Save Animals Through Unity (S.A.T.U)
Animal Protection
There are simply too many cats for the number of homes that want a pet, and we humans are not always the most responsible guardians even when we do accept these animals into our homes. Too frequently, cats end up lost or abandoned and revert to a feral lifestyle in order to survive. Animals shelters suffer under the weight of high demand for services and too few resources, and the result is a burgeoning population of unowned cats that urgently require attention and effective management.There are some organisations that claim to have compassion for animals and to stand up against cruelty to animals are not endowed financially nor have the capacity of house and care for the exploding stray population. Ending up, they still comes out with the same situation which is abandoning animals because of some reasons. Every year, thousands of cats suffer as strays and these high numbers are the result of unplanned litters.The population dynamics of stray cats make the problem particularly difficult to deal with, while the effects of predation by cats and the spread of disease affect all of us to some extent.Not only that, with the recent event of covid-19 pandemic have cause the government enforced Movement Control Order(MCO) to control the spread of covid-19. Under MCO, many people staying indoors and non-essential businesses including restaurant and roadside eateries were shut and closed. This make the situation of stray animals becoming hard as their usual food and water supply from these businesses and restaurants are suddenly cut off which causes them to face starvation and dehydration.Hence, to combat the problems caused by the cat overpopulation crisis, we as a society need to acknowledge the value of cats and raise the level of care and responsibility for these domestic animals. So, animal welfare is one of the most important thing to overcome this problem. In this aspects, we need to consider about animal care and its food during this pandemic.

Overview of Issue / Background
There are simply too many cats for the number of homes that want a pet, and we humans are not always the most responsible guardians even when we do accept these animals into our homes. Too frequently, cats end up lost or abandoned and revert to a feral lifestyle in order to survive. Animals shelters suffer under the weight of high demand for services and too few resources, and the result is a burgeoning population of unowned cats that urgently require attention and effective management.
There are some organisations that claim to have compassion for animals and to stand up against cruelty to animals are not endowed financially nor have the capacity of house and care for the exploding stray population. Ending up, they still comes out with the same situation which is abandoning animals because of some reasons. Every year, thousands of cats suffer as strays and these high numbers are the result of unplanned litters.The population dynamics of stray cats make the problem particularly difficult to deal with, while the effects of predation by cats and the spread of disease affect all of us to some extent.
Not only that, with the recent event of covid-19 pandemic have cause the government enforced Movement Control Order(MCO) to control the spread of covid-19. Under MCO, many people staying indoors and non-essential businesses including restaurant and roadside eateries were shut and closed. This make the situation of stray animals becoming hard as their usual food and water supply from these businesses and restaurants are suddenly cut off which causes them to face starvation and dehydration.
Hence, to combat the problems caused by the cat overpopulation crisis, we as a society need to acknowledge the value of cats and raise the level of care and responsibility for these domestic animals. So, animal welfare is one of the most important thing to overcome this problem. In this aspects, we need to consider about animal care and its food during this pandemic.
Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)
The main objective of this project is to encourage everyone to do good deeds towards animals and to help reduce the number of unwanted animals like cats in IPTA. This project will evoke feeling of sympathy among us to the neglected animals on the streets which also encourages us to take responsibility for reducing the suffering of the animals involved and ensuring that creature also enjoy a better life. This streets animals was also the results of the growing population without having their basic needs to live. Most people do not have the time or desire to breed from their cat and do not wish to add the number of unwanted cats and kittens already looking for homes. So, our vision is more to population control instead of end the suffering of stray cats by ensuring they get a healthier life and live longer. This is beacuse there are many animals out there which are homeless and was forced to fight for survival often times starving on the street, being injured and ultimately face untimely horrific deaths. So, we come out with a mission to help and protect wild animals especially during this pandemic diseases.
