgently require attention and effective management.There are some organisations that claim to have compassion for animals and to stand up against cruelty to animals are not endowed financially nor have the capacity of house and care for the exploding stray population. Ending up, they still comes out with the same situation which is abandoning animals because of some reasons. Every year, thousands of cats suffer as strays and these high numbers are the result of unplanned litters.The population dynamics of stray cats make the problem particularly difficult to deal with, while the effects of predation by cats and the spread of disease affect all of us to some extent.Not only that, with the recent event of covid-19 pandemic have cause the government enforced Movement Control Order(MCO) to control the spread of covid-19. Under MCO, many people staying indoors and non-essential businesses including restaurant and roadside eateries were shut and closed. This make the situation of stray animals becoming hard as their usual food and water supply from these businesses and restaurants are suddenly cut off which causes them to face starvation and dehydration.Hence, to combat the problems caused by the cat overpopulation crisis, we as a society need to acknowledge the value of cats and raise the level of care and responsibility for these domestic animals. So, animal welfare is one of the most important thing to overcome this problem. In this aspects, we need to consider about animal care and its food during this pandemic.

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Arts & Culture
Share Happiness with handicraft

So many people lament the coldness of modern society. People could care less what happens. People that care less are from young children such as primary school children till universities student even for those who graduated and started their career. Therefore, we need to solve this issue by reducing coldness of modern society, we can educate the young’s so that they are capable and creatives to create a handicraft that can express their thoughts and love. The handicraft is a token of our regard. This handicraft skill should be educated and cultivated when one is young. This handicraft skill can be learned through face-to-face or online platform, we can better understand the need to learn and to show our love because the community need our love to warm it. This project is a special event which provide a platform to share, train participant’s creativity and critical thinking, by use the material or sources nearby that available to make a handicraft. The handicraft can gift as a present to someone who is special or mean to you. The receiver can be a stranger, your roommate, friends, course mates, partner, family member, teacher or lecturer. In this indifferent society, we need a little surprise or gift to share with the important people or the person we care so that they can know and feel that they are mean to us. We are less creatives, we only show our care and love by buying present which are expensive. Back to basic, we can make special and grand handicraft to utilize our creativity and gift this handicraft to show our love to others.The participants can learn new origami (instructor is demo and guide the origami folding process), simultaneously participants can practice and follow the techniques on how to fold handicraft such as roses, heart, boxes and small decorations such as stars and . In addition, this workshop provided small accessories to participants to enhance, add on and decorate their handicraft. All handicraft created are exhibit to all participants to review each participant’s ideas and photos is taken as memories and as future reference and exhibition. The photos and output will save as exhibition and open to public. The participants can reduce stress by enjoy doing handicraft. Handicraft is one of the best methods to show and share our loves and cares to people nearby and this action can cheer people that feel down or not in good mood. We students have a lot of wastepaper such as used A4 paper. We may do handicraft creatively with the recycle paper and decorate it with poster colors or spray color. We also can directly use color paper and manila cards to proceed and fold the handicraft. Small decoration such as cuddly toy or snacks can be added to increase the handicraft’s value.

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Environmental Protection

Even in 2020, not all households in Sabah have access to clean water for daily use. It has become a major drawback for the community especially in rural areas to carry out their daily lives. Clean water plays an important role as a basic need for our daily lives. For some rural areas in Sabah, communities are struggling to attain reliable clean water supply. It was reported by Director of the State Water Department Amarjit Singh that overall water storage levels at major dams in Sandakan, Kudat, Penampang, Tamparuli, Semporna and Lahad Datu are relatively high, however, dams water reserves are not replenished with depleted rivers at critical levels despite the ongoing heatwave and this will affect societies which relies on these as their main source of water. Mr Amarjit said villagers still have access to alternate water source in similarly hard-hit Keningau; while in Bingkor residents will be sent tankers to supply them with much needed water. This hotfix solution will not remedy underlying problem of lack of clean water supply. With recent development and rapid urbanisation, water sources from river and rain may not be as clean as back then, this can endanger health as river water may contain harmful microorganisms or contaminated with pesticide and herbicide from farming/ plantation.Hence, we aim to provide simple basic physical treatment of water filtration embedded within water storage among communities to fulfil the demands. This can improve the access and quality of water supply and improve sanitation quality to enable the community to live a better life. Therefore, the villagers will have a safe and sustainable water supply thus avoiding health problems as well as improving their quality of living which we aim to eventually transfer the operation and maintenance knowledge for continuous function of installed treatment system.Technology BackgroundThe effectiveness of bio-char usage in wastewater treatment has been discussed in several studies. Char-filter absorbers have been practically used over the years for its low cost, locally managed and decentralized treatment technologies made it a sustainable treatment option for rural households to achieve this harmonization with treatment trains in modern drinking water plants (Kearns J et al., 2015). Biochar was produced from moisture-free, finely ground feedstocks and pyrolyzed under highly controlled laboratory conditions (Kearns JP et al., 2019). Biochar can be obtained by purchasing charcoal from either local shops or ordered online and cleaned it few times. Besides, the usage of biochar was proposed instead of other media due to its distinctive characteristics which include adsorption capacity, ion exchange capacity, micro porosity and specific surface area. The installation of this filter tank includes three filtration mechanisms and treated water storage for each barrel namely gravel roughing pre-filter, slow sand biofilter and biochar adsorbent. Gravel roughing pre-filter acts to remove sediments, gritty organic matter and some microorganisms and requires monthly backwashing in order to flush out accumulated sediments and solids. Next, slow sand biofilter is responsible to eliminate fine particles, biodegradable dissolved organic matter and microbial pathogens and requires filter harrowing in order to maintain the design flow rate. Moreover, biochar adsorbent accounts for organic & chemical contaminants discharge and require biochar replacement in 3 years cycle to maintain quality of water. In addition, the installation of biochar water filter was first designed in South-East-Asia countries and one of them was implemented in Thai-Burma border serving a boarding school for ethnic Karen migrant/refugee children. The system costs about $125to construct and can be assembled with minimal hand tools besides providing years of service with periodic maintenance of the water filter (Kearns J., 2012). This water filter used to treat water for direct drinking and serve other facilities. Researches in Africa also working together towards development of technology and implementation of biochar based water filter in Africa (Gwenzi, Willis, 2018). 

