Annual Public Health Campaign 2016/17
Quality Education
Public Health Campaign (PHC) is an annual event which provides free public service throughout various states in Peninsular Malaysia. Since its inception in 2002, its main purpose is to increase health awareness among the public and to disseminate health information on the prevention of diseases. It also aims to enhance the role of pharmacists in the community.Over the years, this campaign has played a vital role in raising health awareness of the Malaysian public, promoting changes in lifestyle to encourage healthy living as well as serve as a platform for UCSI University students to give back to the community. It has attracted between 1000 to 1500 direct participants each time, with many more unlisted members of public perusing the exhibition site.For this event, we will be working closely with the community of Kuala Sepetang in running a health campaign on 21st and 22nd December, tentatively at a local primary school hall. Kuala Sepetang is a coastal fishing village 15km away from Taiping, Perak. It has an estimated 1,000 households with a population of 6,000, most of which are Chinese. Most of the population have up to primary level education and about half of all working population are involved in the fishery industry. Adjacent to Kuala Sepetang is Kampung Menteri with a Malay majority population with roughly 200 households consisting of 1,500 residents.The main focus of PHC has always been the exhibition with materials related to the chosen theme. For our campaign in Kuala Sepetang, we will be focusing on cancer. The poster display will include Malaysian statistics on cancer, recognising warning signs and knowing when to seek medical advice. With these, it is hoped that the community in Kuala Sepetang will have a better understanding on cancer and become more inclined to change in their lifestyle for the better.Other than that, various health screening tests such as blood pressure test, blood glucose test, body fat test and waist-to-hip ratio analysis will be conducted throughout this campaign to attract the public as well as to provide a free public service. Patient counselling from qualified counselors will also be available to the public during this campaign. The pharmacy students will conduct the "Know Your Drugs" session to educate the public on the importance of proper drug use. We will also be conducting the demonstration of drug compounding for public viewing during the campaign.In order to provide more longer lasting impact on community health, we will be liaising with local clinics and/or hospital to refer public members with abnormal screening results to doctors for further action.

Overview of Issue / Background
Public Health Campaign (PHC) is an annual event which provides free public service throughout various states in Peninsular Malaysia. Since its inception in 2002, its main purpose is to increase health awareness among the public and to disseminate health information on the prevention of diseases. It also aims to enhance the role of pharmacists in the community.
Over the years, this campaign has played a vital role in raising health awareness of the Malaysian public, promoting changes in lifestyle to encourage healthy living as well as serve as a platform for UCSI University students to give back to the community. It has attracted between 1000 to 1500 direct participants each time, with many more unlisted members of public perusing the exhibition site.
For this event, we will be working closely with the community of Kuala Sepetang in running a health campaign on 21st and 22nd December, tentatively at a local primary school hall. Kuala Sepetang is a coastal fishing village 15km away from Taiping, Perak. It has an estimated 1,000 households with a population of 6,000, most of which are Chinese. Most of the population have up to primary level education and about half of all working population are involved in the fishery industry. Adjacent to Kuala Sepetang is Kampung Menteri with a Malay majority population with roughly 200 households consisting of 1,500 residents.
The main focus of PHC has always been the exhibition with materials related to the chosen theme. For our campaign in Kuala Sepetang, we will be focusing on cancer. The poster display will include Malaysian statistics on cancer, recognising warning signs and knowing when to seek medical advice. With these, it is hoped that the community in Kuala Sepetang will have a better understanding on cancer and become more inclined to change in their lifestyle for the better.
Other than that, various health screening tests such as blood pressure test, blood glucose test, body fat test and waist-to-hip ratio analysis will be conducted throughout this campaign to attract the public as well as to provide a free public service. Patient counselling from qualified counselors will also be available to the public during this campaign. The pharmacy students will conduct the "Know Your Drugs" session to educate the public on the importance of proper drug use. We will also be conducting the demonstration of drug compounding for public viewing during the campaign.
In order to provide more longer lasting impact on community health, we will be liaising with local clinics and/or hospital to refer public members with abnormal screening results to doctors for further action.
Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)
The Annual Public Health Campaign 2016 aims to:
1. Promote and educate the public on the importance of early detection for cancer.
2. Increase public awareness of the risk factors of cancer.
3. Educate the public on the importance of regular medical check-ups.
4. Improve community health to bring about changes in lifestyles.
5. Enhance the role of pharmacists in the community via health promotional activities.
Project Details (Activities and Tasks)
1. Exhibition: The exhibition will educate the public on the risk factors and prevention of cancer in which the ways of a healthy lifestyle will be highlighted. PHC members will be stationed at the exhibition site to explain the information to the public in 3 languages and answer their queries on the topic
2. Waist-to-hip ratio measurement: The waist-to-hip ratio is obtained by dividing waist circumference with hip circumference. This measurement provides an independent prediction of risk to develop heart disease.
3. Blood pressure measurement: Blood pressure will be measured using stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. The results will be classified based on the hypertension JNC VIII table.
4. Body fat and weight measurement: Using the Omron Karada Scan, an overview of fat distribution in the body and the possible weight problems can be identified.