Project Details (Activities and Tasks)
We are chosing the theme of animal welfare and come out with the idea of helping the stray cats during this pandemic disease. So, the first thing that we will do in order to succeed this project is to recognizing the need of this project which already mentioned in the objective above. Secondly, before doing on site activities, we are preparing a proposal which will be check and approved by our supervisor of this project. This proposal will include the detail plans, specifications and cost estimation which also essential to our sponsors since they will use it to evaluate our project and determine whether or not they will allocate funds for this project. Furthermore, we have also announced this project, by making a short video and posting on social media such as Instagram and Facebook. After being approved by Khind Starfish Foundation, we will start doing a poster of donation, poster of neutering campaign (one of our activities) and poster for finding the owner of cats.
Our team also do a discussion about the flow of this project which include, the outdoor activities like find the owner of association of cat or dog adoption in Sabah, the budgeting of this project, and the things that we will buy to donate to the organization. During on site activities, we are going to build a DIY-cat-house by using materials that can be easily found and in a reasonable and affordable prices. Not only that, one of our biggest activities is neutering the cats. We are going to find a homeless cats at 3 different institution and bring them to Klinik Haiwan & Surgeri Tuaran to be spay. We also donate some food dispenser to ease the feeding of animals there. This is also one of our ways to support organization or animal rescuers association in Sabah and indirectly give an awareness to all community to be aware of their responsibilities to take care of other living things which in need. We have found one of the animal rescuers association that agreed to do a collaboration with us, which named as ALIR Sabah. So, basically this association is a nonprofit charitable organization which take care of the wild animals that in need. In addition, we will find funds to buy the need of animals and give it to that association to increase their facilities in order to treat all animals there. Last but not least, we will improve some of facilities at ALIR Sabah so that they having a comfortable shelter to be living on.
Finally, after doing on-site activities, we will do final report which include the objectives of the project, planning stages, organisational chart of our team, task description of position of each group members, financial report, the implementation stages, and the limitation while doing this project. Not only that, to make this project be carrying on, we will conducting a campaigns through online which is doing a poster and announced through social media.
Expected Project Result & Outcomes
1. Prevents homeless animals from suffering and welfare issues
2. Spaying and neutering helps fight pet overpopulation and good for the community
3. Stray animals will have more comfortable and safe place for them to live.
4. Reduce the number of problem mental health suffered by community nowadays.
5. Provide awareness to the entire community on the importance of caring, helping, loving and maintaining a peaceful life for all types of animals whether domestic, pet, wild or endangered.
6. Support organization by announce the existence of animal rescuers association
7. Evoke the feeling of sympathy among the community to always love animals and support the efforts to address cases of animal cruelty by providing complete information on any complaints about the abuse.
0% of RM1.00 Goal
Project Information
University name | : | UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH (UMS) |
Project leader name | : | ALEX LAM KAH SENG |
Section I
- A two-sentence summary of the project goals.
We aspire for the day when, because of lack of space or other resources, no safe, treatable or rehabilitated companion animal will be euthanized. Create the opportunity for animal to keep survive and for human as a volunteer, you work with animals so that they can be adopted and love as they deserve.
- Did other fund-raising efforts contribute to your projects? What were they?
There are 2 methods for us to raise funds for this project. First of all, we make a donation advertisement and post it on our social media platforms such as our Instagram, Facebook, and Whatapps. Furthermore, we also make a collection in our group to help raise more funds for this project. The total that we get are RM 646.30 and the time taken to collect this budget is estimate 20 days.
- Provide details about how your project actually worked.
There are some problems encountered in order to carry out this project which is our difficulty to start this project due to the Movement Control Order implemented by the government. This is because, all group members are in their respective homes and not in the university. It was difficult for us to move in groups to find street cats in the designated locations.
Due to Movement Control Order that has been implemented by the government, we have to change our location of finding the stray cats and this finding also involve only a few of the group member. In addition, this project has not yet been completed, but we will continue to work to find a way so that this project can be completed immediately and successfully.
Furthermore, we also have problems related to the budget which there are a few problems faced so we still have not received the funds. Therefore, we need to use our own money first, despite that, we are still enjoyed to carry out this project because we can gain some knowledge and experiences though this.
