My Starfish Foundation - AtmoBloom: From Scrap To Sky
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AtmoBloom: From Scrap To Sky

Environmental Protection

AtmoBloom: From Scrap To Sky From Scrap To Sky. We will bring scrap that we commonly see in household item waste such as plastic bottles and paint buckets, into something that we can use to provide food to the table. The name of our project title is AtmoBloom. Atmo refers to the word "atmosphere," which highlights our implementation of aeroponics techniques in planting. It is a method where the roots of the vegetables are suspended in the air instead of soil or water. Besides that, "atmo" also refers to our vertical tower aeroponic system, which allows the plant to grow in the atmosphere. Bloom indicates the green vegetables that will bloom within our vertical tower aeroponics system. We will be collaborating with Pertubuhan Rumah Anak Yatim dan Asnaf Kampung Sijangkang to install the aeroponic vertical towers at their place. Our project is about creating awareness on sustainability as we use recycled materials to build the vertical towers. We want to engage with the students to give exposure about agriculture and sustainable practices. Apart from that, we will be creating activities with the students to develop self-determined learners. The reason why we use vertical farming is because it is  a space-saving farming method. By doing vertical farming, we can harvest roughly around 36 plants per tower.  Our vertical tower is different from other commercial vertical towers in that we use recycled plastic bottles as the tower structure. We will stack our vertical tower and customise it to have slots to put the netting pot. This is one of the initiatives for us to reuse the common waste in our country, plastic bottles. Apart from that, we will be using a biofertilizer which is Effective Microorganisms (EM). EM is a blend of microorganisms that will enhance the soil quality and quality of crops. This EM solution will be mixed into the water in the container as well as nutrient solution.

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
RM 733.00
Goal: RM 638.00
Fund Approved by MSF: RM 1,500.00

Overview of Issue / Background

AtmoBloom: From Scrap To Sky


From Scrap To Sky. We will bring scrap that we commonly see in household item waste such as plastic bottles and paint buckets, into something that we can use to provide food to the table. The name of our project title is AtmoBloom. Atmo refers to the word "atmosphere," which highlights our implementation of aeroponics techniques in planting. It is a method where the roots of the vegetables are suspended in the air instead of soil or water. Besides that, "atmo" also refers to our vertical tower aeroponic system, which allows the plant to grow in the atmosphere. Bloom indicates the green vegetables that will bloom within our vertical tower aeroponics system.


We will be collaborating with Pertubuhan Rumah Anak Yatim dan Asnaf Kampung Sijangkang to install the aeroponic vertical towers at their place. Our project is about creating awareness on sustainability as we use recycled materials to build the vertical towers. We want to engage with the students to give exposure about agriculture and sustainable practices. Apart from that, we will be creating activities with the students to develop self-determined learners. The reason why we use vertical farming is because it is  a space-saving farming method. By doing vertical farming, we can harvest roughly around 36 plants per tower. 


Our vertical tower is different from other commercial vertical towers in that we use recycled plastic bottles as the tower structure. We will stack our vertical tower and customise it to have slots to put the netting pot. This is one of the initiatives for us to reuse the common waste in our country, plastic bottles. Apart from that, we will be using a biofertilizer which is Effective Microorganisms (EM). EM is a blend of microorganisms that will enhance the soil quality and quality of crops. This EM solution will be mixed into the water in the container as well as nutrient solution.

Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)

  1. To instil analytical thinking, time management and entrepreneurship to the teenagers.
  2. To give better understanding about agriculture to the younger generation.
  3. To promote awareness of the work involved in the food people consume daily.
  4. To utilise the waste products from one of the major contributors to environmental pollution in Malaysia which is plastic.

Project Details (Activities and Tasks)

  1. Discussion and project design.
  2. Find the source of recycled materials from the local recycling centre to build the aeroponic tower.
  3. Request sponsorship.
  4. Start to develop the product by gathering the materials and information that has been collected (Gather the materials needed to build the vertical tower and put it into testing.) 
  5. Testing and improvement. (Identify problems that arise during the testing period)
  6. Demonstrate, teach and build 30 AtmoBloom’s Towers at school.

  7. Initiate a programme called ‘Microbe’s Adopted Home’.
  8. Visiting the school once a month to observe and check the AtmoBloom’s progression.
  9. Helps students harvest their crops
  10. Collect data and documentation of the project.



      Expected Project Result & Outcomes

      1. Educational opportunities 

      Our project, aligning with SDG 9 (Sustainable Development Goal 9) : Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure will provide valuable educational opportunities for students as vertical aeroponic towers are installed on each floor. By incorporating sustainable agricultural practices, urban gardening, and the methods of aeroponic cultivation, we aim to foster a deep understanding on how technological advancements and sustainable infrastructure can contribute to addressing global challenges. In addition, hands-on experience helps students to develop a sense of responsibility towards nature, and potentially find inspiration for future career paths related to green technologies. 


      1. Healthier lifestyle choices 

      The installation of vertical aeroponic towers will follow the SDG 3 (Sustainable Development Goal 3) which is about Good Health and Well-being. Growing fresh and nutritious products provides students with easy access to fresh and nutritious produce directly from their college floors, aligned with promoting healthier lifestyle choices. Moreover, since this vertical aeroponic tower will be a DIY kit, the community can also harvest their own produce. By growing their own produce, both parties can have direct access to fresh, nutritious, and pesticide-free products. This will contribute to healthier eating habits for them since they are constantly supplied with healthy and nourishing foods, and it will raise awareness about the benefits of locally grown, sustainable foods. 


