My Starfish Foundation - THE FOOD WASTE REVOLUTION
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Environmental Protection

Malaysia generates almost 38,000 metric tons of solid waste per day and 45 percent of it is food waste. This is the issue that need to be focus on for a better solution. Based on statistic from Sabah Government show that the cost of waste management at Kundasang, Ranau is RM 68,349.02 per month that include food waste. Imagine that we can convert food waste by producing compose fertilizer, we can reduce the cost and  pollution. As we know that method of disposal at Ranau is open dumping that can cause pollution.The Food Waste Revolution seeks to promote a circular economy approach, where waste is minimized, resources are conserved, and materials are continually reused, recycled, or repurposed.The project takes inspiration from the concept of technopreneurship, which combines technology and entrepreneurship to create innovative and sustainable solutions. It recognizes that technological advancements, coupled with entrepreneurial thinking, can drive transformative changes in waste management, resource utilization, and the overall sustainability landscape. By using a discarded container, food waste will be thrown into the container. Then, the compost material is mixed for several months and the food waste will decompose into organic fertilizer that can be used for agricultural activities. This can reduce the cost of purchasing fertilizers, avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and increase agricultural activities with quality production and low cost.As we know that convert food waste into compose fertilizer have been widely known at peninsular Malaysia rather that at Sabah & Sarawak especially in Kundasang, Sabah. The community at Kundasang did not aware about this method and this is one of the opportunity to them gain new knowledge.

RM 300.00
Goal: RM 300.00
Fund Approved by MSF: RM 2,100.00

Overview of Issue / Background

Malaysia generates almost 38,000 metric tons of solid waste per day and 45 percent of it is food waste. This is the issue that need to be focus on for a better solution. Based on statistic from Sabah Government show that the cost of waste management at Kundasang, Ranau is RM 68,349.02 per month that include food waste. Imagine that we can convert food waste by producing compose fertilizer, we can reduce the cost and  pollution. As we know that method of disposal at Ranau is open dumping that can cause pollution.

The Food Waste Revolution seeks to promote a circular economy approach, where waste is minimized, resources are conserved, and materials are continually reused, recycled, or repurposed.The project takes inspiration from the concept of technopreneurship, which combines technology and entrepreneurship to create innovative and sustainable solutions. It recognizes that technological advancements, coupled with entrepreneurial thinking, can drive transformative changes in waste management, resource utilization, and the overall sustainability landscape. By using a discarded container, food waste will be thrown into the container. Then, the compost material is mixed for several months and the food waste will decompose into organic fertilizer that can be used for agricultural activities. This can reduce the cost of purchasing fertilizers, avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and increase agricultural activities with quality production and low cost.

As we know that convert food waste into compose fertilizer have been widely known at peninsular Malaysia rather that at Sabah & Sarawak especially in Kundasang, Sabah. The community at Kundasang did not aware about this method and this is one of the opportunity to them gain new knowledge.

Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)

Project Objectives:

  1. Waste Reduction: Reduce food waste generation in Kundasang, Ranau, and the broader Sabah region by implementing innovative food waste conversion techniques, with the goal of reducing food waste by at least 50% within three years.

  2. Circular Economy Promotion: Promote the adoption of circular economy principles by developing and implementing technologies and practices that enable the repurposing of food waste into organic compost and its integration into local agricultural activities.

  3. Economic Growth and Job Creation: Create employment opportunities in the field of waste management, technopreneurship, and agriculture, contributing to local economic growth while fostering sustainable practices.

  4. Environmental Protection and Sustainability: Minimize environmental pollution and the ecological footprint by reducing open dumping of food waste, conserving resources, and decreasing the need for synthetic fertilizers through the production and utilization of organic compost.


"To catalyze a Food Waste Revolution in Kundasang, Sabah, by pioneering innovative technologies and fostering entrepreneurial spirit. Our mission is to empower the community with knowledge and sustainable solutions that reduce food waste, promote a circular economy, drive economic growth, and protect the environment for a more sustainable and prosperous future."


"A Kundasang where food waste is transformed into a valuable resource, leading to a cleaner environment, enhanced agricultural productivity, and economic prosperity. We envision a community united in reducing waste, embracing circularity, and thriving through innovation, where the Food Waste Revolution serves as a model for sustainable development across Sabah and beyond."

Project Details (Activities and Tasks)

  1. Waste Assessments: Waste Assessments. The Takakura Home Composting Technique will be explained step by step to the local community.A practical session with the community will be held for the The Takakura Home Composting Technique

  2. Awareness and Education Campaigns: Creating an awareness and education campaign for food waste composting is a great initiative to promote sustainable practices and reduce waste.Set up composting demonstration sites in community centers to show people how composting works and its benefits.

  3. Technopreneurship Training and Support: Developing a technopreneurship training and support program for food waste material composting is an excellent way to combine sustainable practices with entrepreneurship. Design a comprehensive curriculum that covers both composting techniques and entrepreneurial skills.

Expected Project Result & Outcomes

  1. Waste Reduction: The project aims to achieve a significant reduction in waste generation in Kundasang. Through the implementation of innovative waste management practices and the promotion of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), the project expects to see a noticeable decrease in the amount of waste ending up in landfills or being improperly disposed of in the environment.

