My Starfish Foundation - MindFlu
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Quality Education

We aware that in Malaysia, mental disorder gets fewer spotlights that it deserves. We wanted to initiate more conversation and action in mental health prevention intervention. Only by then, the perspective about mental disorder can elevate from where it is now.

RM 0.00
Goal: RM 1.00
Fund Approved by MSF: RM 1.00

Overview of Issue / Background

We aware that in Malaysia, mental disorder gets fewer spotlights that it deserves. We wanted to initiate more conversation and action in mental health prevention intervention. Only by then, the perspective about mental disorder can elevate from where it is now.

Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)


A dynamic youth initiative in the movement of mental well-being advocacy.


1. To act as a platform that unites youths in mental well-being advocacy and literacy.

2. To encourage social inclusion by becoming the bridge between the society and people with mental affliction

Project Details (Activities and Tasks)

1. Volunteering Program

This is a collaborative project between MindFlu and Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA) which aims to bring individual who underwent psychiatric rehabilitation program back to the society and adapt themselves into the working environment through series of volunteering program. This project serves as a transition phase for them to back to workforce.

2. VR Program

Virtual Reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience that creates simulated environment for visual exposure. MindFlu are in progress of building our own personalised VR for depression simulation. The baseline story for our VR Project involves a day in a life of a secondary school girl named Amelia who suffers from depression. We hope to raise awareness about depression among public and to educate public about knowledge of depression by letting people see things in a different perspective.

3. UNplugged Workshop

Stress could be symbolised by an electrical plug. Too many plugs could to a blowout just like how a stress overload leads to a breakdown. “Unplugged” workshop serves as an insight on how lifestyle choices are a fuel to stress which could lead to depression. Participants would learn how to curb/unplug preventable stress factors through sharing by speaker (with a bonus handcraft-making session!)

Expected Project Result & Outcomes

1. Volunteering Program

This program channeling the patients back to workforce which enable them to self-sustain for their future. This program also spread the awareness on mental health to different fields and community. We expose and relate mental health issues to external communities that are focusing on volunteering activities.

2. VR Program

People get to know what depression is like and more aware of it. It breaks the stigma of depression even in with minor exposure of video through letting people experiencing how depression sufferers goes throughout their day. With the understanding they have, it help with noticing and identifying the signs and symptoms of depression. We will explore to other mental health disorder in the future project.

3. UNplugged Workshop

Participants would be able to determine the relationship between their lifestyle choices and stress along with what depression is and ways to prevent unnecessary and preventable stress factors.

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RM 0.00

0% of RM1.00 Goal

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  0 Days Left

Project Information

University name   :   UCSI University
Project leader name   :   Lee Li Ching
Facebook link   :
Location of project held   :   UCSI University,Taman Tugu, Tzu Chi Recycling Centre , MMHA centre
Beneficiary   :   UCSI University students,youth age range from 17-23, MMHA clients
Number of beneficiaries   :   96

Section I

a. We aim to raise awareness of the importance of mental well-being by involving youth in mental well-being advocacy and literacy, to encourage the social inclusion of people with mental affliction and to break the stigma among the public.

b. We managed to raise fund from Youth Beyond Boundaries (YBB), a student fraternity in UCSI. We are very grateful that the YBB decided to be a part of us for the MindFlu Project. With Khind Starfish Foundation sponsorship and YBB collaboration,we have stepped closer to achieve our objectives.

I. Volunteering Programme MindFlu X MMHA

There was an unpredictable pause of Volunteering programme during the mid August due to renovation of MMHA rehabilitation center and the rehabilitation program will be paused for the moment. Because of the pausing of collaboration with MMHA, we were thinking to explore other rehabilitation programmes around Klang area. Yet, there are some of the limitations, especially with the fact that the target audience are limited to those who are able to self-managed. At the same time, time limitations also imposed its own problems, in which we need to start approaching a new body and start the whole process in a shorter time .The other big issues will be logistics problem, as Klang area only have few rehabilitation programmes that allow us to travel there easily.

Virtual Reality Program

In the initial filming process, we were unable to hold the camera and direct the scene in the same space. In consequence of that, some scenes from our storyboard have to be changed or deleted. Besides, it took a lot of time and effort to figure out the correct method to edit a 360° video. The file size of the raw videos is also very large in comparison with normal videos so the editing and rendering process are time-consuming. After all the trial and error, the editing process was able to be done smoothly in Adobe Premiere Pro. We were also inexperienced in recording audio while filming. Therefore, during the editing stage, we were unable to retain a high-quality audio for the actor/actress in the video.

UNplugged Workshop

At first,we invite Tribeless and hope to get facilitators from their side to carry out Tribelless conversation. Nonetheless,due to Tribeless manpower constraints ,we are hardly to get facilitators from their side. Hence, we received training session from Tribeless several times to make sure the facilitator are able to host the conversation. To ensure the conversation can run smoothly,we also put in cohost to assist the conversation.For budget constraints, we did not charge the participants a high participation fee but high expenses for dreamcatcher materials are needed.

II. Volunteering Programme MindFlu X MMHA

MMHA clients are all Chinese. It is fortunate that most of the MindFlu facilitators were able to communicate with them with the language they are familiar with, namely Mandarin. There were no particular cultural barrier between the clients and MindFlu member,therefore we were able to get along well.

Virtual Reality Programme

Language or cultural barriers are not a big issue for this project as we filmed our video in English, which is the common language in Malaysia. Depression is a mental illness that can be experienced by anyone regardless of race or gender, thus our project are able to convey the message without cultural barriers.

UNplugged Workshop

Throughout the conversations, a standard language had been used, which is English. Due to the language barrier, some of the international participants refuse to share in the beginning. Yet, encouragement were given and they gradually involved themselves in the conversations.

III. Volunteering Programme MindFlu X MMHA

Prior to the sudden halt in the programme, the activities scheduled were conducted successfully. The clients enjoyed the activities so much that they had planned to come to the center and help around more often. One of the client are confirmed to help out constantly in Tzu Chi recycling centre after the rehabilitation programme.Though, all activities received good feedback from both the clients and the MindFlu members.

The main issue was the fact that the volunteering program was cut short due to the renovation of the rehabilitation center. This caused the programme to stop after a short meeting with clients.

Virtual Reality Programme

Our programme overall went smoothly. We are getting the video done on time. Our team members were committing to complete tasks allocated to them and assist others to meet deadlines. The performance of VR simulation video has meet our expectations. It is able to let viewers experience the 360 degrees video.

Issue that didn’t go as planned was we failed to make the VR simulation video in first person view,which is the ability of the viewer to see from a particular visual perspective other than one's actual location. It allows for immersive play as a character. However, we faced a lot of technical difficulties in shooting and editing a first person view video,thus,we change it into third person view to emphasize the emotion of actors.

Issue that didn’t go as planned was we failed to make the VR simulation video in first person view,which is the ability of the viewer to see from a particular visual perspective other than one's actual location. It allows for immersive play as a character. However, we faced a lot of technical difficulties in shooting and editing a first person view video,thus,we change it into third person view to emphasize the emotion of actors.

UNplugged Workshop

The event went without a hitch due to the integrity of the team in ensuring the smoothness of the workshop. This workshop took a few months time to plan, our team members worked hand in hand in order to get this workshop done and it was a big success.

IV. Volunteering Programme MindFlu X MMHA

The volunteering programme was advantageous for numerous people. The people who would benefit from the volunteering program would include the 6 clients and 3 facilitators from MMHA, MindFlu members, and those people who hosted the activities for the clients, for example Tzu Chi. The amounts are not huge, yet the impacts are deeper and forever.

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