My Starfish Foundation - Rhythm to Ecstasy
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Rhythm to Ecstasy

Arts & Culture

As students who are majoring is teaching English as a second language, with our experiences and prior knowledge, we want to run a service learning that can benefit not only limited to us but also for other people by exposing a variety of activities each session at the Pure Life Society. The major activity that we planned to run is the “Drama, Dances, and Poetry”. We chose to do these activities with them as it could serve as a bridge that will bring the relationship among the kids closer. Plus, these activities can be the stage for us to uncover the unpolished gems among the children in Pure Life Society. We hope that these projects will benefit greatly to the residents in this society.The Drama, Dance & Poetry performances that we are going to administer will involve the children in pure life directly. We planned to ensure that the kids will be learning how to act, dance and express themselves through poetry. Through these activities, we will teach the students on how to convey message using different techniques of acting, the basic moves of traditional dances and to write poetry according to theme. At the end of the day, they will gain knowledge and skills in the performing arts, it will help them present themselves confidently in public and able to opens their eyes to their own potential in the area.

RM 0.00
Goal: RM 1.00
Fund Approved by MSF: RM 1.00

Overview of Issue / Background

As students who are majoring is teaching English as a second language, with our experiences and prior knowledge, we want to run a service learning that can benefit not only limited to us but also for other people by exposing a variety of activities each session at the Pure Life Society. The major activity that we planned to run is the “Drama, Dances, and Poetry”. We chose to do these activities with them as it could serve as a bridge that will bring the relationship among the kids closer. Plus, these activities can be the stage for us to uncover the unpolished gems among the children in Pure Life Society. We hope that these projects will benefit greatly to the residents in this society.

The Drama, Dance & Poetry performances that we are going to administer will involve the children in pure life directly. We planned to ensure that the kids will be learning how to act, dance and express themselves through poetry. Through these activities, we will teach the students on how to convey message using different techniques of acting, the basic moves of traditional dances and to write poetry according to theme. At the end of the day, they will gain knowledge and skills in the performing arts, it will help them present themselves confidently in public and able to opens their eyes to their own potential in the area.

Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)

The main purpose while administering this community service program was to nurture the kids’ appreciation towards a different form of arts. The other goals were to assist the children to alleviate their stress while still having fun doing so.

  1. To teach the children on how to act, dance and write poem.
  2. To ensure the kids gain confidence towards the during their learning of performing arts.
  3. To brush up on skills and the kids of Pure Life Society potential in performing arts.
  4. To help the children relieve their stress during their session with us.

Project Details (Activities and Tasks)





  • Introduction session
  • Ice breaking games


  • Leader introduces the team & brief on the aims and objectives of the project
  • Bureau of Activity explains how to play games to the children
  • The children were divided into groups and play the games.



  • Yarn crafts
  1. Rugs & mats
  2. String wall decor



  • The children will meet us through google meet.
  • The children will be divided into group according to age.
  • Each group will be doing the craft assigned.



  • Painting
  1. Straw art
  2. Palm art
  3. Toilet roll paper core
  4. Cotton bud
  5. Leaves


  • The children will meet us through google meet.
  • The children will be divided into group according to age.
  • Each group will be doing the art assigned.


  • Crafts
  1. Origami
  2. Paper crafts
  3. Mini beads chandelier


  • The children will meet us through google meet.
  • The children will be divided into group according to age.
  • Each group will be doing the craft assigned.


  • Learn basics of acting, dancing & poetry


  • Online module (videos / google meet)


  • Learn basics of acting, dancing & poetry
  • Online module (videos / google meet)


  • Learn basics of acting, dancing & poetry


  • Online module (videos / google meet)


  • Practice and train for performance: -
  1. Poetry
  2. Malay Traditional Dance
  3. Folktale drama


  • Each representative helps the children with their performances.
  • All performers practice their part.



  • Practice and train for performance: -
  1. Poetry
  2. Malay Traditional Dance
  3. Folktale drama


  • Each representative helps the children with their performances.
  • All performers practice their part.



  • Practice and train for performance: -
  1. Poetry
  2. Malay Traditional Dance
  3. Folktale drama


  • Each representative helps the children with their performances.
  • All performers practice their part.



  • Practice and train for performance: -
  1. Poetry
  2. Malay Traditional Dance
  1. Folktale drama


  • Each representative helps the children with their performances.
  • All performers practice their part.



  • Final session (live stream): -

Performances on poetry, dance, and drama

  • Closing ceremony: -
  1. Distribution of complementary gifts to the children and admins


  • The project leader gives a speech and welcome the audience to the show.
  • The representative staff of Pure Life Society gives their speech.
  • We present the performers and start the performances.
  • The first performance is by the dancing crew, then, the drama crew and lastly, the poetry crew.
  • After the performances, the complementary gifts will be given to our supervisor, pure life staff and the performers.
  • The ceremony will end with a photo session.


Expected Project Result & Outcomes

First and foremost, we have discussed the schedule and is approved by the Pure Life Society admins and staffs. Not only that, our main purpose of this project is to reach out to these children and help them discovered their hidden talents. As you see here, the planned activities are not entirely on their academics as we as a team would love to have the children get out of their comfort zone and enjoy the activities prepared fully. To add, we also included performing arts in this project because we would like to help shine these children potential and skills to the public as this can help them boost their confidence. As we know some students’ strong points may be from academics, but some are from this department.

Note: Since it is still MCO period and all of us will be studying from home, the entire project will be conducted virtually.

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RM 0.00

0% of RM1.00 Goal

  0 Supporters
  0 Days Left

Project Information

University name   :   UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA
Project leader name   :   DINAH BINTI MOHAMED ZALMAN

Section I


  1. Project Goals

The main purpose while administering this community service program is to nurture the kids’ appreciation towards different forms of arts while alleviating their stress by having fun during the process. Through this project, we hope that students will not only be able to learn dancing, act and recite a poem but they also gain confidence in performing arts. 

