My Starfish Foundation - A DAY WITH ROHINGYA
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Environmental Protection

 Rohingya are an ethnic group, the majority of whom are Muslim, who have lived for centuries in the majority Buddhist Myanmar. Currently, there are about 1.1 million Rohingya in the Southeast Asian country. A Day With Rohingya  is a program that fully handle by the student and has been conceptualized to meet the needs of the refugee. This program aimed to improve the quality of life of the unfortunate people so that they are free from painful memories because they have been neglected by their own country .Meanwhile, It is also aimed at giving they a happy memory and experience.

RM 0.00
Goal: RM 1.00
Fund Approved by MSF: RM 1.00

Overview of Issue / Background

 Rohingya are an ethnic group, the majority of whom are Muslim, who have lived for centuries in the majority Buddhist Myanmar. Currently, there are about 1.1 million Rohingya in the Southeast Asian country. 

A Day With Rohingya  is a program that fully handle by the student and has been conceptualized to meet the needs of the refugee. This program aimed to improve the quality of life of the unfortunate people so that they are free from painful memories because they have been neglected by their own country .Meanwhile, It is also aimed at giving they a happy memory and experience.

Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)

As a student, it is our responsibility to assist and care and sensitize the environment and ensure that the implementation of this program. Other than that, we can :

A.Training students in social and accountability skills such as managing off-campus programs, and in relation to the management of the Community Rehabilitation Center (PDK), as well as being responsible for each assignment that has been distributed.

B. Training students with critical thinking, problem solving and the right communication approach and train them to socialize with the community.

C. Encourage the spirit of leadership and teamwork that students have in common, accepting responsibilities, planning and managing, directing and distributing tasks and completing community service activities that have been delegated and assigned.

Project Details (Activities and Tasks)




Depart from UiTM Pasir Gudang to Madrasah Ulu Tiram


Arrived at Madrasah Ulu Tiram


Briefing from the leader of the activities and breakfast


Divide the tasks for gotong-royong activity


The Gotong-royong activity start.


Planting the tree and flowers


Lunch and pray


Sharing session about the environment and what is nature.

  • The benefit of planting the tree
  • What is 3R concepts?
  • Distribute the 3R dustbin.


Distribute gifts and souvenirs as well as donations to madrasah students. pray


Photograph session and dismiss.



Expected Project Result & Outcomes

- The resident of the madrasah will feel much more comfortable staying because they have been        provide with the facilities.

-  Give the resident at the madrasah a new experience and make them happy with the new facilities provides.

- As for the volunteers, they can gain knowledge on how to manage an event as this is our first time.

- Can know how their feeling and make a new experience.

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RM 0.00

0% of RM1.00 Goal

  0 Supporters
  0 Days Left