My Starfish Foundation - Paw's Eden
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Paw's Eden

Animal Protection

Care and Secure Help Center (C.A.S.H) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that operates as an animal shelter and houses over 200 homeless cats and dogs. The overwhelming number of animals sheltered by C.A.S.H has hindered the shelter’s conditions. In this case, the dogs are the priority as they take up the majority. The dogs have 2 outdoor playtimes a day, where healthy adult dogs are separated from the puppies and dogs with mobility issues. After visiting the shelter, we observed that the  dog’s playground is paved with gravel and barricaded by fences while fully exposed to the harsh weather. This worries the owner as the excruciating heat might result in heat strokes.  As for the facilities, the playground is lacking in the exercise department as there are only a couple of concrete cylinder wells for the dogs to jump on to for exercise. As for the dogs with mobility issues, They get their exercise by roaming around with wheelchairs in a more shaded area. Dogs that have mobility issues use customized wheelchairs to aid their movement until they have fully recovered. However, since each wheelchair is customized to each dog, after that dog heals up, the wheelchair will no longer be in use. Collab wants to help C.A.S.H animal shelter based on our ability. By understanding this, we would like to take this as an opportunity to improve the environment and welfare of the dogs by utilizing the undergraduate’s architectural knowledge and practical expertise. Moreover, raising awareness of the problems animal shelters face by seeking help from volunteering students during this project. 

RM 3,275.00
Goal: RM 3,235.90
Fund Approved by MSF: RM 8,000.00

Overview of Issue / Background

Care and Secure Help Center (C.A.S.H) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that operates as an animal shelter and houses over 200 homeless cats and dogs. The overwhelming number of animals sheltered by C.A.S.H has hindered the shelter’s conditions. In this case, the dogs are the priority as they take up the majority.


The dogs have 2 outdoor playtimes a day, where healthy adult dogs are separated from the puppies and dogs with mobility issues. After visiting the shelter, we observed that the  dog’s playground is paved with gravel and barricaded by fences while fully exposed to the harsh weather. This worries the owner as the excruciating heat might result in heat strokes. 


As for the facilities, the playground is lacking in the exercise department as there are only a couple of concrete cylinder wells for the dogs to jump on to for exercise. As for the dogs with mobility issues, They get their exercise by roaming around with wheelchairs in a more shaded area. Dogs that have mobility issues use customized wheelchairs to aid their movement until they have fully recovered. However, since each wheelchair is customized to each dog, after that dog heals up, the wheelchair will no longer be in use.


Collab wants to help C.A.S.H animal shelter based on our ability. By understanding this, we would like to take this as an opportunity to improve the environment and welfare of the dogs by utilizing the undergraduate’s architectural knowledge and practical expertise. Moreover, raising awareness of the problems animal shelters face by seeking help from volunteering students during this project.


Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)


To improve the animal shelter by innovating a sustainable, humane and comprehensive hut-playground and wheelchairs for the dogs with the collaboration of the animal shelter community and the students.




  1. improving the conditions of the outdoor playground for the dogs. Moreover, creating a hut (Bambooplayhouse) in the playground for the dogs to rest under the shade.
  2.  Develop a standard wheelchair (Goodwheel for all) that is versatile and adaptable to fit various dog conditions based on the existing wheelchair design.

Site photos (Area of Bamboo Playhouse Construction)




Goodwheel For All (Dog wheelchairs for dogs with mobility issues)




Project Details (Activities and Tasks)




Goodwheel For All: This design research phase started by visiting C.A.S.H and conducting some interviews studying the conditions of dogs in need of a wheelchair. A few wheelchairs are already used by the shelter.  By analyzing the design and practicality, it would be our case study that later on is referred to in the innovation phase.


Bambooplayhouse: The design research began with a visit to C.A.S.H and an examination of the site context through preliminary measurements, material research, and discussion with the owner. The initial core research team will conduct case studies to acquire facts, opinions, and voices about the creation of a bamboo dog housing. For the next part of the project, the research will propose many bamboo hut innovations.