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Music Painting: Artistic Expression Through Percussion and Singing

Poverty is a social problem that can have negative impacts on the functioning of family systems. Studies show disruption of the functioning of family systems in all dimensions, where the greatest family disruption was found in dimensions of role, behaviour control and affective involvement. (SHS Web of Conferences 30, 2016).According to the statistics department in Malaysia, the absolute poverty rate in Malaysia is noted at 5.6% in 2019 following the revision of the national poverty line income (PLI) (Department of Statistics Malaysia). This data suggested that there are still families that are still living in poverty. Studies suggested that families experiencing poverty (FEP) are often exposed to unique stressors such as financial and housing instability, poor nutrition, and community violence. Poverty is an inequity that can create negative impact to both physical and mental health to children and adults who lives under poverty (Buckner, Bassuk, Weinreb, & Brooks, 1999; Raver, 2004).In a FEP, parents experience big economic and emotional stressors that can detract themselves from providing consistent, caring, and supportive parenting to their children. Stressors may also include single-parenthood, social isolation, substance abuse and mental illnesses. (Bolen, McWey, & Schlee, 2008). These factors may leave their children at risk on developmental challenges. (Foley, 2010). Moreover, parent-children relationship may be affected due to neglection and more seriously, child abuse. These can adversely impact children’s social and emotional development. (Bolger, Patterson, Thompson, & Kupersmidt, 1995; Samuels, Shinn, & Buckner, 2010; Sroufe, 2005). The negative chronic traumatic events can lead to behavioural issues and directly impacting children’s success in school. (Herbers, Cutuli, Monn, Narayan, & Masten, 2014; Herbers, Cutuli, Supkoff et al., 2014; Masten, 2012; Narayan, Herbers, Plowman, Gewirtz, & Masten, 2012; Obradovic et al., 2009; Smith, Stagman, Blank, Ong, & McDow, 2011).There is a growing number of scholarly studies that investigate music and poverty, that has provided valuable information on the music-and-poverty context. Psychosocial treatment interventions, including the music-based therapeutic interventions, may be used to decrease the effects of stresses related to poverty, and perhaps to restore generational gap between parents and children in a FEP context.

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Quality Education
The Green Ribbon Box Project

Children have a right to thrive, develop to their full potential, and live in a sustainable world.Sustainability in early childhood education, at home and in school, is an important part of a child’s upbringing. The older generation has the responsibility to make sustainable education a part of everyday practices, rather than a topic or theme to consider for a short time, it needs to be embedded within day-to-day learning. Sustainable education enables educators and children to promote a sense of responsibility, show respect for the natural environment, be active participants and bring about inquiry and social change. With this in mind, our group came up with an idea to help young children learn about sustainability while incorporating themes such as engineering, public speaking and teamwork. The Green Box Project is an initiative to distribute boxes containing clean and safe recycled materials and instructions for the children to make their own engineering themed experiments and inventions. The kits will have three types, the first being a Rube Goldberg Machine, second one will be a DIY Water Filter experiment, and last one is a Recycled Robot Coin Box. There will also be a book donation drive to offer the children more reading materials to help with their reading and writing skills.  The chosen area for this project is at Etania School, Beaufort. The school aims to provide quality education for marginalized, undocumented, and stateless children in Sabah, Malaysia. There are many thousands of children without access to education and Etania is determined to provide access to beneficial and relevant learning programs for these children. Etania schools run a full learning program, 6 days a week with all the necessary curriculum subjects. The school is located along a river with a history of massive floods once every 10 years or so. The destruction of the original rainforest and their replacement by oil palm plantations has increased the flood risk even further. Therefore, the prototype school is, not unlike much of Borneo’s vernacular architecture, raised from the ground. However, the classrooms are here lifted off the ground in an unconventional way.Some of the problems that we are passionate to solve are poverty, and to create a more sustainable world. Formal education in public and private schools have programs and campaigns that educate young children about the importance of protecting the environment and leading a more sustainable life. However, many children of foreign workers are not as lucky to learn about the environment as they are more skill-based.. We are grateful to come across Etania schools, with 12 branches in Sabah, that aims to provide primary education to the underprivileged children, through activities and daily lessons.Hopefully the Green Ribbon Box Project would inspire the children to learn and care for the environment, at the same time teaching them how to reuse and recycle materials. We will also have a book donation, as we will be making a reading corner at the school or a mini library so the kids can bring the books home to read so they would not feel discouraged about school during these hard times.   Since the Covid-19 pandemic, students all over the world had to resort to online learning due to the need for social distancing. These students have been impacted in the biggest way, especially since many of them do not have the facilities and gadgets necessary for a smooth transition from face to face learning to online learning at home. There is no fast route to solve this problem, but through the Green Ribbon Box Project (GRBP), we aim to help in small ways to encourage not only the children of Etania but also parents and teachers to motivate, and examine the readiness of the students to learn in fun ways that help strengthen relationships through blended learning. It is important to remember that since most students do not have access to online platforms, it is better to synchronise and blend appropriate approaches so every student can have access to learn. If by the implementation date, a gathering with appropriate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) is not possible, the Green Ribbon Boxes can still be distributed to the students of Etania for their learning at home. 

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Assemble to Assembly | Comm’UNITY’ activation

Kampung Datuk Keramat is located in district of Ampang in Selangor. Keramat’s residents are lowerincome folks up against the Mayor of Kuala Lumpur and the mighty City Hall. According to ketua kampung, there are always crime activities happen in the community.In 2015, AU2 ROLPOP Community Garden is constructed and launched in the kampung. This community garden not only raise awareness of river pollution issue to the community, but also function as a key element to improve the security of the kampung. It is because the garden has improved the relationship among the villagers and they have mostly known each other, which they had been working on their own before that. To make the relationship in the community progressively improving, Ketua kampung emphasizing diverse of activities among the villagers, while children plays an important role achieve the goal as the community garden are located just beside their kindergarten.Prior MCO, Ketua kampung has extended their friendship to us (architecture students) and ask if we could help initiate and to build a library for their children to hang-out and read, as most of them has very limited room space in their PPR flats. These would also ease the worries of woman communities that would like to work in the community farm, growing food for their families.We would like to extend the brief to research and build with CNC fabrication system (easy-assemble plywood system), to allow villagers to be involve in the building process with us with knowledge exchange, and for a better bonding and belonging towards this little public reading space.

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by UCSI University
UCSI University
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Environmental Protection
Public Plays | a sustainable playscapes

Kampung Belemang is one of the less noticeable rural areas in Johor, located alongside Muar River. The exodus of the youngsters has caused the declination of population of the village to 600 (estimate 70 families). This issue does not just affect this village, but most villages along Muar rivers.Kampung Belemang as well as most riverside village has suffered from inappropriate disposal of garbage that leads to pollutions. Besides, like most marginalize village, the lack of public places has led to disconnection of villagers. Starting from the year 2019, some villagers of Kampung Belemang has decided to re-organise themselves to draw focus on environmental sustainability and community well-being to transform into a new ‘sustainable village’, with this they missionize to be an example and reference for the other neighbourhood villages that facing the same problems. Village leader with the joint effort of some villagers has led to few new projects, andthey hope to exploring more possibilities in terms of creating awareness to public on village’s social and environmental issues. Last but not least with the hope village’s youths to return to help the village with the knowledge they’ve gained through education abroad.From understanding the situation, we hope to contribute our knowledge in architecture (the understanding of relation of people and place) to ease some of the social, environmental and community work. To instil the importance of a community public space, we hope to innovate a participatory and sustainable play-scape that could be fun for the children, that could then lead to gathering of families. These play-scape shall be able to self-built, self-sustain (self-generated energy) hence it’s mobile in nature, and we will be assembling the piece with villagers in order to create gathering places from different sites of the village.