      1. Business skills development 

      Involvement in selling harvested products encourages students to develop essential business skills which also aligns with SDG 8 (Sustainable Development Goal 8) : Decent Work and Economic Growth). Students can learn about pricing, marketing, inventory management, customer service, and financial management. This hands-on experience will foster an entrepreneurial mindset and provide students with practical skills that can encourage the creation of job opportunities in the sustainable economic growth. Moreover, students can think creatively, identify market opportunities and embrace calculated risks. This also promotes an entrepreneurial mindset marked by innovation, resourcefulness and adaptability. Thus, students have the chance to develop their problem-solving skills by identifying and meeting the needs of their target market. 


      1. Environmental conservation 

      The use of recycled paint buckets in the projects helps to reduce the demand for new plastic production, which in turn conserves natural resources and reduces environmental pollution. Reducing environmental pollution is aligned with the SDG 13 (Sustainable Development Goal 13): Climate Action, which our project can have the potential to reduce the carbon footprint of agriculture by optimising resources and minimising land requirement. Moreover, it is also associated with SDG 12 (Sustainable Development Goal 12): Responsible Consumption and Production, which our project utilises recycled material for our hydroponic vertical towers. Using recycled material can reduce waste and minimise resource consumption. Furthermore, this can also serve as an educational opportunity to raise awareness among students and the community about the importance of recycling and upcycling. This encourages them to rethink waste as a valuable resource and promotes a more sustainable mindset.

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      RM 733.00

      114% of RM638.00 Goal

        26 Supporters
        0 Days Left

      Project Information

      University name   :   Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
      Instagram link   :
      Project implementation date   :   2024-05-02
      Location of project held   :   Pertubuhan Rumah Anak Yatim dan Asnaf Kampung Sijangkang
      Beneficiary   :   orphanage
      Number of beneficiaries   :   >50

      Section I

      a) The project aimed to promote sustainable agricultural practices by imparting knowledge of aeroponics to students in the orphanage community, fostering an interest in urban farming and empowering future generations to embrace environmentally friendly initiatives. Through educational activities and hands-on experience, the project sought to instill a sense of ownership and responsibility among students, while also providing opportunities for them to apply their skills in practical settings and contribute to self-sufficiency and potential income generation through the cultivation and sale of vegetables.

      b) Yes. They contributed in terms of getting materials to complete the aeroponic tower - aquarium pump, pvc pipe and etc. 


      d & f) The project encountered significant hurdles, including prototype instability despite careful planning, inadequate funding for scaling up, and challenges in sourcing suitable recycled materials. Additionally, logistical issues with the intended orphanage recipient and bureaucratic obstacles with the Education Ministry hindered progress. Despite these challenges, the team remained resilient, adapting strategies and seeking innovative solutions, driven by their commitment to sustainable agriculture and community empowerment.

      e) We did not experience any language or cultural barrier

      g) we install it at an orphanage that consist of 100 orphanage, but they can sell the vegetables to people surround them. thus, there is no exact number of people benefited from this project as long as they resell the harvested crop, the product from the aeroponic verticle tower. 

      h) The project's sustainability hinges on passing down aeroponics knowledge to new generations, particularly focusing on orphanage students, with activities like exhibitions and volunteer programs. Expanding to the local community involves developing user-friendly DIY kits and promoting them through activities like exhibitions, sustaining urban farming knowledge through included manual modules.

      Additionally, the project aims to establish a customer base in nearby markets and university events, enabling users to profit from selling vertical farming produce while enhancing their entrepreneurial skills. To ensure long-term sustainability, volunteers from the Microbiology department will manage the project post-graduation, supported by a program called "Microbe’s Adopted Home" to maintain efforts and assist orphanage students with the vertical tower.




      Section II

      a) In the short-term, our project contributes to happiness by providing students in the orphanage community with engaging activities like exhibitions and volunteer programs, fostering a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Additionally, the DIY kits and urban farming knowledge empower individuals to take control of their food production, leading to a sense of fulfillment and self-sufficiency.

      In the long-term, the project promotes sustainable agriculture and community empowerment, enhancing overall well-being and happiness. As users continue to benefit from vertical farming, both financially and nutritionally, they experience increased satisfaction and quality of life. Moreover, the passing down of knowledge and ongoing support ensures the perpetuation of these positive impacts, fostering a sustainable cycle of happiness within the community.


      b)  Our project has indeed altered our perspective on the world in profound ways. It has deepened our understanding of the interconnectedness between environmental sustainability, community empowerment, and personal agency. Moreover, the challenges we encountered throughout the project journey have taught us invaluable lessons in resilience, adaptability, and perseverance. We have learned to approach obstacles as opportunities for growth and innovation, rather than insurmountable barriers.

      As the project lead, I've learned that our commitment to sustainability isn't just about environmental impact; it's about empowering communities and fostering resilience. Through this project, I've discovered the transformative power of grassroots initiatives in driving positive change and shaping a brighter future for all. -- Aishah Farzana 

      Section III