  2. Circular Economy Implementation: The project seeks to establish a circular economy framework in Kundasang, where waste is seen as a valuable resource. By implementing waste-to-energy technologies, promoting recycling and upcycling initiatives, and fostering collaborations between businesses and waste management facilities, the project expects to close the waste loop and maximize the utilization of resources, minimizing the need for new resource extraction.

  3. Technopreneurship Development: The project aims to support and foster the growth of zero waste technopreneurs in Kundasang. It expects to see the emergence of innovative startups and businesses focused on waste management, recycling, and sustainable practices. These technopreneurs can create job opportunities, contribute to the local economy, and drive further technological advancements in waste management and resource efficiency.

  4. Environmental Impact Reduction: Through its waste reduction and resource conservation efforts, the project aims to minimize the environmental impact of Kundasang. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions from waste decomposition, protecting natural habitats and biodiversity, and preserving the scenic beauty of the region. The project expects to see improvements in air and water quality, as well as a decrease in pollution and littering. In addition, we can solve clogged sink and open dumping.

  5. Community Engagement and Empowerment: The project aims to engage and empower the local community in Kundasang. By raising awareness about waste management, conducting educational programs, and involving community members in waste reduction initiatives, the project expects to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among residents. This can lead to long-term behavior change, with individuals and households adopting sustainable practices and actively participating in waste management efforts.

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RM 300.00

100% of RM300.00 Goal

  8 Supporters
  0 Days Left

Project Information

Project leader name   :   MUHAMAD FARIS BIN MOHD HISAM
Instagram link   :
Project implementation date   :   2023-10-13
Location of project held   :   KUNDASANG, SABAH
Beneficiary   :   Kampung Parit Jelutong & Parit Haji Rais
Number of beneficiaries   :   40

Section I

  1. Summary of Project Goals: The project aimed to raise awareness and provide exposure to the community in Batu Pahat, Johor, regarding effective waste management practices through the promotion and implementation of composting. The primary goal was to encourage the adoption of composting as a sustainable solution for organic waste, contributing to environmental conservation.

  2. Contribution of Other Fundraising Efforts: The project received support from faculty, community members, and research grants. Fundraising events give a bit contribute for our project but definitely we fail to received a lot of fund-raising to sopport this project financial..

  3. Details about How the Project Worked: The project involved organizing talk, and hands-on training sessions to educate the community about composting techniques. Additionally, compost bins were distributed to households, and regular follow-up sessions were conducted to address queries and ensure proper implementation.

  4. Unanticipated Difficulties, Budget Constraints, Language or Cultural Barriers: Unforeseen challenges included initial resistance to change and the need for personalized assistance due to varying levels of familiarity with composting. We faced the issue of gained enough budget to execute this project at Sabah, finally with the budget given, we changed the location of project implementation. 

  5. What Worked Well and What Didn’t: Effective community engagement, interactive workshops, and the distribution of compost bins were successful aspects. Challenges included initial skepticism and a learning curve for some participants. Continuous communication and hands-on support were crucial in overcoming these hurdles.

  6. Number of Beneficiaries and Their Identities: Approximately 40 households actively participated in the project, benefiting from improved waste management practices. The beneficiaries were diverse, including families, local businesses, and community organizations.

  7. Long-Term Impact and Sustainability: The long-term impact involves a shift towards sustainable waste management practices in Batu Pahat. As more individuals and businesses adopt composting, there will be a reduction in organic waste in landfills, contributing to a healthier environment. The project's sustainability is ensured through ongoing educational initiatives and community involvement, fostering a culture of responsible waste management.

  8. Future of the Project: The project has laid the foundation for continued growth and expansion. Future plans include scaling up outreach efforts, collaborating with schools, and establishing community-led composting hubs. The goal is to create a self-sustaining model where the community actively participates in and benefits from waste management practices

Section II

Contribution to Happiness: The compost fertilizer project in Batu Pahat, Johor, contributes to happiness both in the short-term and long-term. In the short term, community members experience the immediate satisfaction of actively participating in a sustainable initiative that positively impacts the environment. Witnessing the transformation of waste into valuable compost fosters a sense of accomplishment and shared responsibility. In the long term, as the community adopts and sustains composting practices, there is a tangible improvement in the local environment, leading to a heightened sense of well-being. Reduced landfill waste and a cleaner, healthier living environment contribute to the long-term happiness and quality of life for residents.

Changing Perspectives on the World: The project has significantly altered perceptions about waste and the environment, prompting a paradigm shift in the way individuals view their role in sustainable living. Witnessing the community's response to waste management challenges has reinforced the understanding that small, collective actions can yield substantial positive outcomes. This experience has underscored the interconnectedness of individuals, communities, and the environment, highlighting the potential for grassroots initiatives to drive meaningful change. The project has instilled a sense of optimism and empowerment, demonstrating that community-driven efforts can contribute to a more sustainable and harmonious world.

Personal Statement: "As a participant in the compost fertilizer project in Batu Pahat, Johor, I've witnessed the transformative power of community-led initiatives in shaping a more sustainable and joyful future. This project not only provided valuable exposure to waste management but also underscored the profound impact that local actions can have on a global scale. The most important lesson I've learned is that positive change begins at the community level, and by fostering awareness and collaboration, we can collectively create a happier, healthier world for current and future generations."

Attribution: Muhamad Faris

Section III


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