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by UCSI University
UCSI University
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Environmental Protection
Community Plastic Upcycling Workshop

A shocking research by WWF has found out that Malaysia is ranked highest in Asia in terms of annual plastic packaging consumption, in specific, each Malaysian consumes 6.8kg of plastic every year. This is an alarming sign that plastic pollution shall be treated seriously. On the other hand, the recycling rate of plastic such as PET in Malaysia is quite low as 16% was recycled in 2019. (The Star, 14 Nov 2019)Not just polluting the environment, plastic will turn into microplastics and become part of the new ―food chain‖. It has been found in the guts of every marine mammal examined in Britain‘s shore, and Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) also discovered microplastics are indeed contaminating edible plants. Plastics have become a necessity of our daily lives, but now it is slowly invading our bodies. Actions have to be taken because we do not want to eat plastics.This is the reason why Hara Makers initiated a project called ‗Reimagine Plastics‘. We understand the use of plastics in our daily lives are unavoidable. We need plastics, but what we do not need is plastic waste. Hara Makers wishes to create a sustainable and circular plastic waste management. Or to put 3 Updated as at 5/3/2020 this into another words, it is a process of 'giving plastic bags a second life‘This is the reason why Hara Makers initiated a project called ‗Reimagine Plastics‘. We understand the use of plastics in our daily lives are unavoidable. We need plastics, but what we do not need is plastic waste. Hara Makers wishes to create a sustainable and circular plastic waste management. Or to put 3 Updated as at 5/3/2020 this into another words, it is a process of ‗giving plastic bags a second life‘

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Puberty with Dignity

Malaysia has no formal comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programme despite recording 51 underage pregnancies daily (amounting to more than 18,600 cases per year), without accounting those that go unrecorded. Data from the 2012 Global School-based Student Health Survey, along with the fact that 50.4% of respondents admitted to having sex before the age of 14, is shocking. The country has seen a corresponding increase in baby dumping, unsafe abortions and infanticide. Not even rape victims are protected in the aftermath of their trauma, with many married off to their rapists so the babies they bear may be ‘legitimate’. It is estimated that 39-45% of the fathers to teenage pregnancies are adult males, with 80% of these abusers being someone who was known to the victim and who groomed them for the purpose of sexual abuse, according to a 2015 report from the Royal Malaysian Police. Victims often did not know they’d been wronged. Here are the current statistics around underage sexual activities in Malaysia:1. Under the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017. It is an offence to have sex with teens below the age of 18. In Malaysia 7.3% of the teens have unknowingly committed this offence;2. A study from the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) revealed that only 12% of respondents said they used condoms. Out of that 7.3 per cent, (21:11) had multiple sexual partners;3. An estimated three million girls aged 15 to 19 undergo unsafe abortions every year. Uncertified, underground, traditional abortions prone to further health risk and excruciating pain. And, worldwide, one in five girls have given birth by the age of 18. It has been reported that in Malaysia, an average of 18,000 teenagers get pregnant each year.Listed are the problems we addressed with the SPOT Programmes since 20151. Underage sexual activities;2. Child grooming (online and offline);3. Child sexual abuse (1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys in Malaysia have suffered some form of sexual abuse);4. Teenage pregnancy (51 girls fall pregnant everyday in Malaysia);5. Level of STI among young people.

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0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Incubator Spa & Saloon For Oku (Hearing Disabilities), Aspenger Syndrome & Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (Adhd) Student

Background of the project Who is our target community?OKU students in Pusat Kemahiran Dalam Komuniti (PDK)  and Sekolah Pendidikan Khas it was disabilities center who are train them in skill works. It was student with Asperger SyndromeWhat Is Asperger Syndrome? Asperger syndrome is also called Asperger disorder, is a type of perforated developmental disorder (PDD). The PDD is a bunch of underdeveloped conditions for the development of basic skills, especially the ability to socialize with others, communicate, and use imagination. Although Asperger syndrome is similar in some ways as autism or worse than PDD but there are some important differences. Children with Asperger’s syndrome are more functional than those with autism. In addition, children with Asperger syndrome usually have normal intelligence and language development is approaching normally, though they may be problematic in developing communication as their age increases. Problems with social skills: Children with Asperger syndrome generally have difficulty interacting with others and often awkward in social situations. They generally cannot be friends easily. They are having difficulty getting started and retaining conversations. Eccentric or repetitive behavior: Children with very different developmental conditions and often repeat movements, such as squeezing hands or twisted fingers. Unusual fun or ritual: A child with Asperger's syndrome in his daily life always follows the same ritual and refuses to change his habits, such as dressing in a certain order. Communication difficulties: People with Asperger syndrome may not have eye contact when talking to someone. They may have difficulty using facial expressions and gestures and the meaning of body language. They also tend to have problems understanding the language in certain contexts. Range of interest: A child with Asperger syndrome can develop self-esteem and develop in several areas, such as considering sports schedules, weather, or maps. Coordination problems: Children with Asperger syndrome may seem awkward or awkward. Skilled or talented: Many children with Asperger syndrome are very talented or skilled in certain areas, such as music or math, beautician.How we develop and help this student based on the past pilot study? Improving the self confidence in Experiential Learning Skill (ELS) in Home Based Cosmetology Project to CERTIFIED AS A PROFESSIONAL BEAUTICIAN This project have done start as a pilot study from 14 students in Sek Men Panji Kota Bahru. A group of 14 special education students from Panji National High School (SMK) Panji, here, are trying to produce their own massage oil for spa use as a training at their schools. Their efforts prove that the low level of academic ability is not a barrier to doing activities that can generate income. With all the teachers at the school, the group of students who were all in isolation produced materials such as massage oils and lip balm used at their spa at the school called Teratak Spa. A student, Nur Syahirah Nabila Che Abdullah, 15, said she and her friends loved the activity and wanted to pursue it after school. I am happy every time I come to school because I can do the activities I like besides getting good service from the teacher. "Although I and other friends are sometimes slow to understand the direction of teachers, they are still patiently teaching us. "This product development science will be used by me as I am very interested in massage and spa," he said. In fact, he said, many programs were conducted by the school either inside or outside of school to give them.The program's teacher, K A Razhiyah, 57, said that besides being able to produce massage oil, the student also runs a spa at the school which focuses on healthcare and massage services. "Initially we just trained them with massage and beauty treatment process, then I got the idea to produce massage oil and lips moisturizer itself in view of its easy-to-learn manufacturing process. "So far, we have produced three types of massage oils such as pandan oil, fragrant oil and coconut oil, and also create lip moisturizers. I thank the teachers for their commitment to the task of educating these special students. love and no wonder they can succeed to this level. "Another proud achievement, when the school has successfully graduated from Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) and hopefully a new spirit of teaching will continue to serve these special students," he said for customers who wish to enjoy spa services and massage will be charged from RM5 to RM30 depending on the type of treatment. The Teratak Spa involves 14 students aged 14 to 19 who experience various problems such as Down Syndrome, Impulsive Behavior, Hyperactivity, and Lack of Attentiveness (ADHD), Mindset, Autism, Serebrum Palsi and late development. "All these products are processed individually in schools by these special students and are controlled by teachers here. The products will be sold when they are invited to the exhibition and have been marketed around Kota Bharu. "I'm trying to bring this special student to another level so that they have their own skills for future benefits. I do not want them to be underestimated because they are convinced that they are capable of self-sufficiency if they get the right guidance," he said, Special SMK Panji since 2008.