  1. Fund-raising Efforts

We did the crowdfunding together before starting the project. It is not just to earn money, but to show our efforts in carrying out this activity diligently to give them satisfaction and happiness. We set a crowdfunding target at the amount of RM 1000. But, due to the efforts from our committee members, we managed to collect up to RM 1 045. Although it is not much, it still gives us the satisfaction in helping and striving to make this project a success.

  1. 1. Unexpected Challenges Throughout the Project

From the starting of the project, we knew that it would be conducted online. However, there were many unforeseen changes along the way. The initial timeline had to be shifted to later timing due to management issues and time constraints in preparing the teaching materials. Since the project was done virtually, the biggest challenge is to find a suitable time where every kid can gather for the session. With the major changes in the school calendar, we had to simplify the activity. However, with the pandemic going on and the closing of schools, we finally managed to finish the project after school reopens this year. Apart from time, technical issues like setting up the audio for Google Meet was a struggle as well but it was nothing too difficult to handle. 

2. Language and Cultural Barriers

Our team consists of local and international students of different fields of study. To carry out the project, we had to communicate in English among ourselves and to the beneficiary students. Since we are dealing with low proficiency students, we have to use simple English to ensure that they can follow and understand what we say. However, in some situations, we had to switch to another language which the students can understand better. For example, Chinese language when carrying out the activity at Uncle Sam’s Kindergarten and elementary school in China.


3. What Works and What Does Not

The pre-recorded lessons definitely allowed us to have a more flexible timeline. Preparing the video lessons was time-consuming but after we were done with that process, execution was simple. It also allows the PLS students to replay the videos and practice at their own pace. Although we did not have the opportunity to meet them in person, we still managed to get to know them in person through the live sessions we had. The live sessions are not the smoothest as we encountered some technical problems such as unstable Internet connectivity and audio issues. Although this method was not the best, it is the new normal that we all had to adapt to.

4. Who Benefitted from the Project and How

As the organisers, we ourselves got benefits from the project. It was a meaningful learning experience for us. The process taught us about leadership and teamwork. It also allows us to connect with society and put our knowledge into practice. As for the beneficiary, we received many positive feedbacks from them. They enjoyed performing and it helped them to have something to look forward to in the midst of this pandemic. This project also helped to promote traditional Malay culture. The younger generation nowadays are more exposed to modern and foreign culture so this is a good opportunity for them to learn traditional dance and indulge in Malaysian Folklore. Last but not least, the students also get to brush up their performing talents and improve their self-esteem.

5. Long-term Effect of and Its Sustainability 

In the long run, we believe this project can benefit the beneficiary in many ways. Some students may have discovered a new talent or passion that could be developed into something greater in the future. It also promotes a healthy lifestyle because performing arts is a great way to destress and also get physically active. Through poetry, students can share their voices to the public and inspire others. The possibilities are endless. As for the sustainability of the project, we hoped to continue reaching out to students from different cultural backgrounds with the materials that we have already prepared for this project. We plan to reach out to schools to see if they are interested to carry out this project among their students. We purposely made the videos using the method of self-explanatory so that it is easy to understand and can be carried out by teachers with little to no guidance from us.

Section II


  1. 1. How long does or will your project contribute to happiness?

Our project will teach children to build confidence. Indirectly, we teach children to master art and craft skills where we teach poetry, dance, and how to act. Such skills are seen as common but it has a big impact on children because these skills will educate and develop their potential, especially confidence in doing an activity in a crowd. Apart from that, our project also makes the English language fun and enjoyable. this is because the activities are carried out usefully in English. English is usually a barrier for children to communicate and make full use of the language. Therefore, carrying out activities that fully use the English language is one of the reasons this project contributes to happiness. We help them and encourage them to use English in hopes that there will be no more language barrier in English communication. Also, we teach them to be confident with themselves, especially presenting in front of the crowd and performing art. This will give this project a long-term teaching effect than just having fun for a while.

2. Has your project changed the way you think about the world?

How has it changed you?

Nowadays, everything can be done virtually and beyond limitation. At first, I found it quite difficult to teach children without face to face with them at all. Yes, the first move always seems challenging. But, with guidance of my lecturer, Dr. Visha and motivation of team members, we carry out our best in this project. For us as the members who conduct the project, we are truly happy in planning and brainstorming about how to carry out something that gives joy while educating them with fun. We also said to ourselves that having a bigger passion to change the world is not just a dream but we can do something bigger if we take a small step first. This is our small step to change the way we view the world. Just a small step, teaching them arts and teaching them to be confident in English. We don't know the result in the future. They might be the ones who bring Malaysia up because of us. They are kids who are enjoying their childhood and making some fun memories so they can recall them back when they are getting older. At this moment, we are just trying to make them happy and facing all the happiness while doing this project. As a leader of the group, seeing both of my members and kids having fun even just using an online platform, then we know what we mean by happiness itself.

  1. Personal Statement/Quotation 

“Everyone has different definitions on having fun. However, we managed to let the kids enjoy the activities we created for them together as a group. This is proof that we can still entertain ourselves despite living in the new norm.”

‘Izzah, Project member’

“This project is a lifelong experience for me. We all know that because of the pandemic, the year of 2020 has been a very special, different and difficult year for all of us. However, we still managed to complete our project and make it carried out successfully. This project is very meaningful, not only because it helps kids in Malaysia have a more colorful and fun experience during this special time, but also provides an opportunity for more foreign kids to learn about the Malaysian culture, such as kids in China and Sri Lanka.”

‘Michelle, Project member’

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