5. Blood glucose measurement: The Accu-Chek Advantage meter and test strips will be used to conduct the test. The results will be referred to the reference range, which is specific to the Accu-Chek Advantage meters, by Roche Diagnostic.
6. Drug compounding demonstration: The preparation of mixtures, emulsions, and creams will be demonstrated and briefly explained to the public. During the demonstration process, the public are encouraged to approach and interact with the members on site so that they can make use of the opportunity to understand and appreciate the roles of pharmacists in dispensing and drug compounding.
7. "Know Your Drugs" session: This session will be carried out by qualified Year 2 Pharmacy students with the assistance of one or two registered pharmacists. Through this session, the public will be educated on the information and knowledge about drugs.
Expected Project Result & Outcomes
The campaign is open to the public, targeting men and women aged 18 to 80. The expected number of participants is 500.
0% of RM1.00 Goal
Project Information
University name | : | UCSI University |
Project leader name | : | Tan Jun Hua |
Section I
The UCSI University Annual Public Health Campaign 2016/17 was successfully held in Kuala Sepetang on 22nd and 23rd December 2016, with its goals of raising public awareness of the risk factors of cancer and the importance of early detection. The campaign also aimed to educate the public on the importance of regular medical check-ups as well as improve community health through lifestyle interventions.
The project was primarily funded by Khind Starfish Foundation under Projects for Happiness, with 10 % of the budget raised from public donation during the previous health campaign in July 2016. Of the RM 9,998 awarded, RM X was used for project expenditures.
The public health campaign (PHC) consisted of two main activities. Screening tests including waist-to-hip ratio measurement, blood pressure measurement, body fat and weight analysis and blood glucose test were provided free-of-charge for visiting public. An exhibition on the risk factors and prevention of common cancers in Malaysia was set up in the form of wall-mounted posters in both Malay and Chinese languages. PHC members were stationed at the exhibition site to explain the information to the public and to answer any further inquiries.
We also invited two pharmacists along to provide counselling to the public as well as to answer any questions that can only be handled by qualified healthcare providers. Working closely with the ADUN of Kuala Sepetang, YB Chua Yee Ling, we were fortunately provided with free accommodation for PHC members and given a centrally-located local community hall to use as the event venue. The YB office also helped with publicizing the event to the locals, most of whom are either involved in the fishery industry or retired residents.
The local community of Kuala Sepetang staying in the town area were mostly Hokkienspeaking Chinese, especially the elderly. This presented a problem to PHC members, as only a few could converse in the dialect. However, by rotating the members stationed at each screening counter, we managed to accommodate those members of public who could only speak Hokkien. Translating the exhibition posters from English into Malay and Chinese was a wise decision, as we observed that visitors could quickly understand the material.
Over the two days, we served 150 members of public through our screening tests. The 22nd coincided with Winter Solstice, which was widely celebrated in a rural township such as
Kuala Sepetang. This resulted in poor turnout during our first day. However, the turnout of the second day was much better. There were even people waiting for our counters to open when we arrived at the site early in the morning. Overall, the community was very receptive of our health campaign.
We hoped through our campaign that at least some of the local residents had better understanding of their health profile and would take the necessary actions to live a healthier lifestyle. Some of the visitors suggested that the campaign should be held on a regular basis, however this will be heavily dependent on the availability of sponsorship in the future.
Section II
The UCSI University Annual Public Health Campaign 2016/17 certainly brought joy to the usually quiet township of Kuala Sepetang. By providing health screening tests for free, the local community had the opportunity to understand their health conditions and learn about ways of healthy living. We could see that the local community were very grateful for our services; one lady even brought us enough rice dumpling balls for all PHC members on Winter Solstice day in appreciation.
We hope that our campaign has successfully raised public awareness on the dangers of cancer and the importance of prevention and early detection. However, it is difficult to judge the extent of their understanding and retention of the information given in the long run. In order to achieve long term improvement in health outcomes, we believe a regular health campaign serving the area is necessary.
The project has opened our eyes to the daily life of a rural township. By staying in a small homestay situated in the middle of the fishing village, we got used to the sound of boats setting off to sea before dawn, as well as the hustle and bustle of friendly fishermen going about on their businesses throughout the day. We learned to adapt to an environment out of our comfort zone. We also had to think out of the box in terms of setting up the event venue when faced with unforeseen difficulties. Looking at the level of understanding the rural population had, we were grateful for the education that we received.
“The most important thing I learned is that we should not assume that things that seem most basic to us is known by everyone too. By bringing ourselves to the level of the targeted population, communication will be more effective.” (Liew Yee Yan, Year 2 pharmacy student) “We were able to plant the seed of knowledge, and awareness of the importance of good health into the minds of the public, which really is the core purpose of our event – Public Health Campaign! As members, besides having the satisfaction of helping the small community there, we were also able to create some beautiful memories for ourselves.” (Eugene Low Yi Ming, Year 2 pharmacy student)
“This event is valuable because we were able to build basic health awareness among the population that have very limited education levels. At the same time, we were very satisfied to be able to help the villagers by performing screening tests. On a side note, this is a great opportunity for us to understand each other better! (Jolene Bak Chia Jie, Year 2 pharmacy student)
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