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Autistic Community Outreach

The project of Autistic Community Outreach aims to help the students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Resource and Education for Autistic Children (REACH) Segamat via the meaningful activities of vertical planting. Students with autism suffer difficulties in behavior, communication, social interaction and sensory sensitivities. By working together with the parents and teachers, this project attempts to nurture the autistic kids the interest in vertical planting, which may help to build their motor and social skills.Vertical planting is the vegetation that exists on a panel other than a flat horizontal surface. It can be as simple as a tier of stacked planters or as intricate as a high-rise wall completely covered in vegetation. Vertical planting is a wonderful alternative to potted plants. While potted plants have the advantage of being placed anywhere, they can take up space and require lots of maintenance. However, with vertical planting, there is only one large panel to maintain and the materials needed to build up the vertical planting structure can be from recyclable items such as bottles. The REACH Segamat was established in October 2008 as a Non-Profit Organization providing free services for autistic children and their families. The centre currently has 30 autistic students aged between 5 to 20 years. The center provides one to one teaching/ coaching, art and craft, music, pre-vocational training and helping the children in their motor, mental, social and academic development. With the recent moved to the new location, additional programme are added which include neuro-feedback, hydro therapy and sensory integration. Therefore, by introducing vertical planting, this project helps to promote the sensory integration of the autistic students. In addition, it is hope that this project may pave a way to generate some income to the Center in long run with the crop harvested from the planting.

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Quality Education
G.L.A.D. (Grammar Learning Adventures)

G.L.A.D. (Grammar Learning Adventures) is an innovative teaching method to help children learn English grammar through games. Children will be taught grammar parts of speech and they will be provided with enrichment activities in the form of board games and a grammar camp games. This will enable them to experience learning English through games. The school chosen for this project is a school in a rural area, SK Bongek, (NBA3011), Km 31, Jalan Tampin, 71300 Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. This school is one of the under-enrolled schools or Sekolah Kurang Murid (SKM) where the number of pupils registered were less than 150 from Year 1 to Year 6.  Students in this school needs to be helped in learning English. Due to the location of the school and the need to raise the standard of English, students need to be exposed to various experiences to motivate them to love the way they learn the language and eventually to use the language in daily activities. Undeniably, grammar is an essential part of a language. However, students are found to have grammatical problems in their use of English. This is based on the interview with the School Principal and the English Language teacher of SK Bongek. This has become an obstacle in their communication both in written and spoken forms.  Table 1: Results of March 2019 Test for Year 4, 5 and 6 SK Bongek, Rembau studentsYEARENGLISHABCDEPASSFAILNO.OF STUDENTS4Bahasa Inggeris Kefahaman1 (5%)3 (15%)0 (0 %)3 (15%)13 (65%)7 (35%)13 (65%)20 Bahasa Inggeris Penulisan1 (5%)0 (0 %)3 (15%)0 (0 %)16 (80%)4 (20%)16 (80%)205Bahasa Inggeris Kefahaman0 (0 %)1 (7%)2 (13%)1 (7%)11 (73%)4 (27%)11 (73%)15 Bahasa Inggeris Penulisan1 (7%)1 (7%)2 (13%)1 (7%)10 (67%)5 (33%)10 (67%)156Bahasa Inggeris Kefahaman1 (5%)1 (5%)7 (35%)0 (0 %)11 (55%)9 (45%)11 (55%)20 Bahasa Inggeris Penulisan1 (5%)2 (10%)5 (25%)3 (15%)9 (45%)11 (55%)9 (45%)20The table above shows the results of the Year 4, 5 and 6 students in their March 2019 test (verified by the School Principal, Puan Hamidah Othman). Generally, the passing rate is below 50%. The Year 1, 2 and 3 students do not take any assessments (as announced by the Malaysia Ministry of Education), hence, there are no results to be shown. However, in order to assist all the students in their English Language proficiency, this project will have the Year 1, 2 and 3 students to be involved as well. Grammar problems need to be tackled at an early stage also due to its importance in communication,. One of the ways is through grammar games and a grammar camp games and this project is called (G.L.A.D. – Grammar Learning Adventures).The proverb, practice makes perfect, which means doing something again and again is the best way to learn it. Hence, if these students from rural area are given the opportunities to practice English as much as possible, they will get better and better at it.  

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Sugud Waste Inundation Management (S.W.I.M.)

Kampung Sugud, Penampang shown in Figure 1 & 2 is one of the places that is often affected by floods. Last year, one of the biggest floods in Sabah swept Sugud on September 15, 2021 as shown in Figure 7. Based on Figure 2, without taking any waste into account, it is very crucial to have a river with good water flow to prevent flooding because the only road that leads to the main road is at the lowest level and the surrounding terrains are hills.There are two types of flood. The first type of flood is when the grading of the area is not designed as so to allow water to flow towards the river or drainage that when it rains, the water will not be able to flow naturally towards the drainage or in this case the river. When this happens, the water will pool up and seep into the soil and cause the underground water table to rise and cause flood. This is not the type of flood we are trying to solve but the next one is where the area has good gradation so that water can flow towards the river and exit the area thus preventing water to pool up. But in Sugud, it will flood when it starts to rain heavily where all the small to intermediate wastes starts to accumulate at the bridges ie the two points my team and I had found in the village. One way to solve this problem is by enlarging the river width and depth so that the wastes will not accumulate. But by doing so will need to reconstruct the bridge which will take a lot more costs. Our way of solving this problem is by providing the villagers a way to deal with the branches and wastes when it rains and starts to clog and slow down the water flow which will cause the water to start to rise and cause the underground water to rise as well thus causing flood. The said solution to the problem is by designing and constructing a waste entrapment made out of steel so that it acts as an interceptor during rainy weather and is able to be operated with simple pulley mechanism by the person in charge on the said rainy day as shown below in Table 1 in the Sustainability section.To combat this issue, our group has come up with a project that is able to reduce the rate of floods occurring in Kampung Sugud as shown in Figure 8. Figure 1: Kg Sugud areaFigure 2: Terrain overviewFigure 3: Station 1 locationFigure 4: Station 1 siteFigure 5: Station 2 locationFigure 6: Station 2 siteFigure 7: Last year’s flood at Sugud AreaFigure 8 : Sketch of the design 