Goodwheel For All: Post visiting the shelter, we will test out the existing designs by the shelter and come up with multiple prototypes, using different materials, and mechanisms to further improve the practicality and durability of the wheelchair.


Bambooplayhouse: More students with varying levels of bamboo hut knowledge are encouraged to join a creative design team that will use prototyping, sourcing, and experiments to explore the innovation of dog hut design.



Goodwheel For All: Conducting workshop with volunteers to fabricate the wheelchairs

BambooPlayhouse: Workers and students will collaborate to develop the prototype at C.A.S.H. It will be conducted as a workshop in which participants will be able to learn how to build the prototype and enhance it.

Expected Project Result & Outcomes

1. Creating awareness towards the hardships of animals

Goodwheel For All: People are not aware of the mobility issues animals face caused by various reasons, such as accidents, arthritis, amputation, post-surgical recovery, and neurological issues. A dog wheelchair overcomes this problem as it gives the animals a second chance in life where they can recover from their injuries and be back on their feet again. We would like to take one step further to create a modular design that skips the design process when an injured dog is in need. 


Bamboo dog hut + Playground: People are not aware that exercise in animals affects their physical and mental health. Therefore, the bamboo huts consider a few programs and functions for the animal such as resting area, entertainment, and sheltering which provide thermal comfort and safe spaces for the dogs to rest and exercise. 

2. Enhancing the welfare of the dogs with sustainable design

Goodwheel For All: A versatile generalized wheelchair design prototype to fit various dogs will be developed instead of the current rigid customized versions. Along with replacing some currently damaged wheelchairs so they can move around easily.
Quantity: 9 (1 replica + 3 prototypes + 5 final)


Bamboo playhouse: The materials used for the dog hut design mainly will be bamboo which has the phenomenal ability to wick heat and moisture away and this may provide a cooler space for the animals to play, rest and prevent heatstroke. Not only that, bamboo is a strong material to support and withstand heavy loads, so the bamboo dog hut can last longer but yearly maintenance is required.

Quantity: 1


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RM 3,275.00

101% of RM3,235.90 Goal

  35 Supporters
  0 Days Left

Project Information

Project leader name   :   Joanne Chan
Facebook link   :
Instagram link   :
Location of project held   :   Lot 3071A, Jalan Permaisuri 10/6, Bandar Mahkota Cheras, Selangor.
Beneficiary   :   CASH Animal Shelter
Number of beneficiaries   :   200 Dogs

Section I

  1. Project Goals: 

Our project seeks to add value to an animal shelter located at Bandar Mahkota Cheras by designing a sustainable and innovative hut-playground for dogs and working with the animal shelter to set up a system for customisable dog wheelchairs..


  1. Fund-raising support & Other external sponsorship:
  • reaching out by social media and friends 
  • The RM3000+ fundraising had been used for the building materials. During the fundraising, we can feel the warmth from the public who are very interested and looking forward to this community project to complete.
  1. Project Implementation:

Goodwheel For All

  • Analysis: The Goodwheel team collected an existing wheelchair from Animal Shelter and disassembled it into parts to analyse the framework.


  • Prototype: The team replicated the wheelchair. Issues and challenges were identified while building the replica. All findings were documented and well discussed to produce a drafted handbook with procedures and construction details.


  • Testing 1: Two freshmen (Bryan & Iba) were given the drafted handbook to replicate the wheelchair (including the process of cutting the materials into correct dimensions). The process was documented and monitored.


  • Handbook: The construction team (led by Rocano) summarised all the findings and touched up the handbook. Then, the team will produce a tutorial video with proper cameras set up.


  • Testing 2: Another two freshmen to be given the finalised handbook to replicate the wheelchair (including the process of cutting materials into correct dimensions). The process will be documented and monitored.


  • Visit animal shelter: 
    • Team A: the testing of the prototype on the dog, how to put on strap, let the dog test, record the dog
    • Team B: dog studies (based on availability of aunty on 30th oct)(recognize the breed, site analysis and interview auntie) (use phone to document)
    • Team C: putting the flatpack and handbook with Auntie (use proper camera set up)
  • External Testing: Reach out to a dog owner that needs the wheelchair for their dog and the Goodwheel team will send a tailored size flatpack and receive testimonial review.

