Appreciation of ‘Rukun Negara’ among Malaysian Children
Racial Harmony
The understanding of ‘Rukun Negara’ among the young generation should be reinforced. Not just in terms of memorizing, the children should be able to explain the meaning of each of the principles. It is more effective to apply the introduction of ‘Rukun Negara’ at an early stage as they can grow up applying it.

Overview of Issue / Background
The understanding of ‘Rukun Negara’ among the young generation should be reinforced. Not just in terms of memorizing, the children should be able to explain the meaning of each of the principles. It is more effective to apply the introduction of ‘Rukun Negara’ at an early stage as they can grow up applying it.
Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)
This project aims to spread the knowledge of ‘Rukun Negara’ principles in a fun way among the children as well as shaping appreciation and obligation towards the principles.
Project Details (Activities and Tasks)
This project provides fun learning activities that implement the application of the ‘Rukun Negara’ to the children. 3Hs-based learning principles of “Hands-On, Heads-On, Hearts-On” will be applied throughout the project. These modules also provide educational materials using Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) concepts that can easily be done by young children. The activities provide based on the principles are:
- 1st principle: ‘Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan’
- Lesson – Center of worship and religion
- Activity – ‘Pelangi dan Sungai’
- 2nd principle: ‘Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara’
- Lesson – Meaning of the Jalur Gemilang (National flag); colours and shapes
- Activity – Match the flags according to their state
- 3rd principle:‘Keluhuran Perlembagaan’
- Lesson – Early introduction of the parliamentary democracy characteristics
- Activity – Build a hierarchical pyramid of the Malaysian organization
- 4th principle: ‘Kedaulatan Undang-undang’
- Lesson – Function and the meaning of the traffic light colours
- Activity – Layering the Rainbow
- 5th principle: ‘Kesopanan Dan Kesusilaan’
- Lesson – Important moral values in an individual
- Activity – Electrical Dough
Other than that, this project also educates on the concept of ‘Perpaduan’, ‘Kenegaraan’, ‘Mata Wang’ and ‘Sains dan Teknologi’. The lessons and activities include the word search of food in cultures, drawing of National flower, playing ‘Jata Negara’ Puzzle, learning to differentiate between real and counterfeit money and building cars from recyclable materials.
(Refer Appendix A for module cover page)
Expected Project Result & Outcomes
The expected outcome is to produce a young generation who understand deeply the context of ‘Rukun Negara’ thus appreciating the principles. At the end of the project, the children must be able to call out and explain each of the principles of ‘Rukun Negara’. Through the activities, the children also should be developing a patriotic spirit towards our country as well as capable of implementing the concept of racial harmony. In conclusion, a generation that has a deep obligation and appreciation towards ‘Rukun Negara’ principles can be produced.
0% of RM1.00 Goal
Project Information
University name | : | University of Malaya |
Project leader name | : | Nur Aqilah Binti Jailani |
Project implementation date | : | 2021-07-01 |
Location of project held | : | Online platform (Zoom and Google Meet) |
Beneficiary | : | Primary schools around KL, Selangor, Johor, and Kedah. The schools involved are Sek Keb Convent(M) Kajang, SJKC Kuen Cheng 2, SJKC Salak South, SJKC Chung Kwo, SJKC Confucian SJKC Jalan Davidson, SK Bandar Seri Putera, SK Seri Bintang Selatan, SJKT Sungai Besi, SJKC Tai Thung, SK Sungai Abong and SJKT Saraswathy. |
Number of beneficiaries | : | 112 |
Section I
- Summary of project goals with two sentences.
This project aims to spread the knowledge of ‘Rukun Negara’ principles in a fun way through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and 3Hs-based learning principles of “Hands-On, Heads-On, Hearts-On” among the children as well as shaping appreciation and obligation towards the principles.
- Did other fund-raising efforts contribute to your projects? What were they?
Yes, crowdfunding campaigns and online donation.
- Provide details about how your project actually worked.
Our project provides module kits to be given to participants that as learning materials for them. The module kits implement the application of the ‘Rukun Negara’ and 3Hs-based learning principles of “Hands-On, Heads-On, Hearts-On that being applied throughout the project. These applications teach them by using STEM techniques.
We have been doing this program for 8 days. For each day of the program, we teach and conduct the participants with 3 principles of Rukun Negara. The other 2 remaining principles they needed to show us how they do the activity via video assignment.
- Were there unanticipated difficulties? Budget constraints?
We did have time constraint when we try to do the program. Our program for a day just only for 3 hours. The 3 hours duration is not enough to cover all the activities in the module. We countered the problem by giving them an assignment. The assignment they needed to do was to complete the remaining activities in the module that does not cover in that day. Since the participants were the primary school students, they might not be able to keep focus over 2 hours learning mode. As the budget constraint, we were able to manage throughout the project.
- Language or cultural barriers?
Given that the participants from this project were primary school students whose language comprehension is not the same as adults. So, we found a bit of a problem in communication while delivering content. This problem can be solved with the help of parents who are with us throughout the program.
- What worked well? What didn’t work well?
The way we delivered the knowledge went very well. This is because we provide them the module kits so that they easy to visualise and do the activities together. During the program, we can handle the situation well.
The things that did not work well is since we need to use module kits in this program, we are unable to prepare the module kits as much as we can because we need to wait for the small items in the modules kit so that we can assemble them into complete set of module kit.
- How many people benefited or will benefit from your project? Who are these people?
In this project, there were 2 people that will benefit from this project which are the participants and the participants’ family.
- What is the long-term impact and sustainability of this project? Is there a future for your project?
This project can be sustained and continued as the early introduction of ‘Rukun Negara’ will develop a patriotic spirit among the young children. A harmonious nation can be formed as well as maintaining the peace that has been achieved by our forefathers who fought for our peace. This is very important as they need to realize that the current peace and prosperity in this country did not come at a cheap price. Through this project, they can further inspire the spirit of patriotism as well as be able to develop knowledge about science and technology in line with the development. By introducing the modules to the children at an early stage, it can equip the generation with good personalities and more knowledge throughout their growth.
Section II
- In several paragraphs, address each of the following questions:
- How does or will your project contribute to happiness? Short-term? Long-term?
- Has your project changed the way you think about the world? How has it changed you?
Plenty of research on happiness suggests it arises when we are generous, grateful, and connected with people. But another lesser-known pathway toward happiness is learning, growing, and challenging ourselves in new ways. Our project is more towards to fun way learning by using STEM and 3H-s based learning principle. The participants learn about ‘Rukun Negara’ principles could be more important and may nevertheless have the potential to boost their happiness. From this project, they were able to expand their creativity and challenging themselves in new ways.
This project has changed the way we think about the world. We communicate not only with the children, but we also communicate to all the generations. This makes us feel that all the generations want the best for the young generation. From this project we saw that we could help the young generation to be best version of them and create better world for Malaysia.
- Complete this section with a one to two sentence personal statement, suitable for use as a quotation, addressing how and why this project was valuable and what was the most important thing you learned as a result. (Indicate student’s name for quote attribution.)
“Rukun Negara is not only served as a tool for nation-building but also as the social development to build Malaysia as a progressive nation. This should be inculcated among young people so that they can continue to maintain national harmony in the future in line with development.” said by Nur Aqilah Jailani.
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