RM 413.00

132% of RM 312.00 Goal

by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
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Quality Education
Pearly Starfish

SK Dato’ Harun 1 is a school situated in Petaling Jaya. There are urban poor learners, some who are orphans, who attend the school amongst the rich PJ community. These students have low confidence, lack English proficiency and communication skills as well as digital skills. Based on our interview with their teacher, Ustaz Faizul Razali, they struggle to share their opinions and thoughts due to their surroundings that do not provide them a safe space to speak English. They feel unmotivated and shy to speak when among their friends who are more eloquent. Due to these issues, they function a few levels below their peers when asked to engage in English, even though they have untapped potentials. Thus, Dr Adelina, our head of project, has created Pearl4PJ, a project that aims to help these students improve their second language acquisition, self confidence, and love for language by providing a safe space for them to acquire the language skills. The volunteers for the project are three B Ed TESL students of Universiti Malaya who are pedagogically trained in teaching and assisting second language learners.  Nearby, is a mosque with a nazir who is interested to assist with the education of these children. The mosque is Masjid Jumhuriyah, Petaling Jaya. The project was provided with a comfortable hall to conduct lessons. Learners explored the art of English language through readers’ theatre, puppetry, games, plays, storytelling and many more. Nevertheless, post pandemic, the volunteers realized that there is a need to add to the skills that were lacking among these urban poor learners. They were digitally illiterate and while learners around the nation worked on improving digital skills for online and hybrid learning, these poor learners are not able to function with basic digital skills.  To add to the necessary skills, the volunteer-teachers started creating activities that marry both English language and digital skills for these poor learners. They often struggle with using the projector that is provided in the mosque. They frequently had to ask the mosque supervisors to set up the projector which is extremely time-consuming and inefficient. In addition, the speaker is non-functional and volunteer-teachers had to use two devices at the same time to ensure the audio is audible. Moreover, when exposing learners to digital literacy, these learners had to share the teachers’ ipad and were unable to fully experience learning at its best. This is where the extended project comes in. Pearly Starfish is an extension of the Pearl4PJ Project, aiming to help these students’ learning needs by exposing them to digital literacy. We believe by helping the students to engage with digital technologies, we are able to provide quality education to the students while increasing their interest in learning English. Thus, having good tools to aid their learning is pertinent to achieve the targeted goals for the students.

RM 2,074.00

103% of RM 2,000.00 Goal

by Universiti Malaya (UM)
Universiti Malaya (UM)
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Quality Education
Mini Library Kampung Kuala Boh

We are propose a project to help mini library Kampung Kuala Boh, Cameron Highlands. The mini library facing some problems like lack of book and book rack, water licking, and other’s problem will state details in this proposal. Our objective is to help society of Orang Asli especially children can have a better facilities for their education and make sure they have a better environment for learning and reading. We will make the mini library sustain by collaborate with Briged Sukarelawan Khidmat Negara (BSKN) under National Service Department with the publication with local press. The total of budget is RM10,000 and the details will be list down. We hope that we can get the fund to help kids from Kampung Kuala Boh, Cameron Highlands. The mini library was officially launched on 16 Mac 2013 by YB Ho Yi Kap. It is a project that done by Briged Sukarelawan Khidmat Negara (BSKN) under National Service Department Malaysia. The location is at Kampung Kuala Boh, Cameron Highlands. The building of mini library provided by Kampung Kuala Boh and agree by Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA). This mini library benefited those Orang Asli from Kampung Kuala Boh and other’s village that near with Kampung Kuala Boh, especially children. A teacher from Kampung Kuala Boh is in charge of the mini library. But unfortunately, due to lack of fund and no people to follow up, the library cannot sustain anymore1) Lack of booksThe number of books in mini library not more than 1000 books. To make sure every people from the Kampung have chance to reading books, we are sure that the current number of books can’t meet the need and desire of reading by those residents.2) Water lickingFrom the above photo shows that the ceilings of the mini library are spoiled causing the water licking3) Fan not functioningThis library has 2 units of fan. But both unit cannot function at all.4) Lack of book rackThe mini library have only 10 units of book racks. But it is not enough.

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by Malaysia Insurance Institute
Malaysia Insurance Institute
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) Charity Care and Health Cultivation

INTI IU Traditional Chinese Medicine Club’s mission is to provide the best care to the public through TCM treatment and education. We strive to benefit humanity through work in these two areas, while supporting the needed group of people in which we live and work. Charity care is only one component of TCM club’s charitable mission. Educating the next generation of health care professionals as well as helping those who are in poverty either in financial or health to decrease the burden of human disease is vital to TCM Club. The club constantly works with charitable organizations such as Tzu Chi and Remedic Healthcare Foundation (RHF) to provide basic medical health care for the poor and the destitute as well as educating them about ways to take care of their health.Our club believes strongly that it is a human right to receive adequate medical care and that everyone, regardless of their social status should have access to medical assistance. As a matter of human dignity, everyone is entitled to health care. To that end, healthcare should be considered an essential building block for a healthy community. Sadly to say that through our regular visits to different places, we still see that patients in the low income group do not have adequate healthcare.We often meet frail elderly and or bedridden patients who need financial support and help for medical attention. Meanwhile, despite the subsidy from the government, some patients are still not able to afford the balance due escalating medical costs. As a result, these would lead to deterioration of health and quality of life. Therefore, charitable care is crucial and we hope to be able to do so with a potential community.The reason I want to carry out this project is because I come from a Traditional Chinese family background which often uses herbs to cultivate health. When I am sick, my grandmother or mother normally will use some herbs or natural materials to relieve my sickness without going to clinic. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a kind of treatment or therapy that advocates the principle of preventative treatment which means it helps to prevent one from getting sick or prevent disease from moving to a critical stage. As I am come from East Malaysia and during my time the medical services in East Malaysia was not enough and thus families from there usually go to Chinese Herbs shop to buy some herbs which they will use to cure some minor sickness when medical services are scarce.To me, health should be the priority for human and it is a basic needs. Without health, ones will not feeling happy and couldn’t carry out their daily lifestyle as they always suffered in sicknesses. It is my belief that through providing medical education as well as treatment to the needy group, it allows them to take care of themselves. Hence, we are eager to grow from our experience from this event to help other communitiesTo ensure a long term care, I would divide my plans into three stages. Firstly, my team and I will continuously follow up the progression through local authorities to build a long term relationship with the community here and understand what they really need. Secondly, my club is still in the progression of discussion on the idea of “Mobile Clinic” helping us to reach those remote areas and offer our treatment more frequently. Thirdly, through collaboration with those medical associations and media, we can organize similar event more frequently through raising funds and publicize the local condition through media hoping to search for generous benefactors to ensure the continuity of the project.This is just a starting point of our club and our funds are insufficient to organize a big charity care event. So, we will first start at Banting which is near to my university as there are some villages where medical services are scarce. However, we will focus in one group of people or one particular place or village first and when the event is matured enough we may be able to duplicate this to another location.We will be able to expand our charity care throughout the places which lack medical services. Last but not least, we always believe that it is health is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.