Bamboo Playhouse

The bamboo playhouse took a lot of considerations in terms of design, the safety, the materials used and the budget 

Being students, we are not familiar with what actual construction is like. It is far different from the drawings we see during our studies. So when we started fully focusing on the build, a lot of problems surfaced, as we had to compromise the design, materials used, timeline, and dealing with other sponsorships. We also had trouble recruiting volunteers at the end of the year, as most of our friends had already gone on holiday and were not in town for the build. 

This build was one of the hardest projects out of the previous two projects Colllab did as it deals with a different user and we are designing with bamboo, a natural material which cannot be fabricated quickly and needs higher skills and craftsmanship. 

During the construction phase, everything was done by the team of passionate students, from making the foundation, bamboo structure, floor structure and the roof. With practical designs considering safety measures to not go over budget.  



D. Difficulties

  • Having dogs as a user, can only get information by observing on-site and interviewing the owner 
  • Studying the behaviour of dogs is a challenge because there are so many of them
  • Unexpected occurrence
    • the site conditions, the dogs will disturb during construction.
    • -the weather limited our working period, decreasing the efficiency of construction. 


E. Language or cultural barriers

There was not any problem with communicating with the shelter owner, she was welcoming, insightful and responsible. Since our users are dogs, frequent site visits and observations were needed to understand the dog’s behaviour. For example we learnt that all dogs are different, which comes with those with different preferences. Some dogs like to be isolated from the others, some like to group up with their friends and some like to run around the whole time. 


F. What worked well? What didn’t work well?

Goodwheel:We were able to do the dog study to record down the dimensions of the dogs classified as Small, Medium and Large dogs. With that information, we are able to see the pattern of the dog size and design the wheelchair for S,M,L size. Only 3 components(pipe) will have different dimensions, but with that changeable length, we are able to produce different sizes wheelchair. 

We wanted to create an extendable joinery that can lengthen and shorten itself. Many prototypes were made using PVC pipe, as it is the lightest material to use and easily accessible. But due to the strength of the PVC pipe becoming weaker once cut and assembled again, the joineries cannot hold the full weight of the wheelchair.

More research for the future: We plan to create a singular joinery(fitting) that does not need to have many joints, to create a stronger and more efficient design with the use of 3D printing in the future

Bamboo Playhouse:

-We have done a lot of prototypes to test until the shelter design is workable and safe for the dogs. 

-We also did the dog study at the shelter, as the design prioritizes the dogs, so their anthropometry and behaviour are important and will affect the design as well.

- What we didn’t work well on is this project is ongoing during our final year semester. Therefore, sometimes we procrastinate and keep delaying the workshops and discussions until the end of the year only being able to construct. 

How many people benefited or will benefit from your project? Who are these people?

-the most benefited is the dogs in the CASH Shelter, which improved their playground condition to provide a bamboo shelter to give shading and resting on the shelter. 


G. Beneficiaries

The goal is to create 5 wheelchairs for the dogs with mobility issues to aid their movement when they go out to play. This would lift the burden of the owner to create and custom make the wheelchairs herself. Furthermore, creating a Bamboo Playhouse for the healthy dogs to play under a safe and shaded area. This Bamboo Playhouse will accommodate dogs with different preferences when they play, for example those that prefer to play under the sun and also the ones that like to hide under a shaded area. Those that like to jump around, and those that like to stay on the ground. 


This will lessen the burden of the animal shelter owner and her workers on creating the wheelchairs and designing and building the bamboo structure.


The students are able to study the needs of the dogs to create a workable wheelchair that is versatile for dogs with different sizes. They need to study the movement. The students are able to apply their architectural knowledge using a sustainable and green material- bamboo on a canine-scale. These two projects let students be exposed to new materials such as PVC pipes and bamboo which was never introduced to most of the students before.