Many factors restrict the willingness of community members to enhance their animals' health. The welfare status of farm animals is determined by socio-economic, cultural and environmental factors such as attitude towards animals, awareness and expertise of community members in providing animal care, and resources and services.
It is important to engage community groups in constructive dialogues and social learning to solve these concerns in order to explore their animal welfare needs and to find ways together to improve animal welfare. Discussions between neighbourhood groups to strengthen their awareness, behaviours and activities about the welfare of their animals are enabled by community conversations. Our group approach engages community members in active dialogues to explore attitudes and behaviours related to animal welfare and together find solutions and take actions.
The purpose of the Community conversations is to help community members recognize and examine their attitudes and behaviours of animal welfare and to explore how these impact the welfare of their animals and their own livelihoods. Community talks build opportunities for dialogue and shared learning, leading to new understandings and action by the community to enhance the welfare of animals.
We managed to make this project run smoothly throughout the process of cat neutering, even throughout the movement control order. Ten cats have been successfully neutered and accepted by the general public.
What is not going well is the development of ALIR Sabah due to the movement control order in Sabah. It made it hard for us, because of Covid-19, to go there. We provide what ALIR Sabah needs and ask them to give us the latest information to solve this issue.
Animal welfare has proven being beneficial for animal, environment, wildlife, and community. For our project the benefit that we will gain is we can reduce any cases regarding cats who sniffer from sick and also can help survive the cats. Not even animal get the benefit, human also will get the benefit especially if they want to take care of the stray cats because having a cat can reduce stress and anxiety level due to active chemical from cat.
Moreover, it can help to reduce the risk of rabbies which are very dangerous to our society. Thus, this project SATU or called Save Animal through Unity give a lot of benefit to community and also animal.
In long-term, this project will encourage everyone to do good deeds towards animals that been neglected on the street and reducing the suffering of the neglected animals so that they also can enjoy a better life. Throughout this project not only we will be able to aid and save the neglected animals, we also will be able to educate the public about the overpopulation of animal that been neglected on the street. This project will make people to recognize the number of animal out there that need our aid and help while remind us the important to spaying and neutering the neglected animals to help reduce their number in our community.
This project will depend and continue its sustainability with the support from the people in the community. Their financial support and contribution toward the animal rescuers association and organization to improve the facilities will continue this project in future. This project also will continued with the online campaign that we conduct to share our effort to help the neglected animals and promoting the existence of the animal rescuers association and organization so that everyone will have awareness to help and contribute toward them.
This project will became significant in future and will become the stepping stone for more upcoming project to aid and help the neglected animal and encourage everyone to contribute toward the animal rescuers association and organization so that we can provide a better life for the neglected animals.
Section II
- In several paragraphs, address each of the following questions:
How does or will your project contribute to happiness? Short-term? Long-term?
In short-term, this project animal welfare will improve humans in many ways, ranging from proving companionship, improving mental health which can reduce the negative aura and stress relating mostly in our daily routine. It also train us to be more patient in handling our daily life because having a pet really challenging patience whereas we need to clean their poop, playing with them and teach them manner so that no ruckus will happen. Other than that, having a pet will make us become good mannered people as and they teach us to be kind to the others especially if we have children in the household.
Animal protection is important in order to prevent many animals around the world from being used for entertainment, food, medicine, fashion, scientific advancement, and as exotic pets. Human duty is vital to give animals a good life in order to have a good life. In addition, it makes us feel like we are doing the right thing. We are contributing to the solution, which makes us feel good about the work we are doing. In contrast, each one of these animals needs your love and care. Our help will never go unnoticed and we will never feel like us aren’t helping in some way. This welfare makes different in animals lives by saving them from dying at the street. It also avoid animals suffering from cruelty and inhumanity. Moreover, it help control animal overpopulation. Overpopulation of animals often leads to hungry, unhealthy and sometimes aggressive strays that compromise their own welfare and threaten public health. So spay and neuter our pets as well as stray animals. This will over a period of time reduce the number of homeless animal population in your colony. Last but not least, helping them also can prevent from unhygienic and unhealthy lifestyle of dogs and cats around.
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