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Helping the Underprivileged Community

Like it or not, in our society, there exists a segment of the population, which is essentially left out or not cared about. They are being excluded, trivialized and devalued to the fringe of the society which prevents them from any meaningful participation in society. These marginalized people are excluded from mainstream social, economy, cultural, or political life. Do any of us even think about them for a sec? Do they appear in our mind for a glimpse? Or we just completely forget about them and only care for those who hold big title and name.We realized this reality and came up with an idea of organizing a program for the sake of this group. We want to get to know them better, listen to their stories and experiences, their sorrow and sadness. They, just like us, deserved good things in life. With this realization, we would like to educate the public through a theatre performance entitled ‘I’m P+’ with the aim of reducing discrimination and prejudice of society to this group. Not only that, we willorganize an exhibition focusing on:People Living with HIV (PLHIV),Drug UserLesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT)HomelessWhy theatre? It has been known that theatre is a powerful weapon in raising awareness. When a play is perform by a local theatre group, for a local audience in its own language, it  has the ability to reach an audience member with a particular message that can have a lasting impact. Moreover, the actors are from the community itself, who has experienced the hardship and difficulties. This will make it easier to educate the society about the focused marginalized group. 

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Selangor International Islamic University College (SIUC)
Selangor International Islamic University College (SIUC)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community

Project WCLT is an initiative to help orphans in Kuala Lumpur to improve their education. Recent news revealed that almost 60% of Malaysian students did not have the ability to read nor to do basic mathematics after SPM. Also, we believe that, every child in Malaysia deserves a chance for a betier education. Therefore, for first pilot project, we are hoping to help orphans in Kuala Lumpur to improve themselves, not just in education, but also in level of confidence, self-esteem, loves and above ail, to become a better person in the future. This project will be using students from iocal universities and it is hoped that, we are able to get at least four different educational institutions to make this project a success. These institutions will rotate amongst themselves every week to come to the selected orphanage and spend time with them. We do realize that, students in university have high commitment with their assignments, projects and hence, by participating in WCLT, they can learn something new which will be beneficial for them but at the same time, to contribute back to the community.WCLT is not only focusing in education, but we are hoping to give the children any assistance that they need, We will be giving a support system for the orphanage i.e buy exercise books, stationaries, maintaining the orphanage in good shape, share the loves and even our time. WCLT has high hopes on this project because it involves students from local universities/educational institutions and we believe that, this kind of background will give positive impact to the orphans to excel in their lives. We also believe that, every student has hidden potential in him or her to be a successful person in the future. By collaborating between four education institutions to look after one orphanage, it is going to be challenging but then, the first step would be the hardest. As long we understand our objectives, commit to this project and work as a team for the sake of these children, things will, eventually gets better. 

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by University of Nottingham Malaysia
University of Nottingham Malaysia
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Quality Education
Learning for All

In our society nowadays, the education children receive depends on where they live, what their parents earn and other factors that are not related to their potential.As stated in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025, around 36% of students enrolled to Year 1 in primary school in 2000 are either no longer enrolled in school, or have failed to achieve minimum standards in SPM examinations for core subjects (defined as Bahasa Malaysia, English language, Mathematics, Science, History, and Moral or Islamic Education) in 2010 where they supposed to complete Form 5. We feel that underprivileged students need extra assistance in their studies and also guidance in their lives.UPM is located in Sri Serdang. As part of the community, we feel that we can contribute to this community.We often see children wandering around at the low cost flat in Sri Serdang. They did not go to kindergarten because their parents could not afford to send them to kindergarten. Both parents are working in most of the families. They hardly have time and energy to help their children in their studies. Many of the students in the flat can’t understand simple mathema like 15 minus 8 even when they are in standard four. Some of the school age students can’t even read any single word of their mother tongue. Therefore, we are called to provide free education to help the underprivileged children.With donations from public, we succeeded to set up a community centre in the flat. After 6 months of pilot run, we succeeded to recruit 25 children from low income families. We also have a mini library where we get book donations from public. We teach the children and each of them has a performance record book. We evaluate their learning progress from time to time and share with their parents.The centre is old and has many parts need to repair. We also need some furniture, books, and stationeries so that we can accommodate more students’ needs.We strongly believe that our work impact the community tremendously. We believe that education can change the world. We appreciate each and single cent we raised from our friends and public. We use it wisely to make sure that it serves the children. The children here will never afford to have a computer at home. And we really hope to purchase computers here to help them learn to gain knowledge through computer.This is just a starting point for our project and our existing fund is not sufficient for us to organise more activities and buy necessary learning equipment for the children. We hope that with the fund from Khind Startfish Foundation, we can sustain our education project in this flat and continue bring love to the children.

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by New Era University College
New Era University College
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Environmental Protection
"Plant Seeds for Eco Sustainability" Environmental Education Camp