A community project at this scale is perfect for students to gain more insight into real context, enhancing their critical thinking and innovation and improving their hands-on skill while helping the welfare of animals. In addition to expand networking in professional fields and communities while organising collaboration projects 

How does or will your project contribute to happiness? Short-term? Long-term?

On animal welfare. 


Short Term: Aid with movement of injured dogs. So they can roam freely in the compound of the animal shelter without close supervision of the workers and owner


Long term: Furthermore, transfer knowledge for pet owners in need of a wheelchair for their pet, as it is not easily accessible in Malaysia. Furthermore, it is a stepping stone for further research in modular joineries. We plan to create a singular joinery(fitting) that does not need to have many joints, to create a stronger and more efficient design with the use of 3D printing in the future


Bamboo Playhouse:

Short Term: Create a sustainable and comfortable playhouse for the dogs to play during their playing sessions, hidden from the harsh weather conditions, but also fulfil the needs of the active and quiet dogs.


Long term: The material used – Bamboo is considered a highly sustainable resource due to its rapid growth rate and ability to regenerate after being harvested. So if some of the bamboo structures of the shelter are broken, it can be replaced by new bamboo. An extension to our bamboo research has a greater impact. As it can provide a modular and fast construction for the future building environment. Eg. A fast construction for flood relief site


Section II

How does or will your project contribute to happiness? Short-term? Long-term?

On animal welfare. 


Short Term: Aid with movement of injured dogs. So they can roam freely in the compound of the animal shelter without close supervision of the workers and owner


Long term: Furthermore, transfer knowledge for pet owners in need of a wheelchair for their pet, as it is not easily accessible in Malaysia. Furthermore, it is a stepping stone for further research in modular joineries. We plan to create a singular joinery(fitting) that does not need to have many joints, to create a stronger and more efficient design with the use of 3D printing in the future


Bamboo Playhouse:

Short Term: Create a sustainable and comfortable playhouse for the dogs to play during their playing sessions, hidden from the harsh weather conditions, but also fulfil the needs of the active and quiet dogs.


Long term: The material used – Bamboo is considered a highly sustainable resource due to its rapid growth rate and ability to regenerate after being harvested. So if some of the bamboo structures of the shelter are broken, it can be replaced by new bamboo. An extension to our bamboo research has a greater impact. As it can provide a modular and fast construction for the future building environment. Eg. A fast construction for flood relief site

Has your project changed the way you think about the world? How has it changed you?


Animals are sentient beings with kind heart, but living in a cruel world

Even though the voices of the animals cannot be heard, do our best to protect them from



(What did I learn during site visit) Among the multiple site visits, the shelter owner gave a lot

of insight during her 10 years helping change the lives of the vulnerable. There was a dog

which she rescued and nurtured back to health in the shelter, but she soon noticed the dog

wants to leave the shelter, she noticed signs of breaking out attempts like jumping over

fences and boring holes to escape, she then decided to let it go, where it is happy. That dog

soon found its own friends and was happy again. This shows that every dog has feelings and

conscience, some want to stay in the shelter where it is a safe haven, some are adventurous and want to roam free.


It is okay to dislike dogs, but that does not justify people that hurt them. The owner explained

why stray dogs sometimes chase people even though they did not do anything wrong. The

dog might have some bad experiences with bad people who beat them up and simply just

wants to defend their territory

Zi Yi

“It is a great opportunity to cause a positive impact.”


"It’s not easy to start a cause, especially one that is meaningful and often overlooked, which is why I think it’s important for us to provide the support they need.”


Xin Hui

“It’s more than a wheelchair, it improved the life quality of the injured dogs. By seeing the injured dogs in the shelter it made me appreciate health and life more.”


Yi Zi

This project gave me the opportunity to interact and play my part in helping weak and disabled animals to alleviate the suffering they go through in their daily lives


Wai Yi

Spread kindness .The simplest way to show another struggling soul that there is love to be found in this world .



Quite heart whelming when seeing the disabled dogs had the chance to stand and walk again with the help of our project. It's like seeing hope in their eyes!!



 “every living beings deserves joy in their life”


Section III

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