Quality Education
Racial harmony can be achieved when people come to understand the different cultures of the different races in Malaysia. One of the ways to achieve this is by educating young ones about racial harmony through culture and language. The purpose of this project is to expose student from different cultural background to the Chinese culture so that with better understanding, racial harmony can be fostered. The school chosen for this project is a majority Malay student school with a minority of non-Malay. The school, SM Sains Rembau offers form 1 until form 5 classes but only form 1 and 2 students will be selected for the project. The school offers 3rd language, Mandarin to the Form 1 & and 2 students. However the SM Sains Rembau student have very little exposure as they are confined to the school grades where they have hardly any chance to experience the Chinese culture.

Overview of Issue / Background
Racial harmony can be achieved when people come to understand the different cultures of the different races in Malaysia. One of the ways to achieve this is by educating young ones about racial harmony through culture and language. The purpose of this project is to expose student from different cultural background to the Chinese culture so that with better understanding, racial harmony can be fostered. The school chosen for this project is a majority Malay student school with a minority of non-Malay.
The school, SM Sains Rembau offers form 1 until form 5 classes but only form 1 and 2 students will be selected for the project. The school offers 3rd language, Mandarin to the Form 1 & and 2 students. However the SM Sains Rembau student have very little exposure as they are confined to the school grades where they have hardly any chance to experience the Chinese culture.
Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)
Vision: To help the students learn Mandarin in a very enthusiastic way and eager to learn more about Mandarin and Chinese culture.
To enable students to understand Chinese Culture, games that relates to Chinese Culture can open their eyes more and learn the difference between their culture and the Chinese. By that, they will also be more open-minded and not being prejudiced towards other culture nor stereotyping them.
To introduce Mandarin activities for learning in a fun and interactive way. We want to prove that Mandarin can’t be learned by just studying with books. We have variety way to learn it in a more fun and creative way such as playing games and exciting activities.
To create a learning environment using language games.
To make them feel that learning a new language is worthful and beneficial for their future undertaking.
Project Details (Activities and Tasks)
4/9/2019 | 1. Introduction 2. Ice Breaking Session 3. Opening ceremony 4. Chopstick (Kuaizi) teaching & competition 5. Set up and decorate Mandarin Corner | 1. Introduction of the facilitators and the projects objectives. 2. Each group will be taught by the facilitators how to use chopstick properly in correct manner and play some tricks with green peas. 3. Decorating the Mandarin Corner 4. Officializing the whole project |
11/9/2019 |
2. The students will use their creativity to create the most beautiful Tanglung. 3. Hand-crafting D.I.Y Hanglung and will hang it on the Mandarin Corner. |
18/9/2019 |
| 1. Students are required to learn how to fold dumplings 2. They are required to memorize each ingredients included in Mandarin.
25/9/2019 |
Example: dragon, flowers, cat , rabbit | 1. They will be required to practise more Mandarin Choir for the competition. 2.Facilitators will provide students recycled item such as egg carton to create a dragon based on their creativity.
2/10/2019 | 1.Mandarin Choir Practise 2. Paper Cutting |
9/10/2019 | 1.Competition- Choir in Mandarin 2.Closing Ceremony 3.Prize and Award Giving | 1. Each group will make a Mandarin choir performance and compete with each other. 3. Award giving ceremony will be held where all the winners from each competition made receive a present- schools and UiTM will exchange a token of gratitude. |
Expected Project Result & Outcomes
1. At the end of the project, we hope to have reach our expectation in a good way. We hope by this project, it’ll encourage the students to love Mandarin more and make them like to learn new languages without being forced. This project will let them feel that learning new languages especially Mandarin is very fun and benificial to themselves too because it’ll also help them in the future whether in getting jobs or travelling.
2. Secondly, we expected that of course, the students’ communication skills will be developed. It’s quite hard nowadays to improve social skills among adolescents because they’re prone to play with their gadgets rather than socializing with people around them. So, if this project is going to be a success, it’ll more likely to make them try to be more sociable and involve themselves to the community more.
3. By combining games and teaching Mandarin, we hope that there’ll be a new method of teaching implemented in schools so students will be more attracted and become eager to learn Mandarin. Plus, it could also make them students wanting to go to school not because of they were forced by parents or teacher, but by their own will thus resulting in an excelled grades and increasing the school’s reputations.
0% of RM1.00 Goal
Project Information
Project leader name | : | NUR AZREEN FATIHAH BINTI AZLAN |
Project implementation date | : | 2019-11-02 |
Location of project held | : | SEKOLAH MENENGAH SAINS REMBAU |
Number of beneficiaries | : | 118 STUDENTS |
Section I
The main goal of this project is racial harmony can be achieved when people come to understand the different cultures of the different races in Malaysia. One of the ways to achieve this is by educating young ones about racial harmony through culture and language. The purpose of this project is to expose student from different cultural background to the Chinese culture so that with better understanding, racial harmony can be fostered. Other than that, our aim to make the project a meaningful experience not just for the facilitators but for the students as well and also to shape our future leaders.
There were some fund-raising efforts contributed to our project. The fund-raising method we use is crowd-funding. We raise fund among ourselves to succeed in this project. The total of crowdfunding we collected is RM400.00.
During the implementation of the project, there were a few unanticipated difficulties. One of them was the change of the location of the project. As the location changed, we need to find another place as soon as possible to hold the project. Not only that, we need to change the tentative of the project to suit the next location's requirements.
During the event, there weren't any language or culture barriers because the students were all Malay students. 118 people were benefited from our project. These students are from Sekolah Menengah Sains Rembau.
The long-term impact and the sustainability of this project is the understanding of Chinese culture. Nowadays, racism is rampant in Malaysia, that is why understanding other’s culture is important. Therefore, there is a future in our project, if it is being implemented in all schools around Malaysia with different cultures such as Tamil, Kadazan and many more races in Malaysia, it will unite our future generation.
The short-term contribute to happiness is the happiness of the students in joining our activities. Each and every one of the students has a smile on their face throughout the whole project.
The students also get to know their friends better, because we divide the groups randomly. They learn the names of friends that they never talk to before this project. They got closer because of the teamwork in their group. Each and every group has its unique style of teamwork.
The relationship between the students and the facilitators also shows that age did not matters to be friends. The students asked a lot of question to the facilitators not only about the project but also about the university lifestyle, they exchanged their social networks accounts and took a lot of pictures throughout the project.
For us, short-term happiness is the happiness, the smile, the laughter that the students show during the project. That happiness isn’t only for them but it is also for us. Their smile makes us smile too, their happiness shows that we succeed in the project.
While one of the long-term contributions of our project to happiness is the first-hand experience in understanding other’s culture. For example, they learn how to use chopsticks compared to the Malays using our right hand to eat. Other than that, by learning the greetings in Mandarin it will be the first step in fostering racial unity.
Other than that, it is a tough competition for graduates to get a job in our recent job market. By learning different languages and understanding different cultures it will give them the advantage to stand out among the other graduates. Therefore, this project is a leverage for the students to learn different languages. Thus, it will help them in their future careers.
By having real life experience, the students will be able to differentiate what was shown or written online and that of real-life. Nowadays, social media shows both negative and positive contents about different cultures, but as we know people sensationalise the negative contents than positive contents. So, this project is a small step to cultivate a positive perspective of other culture among the students
The project changed our perspective of the world as well as changes ourselves too. While doing this project without us realising, it helps us to open our eyes more and learn much more about the difference between the Chinese’s culture and the Chinese itself. Thus, we begin to understand them. We also will start being more open-minded and not being prejudiced towards other culture nor stereotyping them.
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