I come from Bagan Serai, a communication student from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. I had my internship in Kuala Sepetang one year ago. During my internship period, I had the golden opportunity to visit Kuala Sangga, an impressive small fishing village which I can remember it vividly after one year. The teachers at Kuala Sangga always hope for more activities especially camp can be conducted for the children in Kuala Sangga. This inspires me to organize this meaningful education camp and be part of the family of Kuala Sangga, hand in hand with Khind Starfish Foundation.Kuala Sangga, a Chinese small fishing village on an island, is about half an hour boat journey from Kuala Sepetang, Taiping. After the World War II, there were 52 households here with the population of about 300 people. But today, there are only about 20 households with about 100 people living here. Now there are only 21 students studying in the Chinese primary school.Until today Kuala Sangga only able to reach by taking boat, the remote island is lacking of infrastructure and are marginalized from governmental development initiatives, there is no water and electricity supply here and thus, villagers have to drink rainwater. Fishermen here mainly catch prawns and catch blood clams to earn income. Due to less of job opportunity, many young people moving out of this island.There is neither police station nor health care center here. But few Chinese temples could be found here. ONE of the most respected institutions in Kuala Sangga is SRJK (C) Poay Chee, the local primary Chinse school. There are 10 teachers in this small school running six classes with each grade. They stay at the school during schooling day, weekends and holiday will head back to hometown. The school is playing an important role to the futures of the children of Kuala Sangga. Most of the children will hanging around the school compound until 6 pm as this is the only facilities which is well-equipped in the island. The school has its own power generators and water catchment system, and the library, standing alone above the water, even has air-conditioning. Kuala Sangga is a remote area in which access to education is limited, most of the children families are from low income and low education families, the numbers of children who are able to go to high schools after graduate from primary school are low.Kuala Sangga is an island surrounding with Mangrove forest. The children either understanding the concept of environment or their knowledge have connection to their personal experiences and observation of the animals and plants at mangrove forest. However, their understanding of their local environment as a place is only locally, they appeared to have limited ecological understanding and limited knowledge how the ecosystem works.The environmental education application in school is still challenging, the school only teaching us how to save environment but not the environment education. Majority of teachers’ lack of knowledge about environment and teachers who being send to fishing village felt their knowledge about coastal environment is very limited.We believe that Environment Education camp will enhance their understanding about their environment and their place within it. The children and teachers have seemed to develop their conceptual understanding and knowledge, they will be more capable to deal with environment issues and have commitment for sustainability. 

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
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Quality Education

We are a team of IIUM Roboteam propose a project to do corporate social responsibility (CSR) to help the under privileged school related to STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) learning tools. With the practical approach like robotics that we want to bring, we hope that students are more interested and easily understand the theoretical knowledge that they learn in school. Most of the applications of robotic technology to education have mainly focused on supporting the teaching of subjects that are closely related to the robotic field, such as mechatronics, invention, robot programming and robot construction. Most of the application available have used the robot as an end or passive tool of learning activity, where the robot has been constructed and programmed. We relate the robotics with a non-robotic related subjects, such as mathematics and physics. The robotic kit also have a module to actively guide in the development of the educational activity. The robotics approach are presented based on a collaborative and constructivist learning environment, where the robot is able to act as an interaction mediator capable of managing the interactions occurring among the working students. We propose a research to develop multi-programming interfaces for the educational robotic kit. The main purpose of the invention is to increase the problem-based learning curriculum and the practical application of engineering concept learned in theory.

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

by Selangor International Islamic University College (SIUC)
Selangor International Islamic University College (SIUC)
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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Teach For Raub

Children in low economic setting and poor environment as well as marginalized community are often being left out and have lack of voices in the community. These children, such as orphans, estate school students and Orang Asli often do not have enough opportunities in academic studies as compared to other children. Orphanages, for example often face many learning difficulties and have high level of illteracy and innumeracy but unfortunately they cannot afford to go for extra tuition classes.On top of that, they are lacking of emotional support from others and have to attend many charity events organised by the wealthy people or organisations every weekend thus resulting them to have less time for academic revision. Similarly, Orang Asli and estate children have limited access to catchup programs. Eventually, these children often give up on their academic education because they cannot even read, count and write and hence resulting them to have low self-esteem. This would subsequently reduce or narrow down their life aims and ambitions. In worst case scenario, some of them get involved in various types of crimes and become beggars.According to Khokhar, Garg and Bharti (2005), 44.2% subjects have dropped out of school due to illiteracy. By 2010, only 15% Malaysians aged 15 and above attained tertiary education and only 61% attained secondary education (Barro & Lee, 2010). 9% of them had no schooling (Barro & Lee, 2010).Teach For Raub is established and has been registered under Registrar of Societies (RoS) to provide a locality education-catchup programs which hopefully could be a trend setter to other localities in Malaysia. Our Facebook Page and website can be accessed here: &

RM 0.00

0% of RM 1.00 Goal

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Arts & Culture
The Classic Stories in Kajang: A publication Project

In the current era of globalization as generation is continuously passed on by people, people might not vividly remember how the past used to be like. Kajang is located in the southeast part of Selangor and exist since our ancestor days, it is also a hundred years old town full of stories. Nowadays, traditional wisdom and handmade occupations are slowly replaced by modern techniques. The new generation is also very ambitious to become someone more respected such as a doctor or lawyer. This had caused the skills of traditional watches repairing hardly seen nowadays as the replacement of digital technique and the new generation does not choose it as their profession. All these stories and cultural heritage will be lost after the old generation pass away, therefore it should be collected and recorded through a tangible books, and passed on to future generations for memory, learning and reflective turn in future life, we name this book as “ The Classic Stories of Kajang”.In “The Classic Stories of Kajang: A Publication Project”, elders with traditional handmade occupation, craft art and skills, distinctive life experience and others culture heritage from Kajang area are interviewed and their stories will be recorded, written and edited in a book. These stories always carry a lot of valuable life lessons, knowledge and wisdom that should be preserved and shared to the world.“The Classic Stories of Kajang” is a collection of many stories that presented in words, photos and drawing form. We hope to share it with the public and encourage more people to join us and preserve the cultural heritage of the old Kajang together. "The Classic Stories of Kajang" is a book about all the hard work that the elders had contributed to the country development and collective memory of the past era.

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Arts & Culture

Although, in general, arts is beginning to be accepted within the main streams of the socio-economic structures of society; we feel that, we can be part of that process, in aiding and quickening the spread of its acceptance within society. As such, it is essential to get children to be a part of this blossoming process, for it is in the future of our children’s education, that generations to come, may evolve to eradicate poverty.In fulfilling, Khind’s Starfish Foundation Project’s three pronged criteria of education, poverty eradication, cultural and performing arts; we are immensely thrilled to suggest a remedy that will encapsulate all three of Khind’s Starfish Foundation Projects for Happiness criteria into one act of love, which is, a Children’s Theatre performance, entitled; “The Day I Met the Prince”.In a world of ever growing socio-economic status, there are some fractions of children who are being left out. Therefore, the heart of the play is focused at these groups of individuals, while drawing the attention to this Project for Happiness by Khind, that is; education, poverty eradication, cultural and performing arts.We believe that by utilising the tools of drama in Children’s Theatre, which is essentially, a process of stimulating creativity, challenging perceptions of the world and themselves, and most crucially, it provides an outlet for emotions, thoughts and dreams, we believe that we can, spark the imaginative process of creativity in a child. For when we, nurture creativity, we give birth to imagination, and when imagination blossoms, the fertile process of seeking knowledge is awakened. This in turn, we believe, in time, will move toward a world free from poverty.

