My Starfish Foundation - Read Up! Reading Corners for Specials
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Read Up! Reading Corners for Specials

Helping the Underprivileged Community

Down-syndrome community, especially children have been neglected and not enough attention has been given to them. They are among the most needed community yet very have they gained help. Down-syndrome children are universally known to be very loving and caring group of people. They get along well not just among themselves but towards normal people around them as well. Many establishments had been opened to house special need children specifically those with Down-Syndrome. An amazing aspect of Down-Syndrome children that many of us can learn from is that they are very open to learning new things every day. Syllabuses were designed to fit the ability and capability of the children. From daily chores to complicated puzzle solving games, they managed to learn and master everything on their own. However despite the rigorous activities and learning process made for these kids, many establishments are lacking in experts to help and assists them. As the children are growing their interests in reading, special care houses need to keep up with their evolution and this is where ORKIDS are left behind. A make-over of their reading corner will surely help in gaining more interest and strengthening the already existing ones into reading, which will be beneficial to lives of the Down-Syndrome children. 

RM 0.00
Goal: RM 1.00
Fund Approved by MSF: RM 1.00

Overview of Issue / Background

Down-syndrome community, especially children have been neglected and not enough attention has been given to them. They are among the most needed community yet very have they gained help. Down-syndrome children are universally known to be very loving and caring group of people. They get along well not just among themselves but towards normal people around them as well. Many establishments had been opened to house special need children specifically those with Down-Syndrome. An amazing aspect of Down-Syndrome children that many of us can learn from is that they are very open to learning new things every day. Syllabuses were designed to fit the ability and capability of the children. From daily chores to complicated puzzle solving games, they managed to learn and master everything on their own. However despite the rigorous activities and learning process made for these kids, many establishments are lacking in experts to help and assists them. As the children are growing their interests in reading, special care houses need to keep up with their evolution and this is where ORKIDS are left behind. A make-over of their reading corner will surely help in gaining more interest and strengthening the already existing ones into reading, which will be beneficial to lives of the Down-Syndrome children. 

Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)


Our vision is to build a literate Down-Syndrome community capable of surviving their daily lives as normal people do.


We would like to build a specially made reading corners for the children of ORKIDS to be able to learn reading in proper environment.

Project Details (Activities and Tasks)

  1. This project will be taken place inside an establishment, a special care house for Down-Syndrome children.
  2. A group of volunteers from UiTM will take in charge of the designing and building of reading corners inside the house.
  3. These reading corners will be filled with books collected through donation and sponsorships.
  4. Teachers from ORKIDS will monitor the children’s progress.
  5. Volunteers will continue helping and assisting ORKIDS by organizing small activities such as drama, reading session, and story-telling session.

Expected Project Result & Outcomes

  1. The children will experience new reading environment.
  2. Teaching will be much more conducive and interesting.
  3. More interest towards reading and learning from the children.
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RM 0.00

0% of RM1.00 Goal

  0 Supporters
  0 Days Left

Project Information

University name   :   Universiti Teknologi MARA
Project leader name   :   AIMAN FIKRI BIN BORHAN

Section I


Location: Orkids, Petaling Jaya
Catering to Down syndrome children from 7 to 17 years old
46 volunteers from UiTM Shah Alam

Problem statement

• Not conducive environment

• Problem with learning methods 


• Build reading corner

• Teach with suitable learning methods

Problem statement


• Thin carpet

• Unstrategic furniture arrangement

• Uncomfortable reading corner

• Dull atmosphe



• Thicker, more carpets

• Strategic furniture arrangement

• Comfortable, additional pillows

• Brighter atmosphere


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