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
We Love, We Care

INTI International University Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Club was established in June 2012. The club aims to be able to provide health care to those who are not able to do so due to financial difficulties. In addition, we would like to help provide the knowledge about alternative health care such as TCM.Up to now, charity care is one of the significance components of the club’s mission. In the previous years, the TCM club has constantly collaborated with external charity organizations such as Tzu Chi and Remedic Healthcare Foundation (RHF), to provide basic medical health care for the poor and the destitute as well as teaching them to improve their health. This year, we are going to collaborate with China Medical University (CMU) for the charity treatment events.Our club strongly believes that everyone has the right to receive adequate medical care regardless of their social status and should able to access medical assistance. As a matter of human dignity, everyone is entitled to health care. To that end, healthcare should be considered an essential building block for a healthy community. Sadly to say that through our regular visits to different places, there are still have low-income groups who do not receive adequate healthcare.We often meet frail elderly and bedridden patients who need financial support and help for medical attention. Meanwhile, despite the subsidy from the government, some patients are still not able to afford the escalated medical costs. As a result, these would lead to deterioration of health and quality of life.Health is always above everything else because unhealthy people couldn’t carry out their daily life as usual. It is my belief that through providing medical education as well as treatment to the needy, this allows them to take care of themselves when medical assistance is not available. Hence, we are eager to serve the communities.The venue of this event will be in Bukit Tuan Sheikh, Port Dickson as it is a place that Chinese medical treatments are scarce. According to our survey, the communities in this area are mostly suffering from joint pain syndrome. This situation can be solved by using acupuncture technique. We also found out that there is only one Chinese medicine clinic in Port Dickson area and due to the high medical cost of the clinic most of the patients are unable to afford the treatment fees.We have learned the theory and practical applications of acupuncture. Acupuncture is very efficient in treating people who are experiencing pain such as joint pain, lumbar sprain, knee pain, headache and others. If acupuncture is applied together with the Chinese medicine, it will accelerate the recovery of the patients’ pain syndrome.To ensure long term care this project will be divided into three stages:At the beginning, the team will identify the needs of the community. Approximately 30 patients with joint pains who are unable to afford medical treatment will be selected for the program. Besides providing acupuncture treatment and prescribing medicine on the spot there will be booths set up to explain and teach the public on the methods to differentiate body constitution , as well as train the public to apply acu-point pressing and basic tuina techniques to relieve pain syndromes. Distribution of booklets regarding acu-point pressing and basic tuina techniques to the communities will be done. An information corner will be set up so that more people can get the information.Secondly, at the same time, we will follow-up the condition of the particular selected 30 patients, trace the level of pain after they practiced basic tuina technique. Consequently, a second level of tuina techniques training and Qi-Gong training will be carried out. Besides, we will provide basic knowledge regarding raw Chinese herbs. By teaching them to differentiate variety herbs with the flavor of herbs, they will be able to boil herbs according to their needs in order to improve their health. At this point, China Medical University from Taiwan will be assisting with the project.At the last stage, we will have the last follow-up session on the 30 selected patients. An analysis will be prepared to compare the scale of pain of the patients before and after practicing basic tuina techniques that taught by us. As the last part of this event, a third level of Qi-gong training will be carry out, so that they will be able to cultivate and improve their health condition.In conclusion, we will expand our charity care throughout different places which lack of medical services and poor communities in the future. Besides that, it is also a pathway for them to know more about Traditional Chinese medicine. The charity event should be continued in order to create the awareness of health to the people as the saying goes, health is above the wealth.

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Quality Education
Beat & Dance in Nature - Exploring Mangrove Forest | 鼓舞红树林

Providing our children with nurturing environments is more of a challenge in today's world than it has ever been. Many children do not live in homes with yards and gardens to explore or in neighborhoods where they can spend hours playing outside. Even the children who do live in such places often have so many scheduled activities that they have very little time to spend in their yards and gardens. Many children are spending more of their time inside buildings than outdoors at earlier and earlier ages. When children are in school, unless they participate in outdoor sports, they spend most of their time inside.Kuala Sepetang is a fishing village located in Perak, the town was formerly known as Port Weld. Kuala Sepetang also part of the heritage of mangrove ecosystem. The 40,000-hectare Matang Mangrove Forest was gazetted as a Permanent Forest Reserve in 1906. Today, it is recognized as the best managed sustainable mangrove ecosystem in the world and under care by Perak State Forestry Department.As children today lack of opportunity exploring the nature environment especially the Matang Mangroves forest, so I would like to propose a program “ Beat & Dance in Nature - Exploring Mangrove Forest ”. This program will bring Kuala Sepetang children for the Ecological education in conjunction Performing Arts.\Arts education is an important part of quality education, especially for the Performing Arts, is a combination of physical education and aesthetic education in one, both of which are lacking in our formal educational system. In recent years, a group of artists in the country under the leadership of Director Soon Choon Mee under a project namely "Dan Dan Theatre Production” have organized several "Community Arts Carnival" activities in suburban communities around Selangor. She envisions fostering imaginative, creative and self-confident of our young generation through series of performing arts program; furthermore, her project also aims to build community resources, promote community solidarity, and shape a community rich in arts and humanities values.Performing arts is considered rare in Kuala Sepetang, in order to bring performing arts closer to Sepetang’s, and allow them to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere and content of art performing, we invite a group of passionate artists to share their creativity in this community.Finally, we will invite their parents and villagers to attend the kids performing Show. This is the most important sharing among kids and parents and also the community.

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Helping the Underprivileged Community
Happy Home

We are a team of passionate medical students from Taylor’s University with a belief that a seed of an idea fertilized by perspiration and perseverance can grow into tree of success. Therefore, we aim to bring improvement of quality of life to an orphanage named “Pusat Jagaan Beribuan Kasih”This orphanage was founded by Ms Kavita with a group of friends few years ago. However, her group of friends eventually let go of the orphanage after managing it for a few years for family matters. Fortunately, a sponsor was willing to fund the orphanage at that time. However, after funding the orphanage for 2 years, her sponsored eventually pulled out and left to the United States. That left Ms Kavita in quite a predicament as she had 10 orphans in her orphanage at that time. However, Ms Kavita did not have the heart to send the children away and eventually decided to sustain the orphanage, hoping that things would turn on well.Currently, the orphanage survives on the mercy of irregular donations of the good public. Ms Kavita, who is also the only person with a steady income in the centre (she does shift work when she is not in the orphanage), runs the place with help from a few older children who was also raised in the orphanage. Whenever financial donations were insufficient, Ms Kavita would meet that financial need with her own salary. Living conditions are sufficient for survival but questionable in terms of a healthy environment. She has about 45 residents under her wing of which there are 25 children of which 5 are disabled children and the rest are adults without a home.

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by Taylor’s University
Taylor’s University