My Starfish Foundation - SEED TO A BETTER FUTURE
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Helping the Underprivileged Community

We choose students from primary school in Kg Sg Balang Darat, Muar,Johor for this project because 65% of the students in this school are from low income family. Children in this area tend to follow their father’s footsteps by doing menial work in the palm oil plantation after finishing school.  They lack the exposure on possible job opportunities available in the market place.  Moreover, this area is infested with drug addicts.  Research has shown that children who grew up in disadvantaged neighborhoods fare worse across multiple measures of well-being than do children reared in neighborhoods with richer and safer environment.  Thus, to overcome the disadvantages faced by students from Kg Sg Balang Darat, Muar,Johor, this project aims to expose them to a fun, safe and interactive edutainment activities where children can experience the world of adults in KidZania, Kuala Lumpur. They will also be guided on enhancing their soft skills during group activities with our team. In the last week, they will listen to aspiring life journey of Mr. Mohd Sukur Ibrahim, a person with disability, who was granted the OKU Excellent Entrepreneur Award 2016.  Despite being certified as the shortest man in Malaysia by Malaysian Book of Records, Mr. Mohd Sukur successfully overcome all the challenges life has to offer.  The children who are able-bodied can learn so much from the talk. In short, this program is expected to cultivate strong desire and determination, and foster self-belief in the students to achieve greater height in their future.

RM 0.00
Goal: RM 1.00
Fund Approved by MSF: RM 2,815.00

Overview of Issue / Background

We choose students from primary school in Kg Sg Balang Darat, Muar,Johor for this project because 65% of the students in this school are from low income family. Children in this area tend to follow their father’s footsteps by doing menial work in the palm oil plantation after finishing school.  They lack the exposure on possible job opportunities available in the market place.  Moreover, this area is infested with drug addicts.  Research has shown that children who grew up in disadvantaged neighborhoods fare worse across multiple measures of well-being than do children reared in neighborhoods with richer and safer environment.  Thus, to overcome the disadvantages faced by students from Kg Sg Balang Darat, Muar,Johor, this project aims to expose them to a fun, safe and interactive edutainment activities where children can experience the world of adults in KidZania, Kuala Lumpur. They will also be guided on enhancing their soft skills during group activities with our team. In the last week, they will listen to aspiring life journey of Mr. Mohd Sukur Ibrahim, a person with disability, who was granted the OKU Excellent Entrepreneur Award 2016.  Despite being certified as the shortest man in Malaysia by Malaysian Book of Records, Mr. Mohd Sukur successfully overcome all the challenges life has to offer.  The children who are able-bodied can learn so much from the talk. In short, this program is expected to cultivate strong desire and determination, and foster self-belief in the students to achieve greater height in their future.

Project Objectives (Vision & Mission)

  1. To identify the appropriate career choice that match the students’ likes, interests, skills, and personality styles
  2. To enable the underprivileged students to experience hands-on real-life occupations in a fun and engaging learning environment
  3. To sow a positive mental attitude into the children’s mind so that they can aim higher in their life
  4. To inspire the children by introducing a role model who is successful in changing the destiny of his life despite constant obstacles
  5. To inculcate creativity, leadership skills and boost confidence through group discussion and presentation

Project Details (Activities and Tasks)

SEED TO A BETTER FUTURE” is a 5-week program to be carried during weekend.

“On the first, week, our team will come to SK Sg Balang Darat and having ice breaking with the selected children. At the same time, they will tested on personality test by us to see their potential work force in the future. After known their tendency, the following week,  the children will enjoy a trip to KidZania, Kuala Lumpur. They will spend a day at Kidzania.  They can choose to work and play at over 60 establishments with more than 100 activities, performing real-life jobs in a simulated, role-playing environment but at the same time, we will help them to choose activity that suitable based on their personality test. At the end of the day, they will get the group project assignment to be performed in the following 2 week which will be guided by our team. The objective of the assignment is to instill leadership skills and confidence building. In the last week,.  They will listen to highly inspiring motivational talk from our invited guest speaker, Mr. Mohd Sukur Ibrahim. Subsequently, the children will present their group assignment.  Prizes will be given to the winners.  

Expected Project Result & Outcomes

. 1. Identify the students’ Career Code, expose them to all possible prospects of job relevant to their career code, and to inspire them to become one in the future

Through activities at KidZania, students will be exposed to many types of job in this world such as being a chef, teacher, doctor, policeman, lawyer, designer, pilot, dentist and others. By playing a choice of jobs available at KidZania based on their inherent career code, students will be inspired to be become one in the future. A key tenet education theory is that children’s play is not meaningless fun but, rather, an important developmental process that serves as a preparation for adulthood. They will be inspired to be the best that they can be and not be confined to follow their father’s footsteps.

2. Students learn to be independent At Kidzania, the students will work and earn kidzos (KidZania’s own currency).

The process of earning kidzos in exchange for labor will be an education in itself for the students. When they have their own kidzos, they can make their own decisions. They are empowered on how to spend their kidzos and on how to run their life.

3. Instigate students on how to overcome all hurdles in life.

The session with the guest speaker will show to the students that life is full of hurdles, but all the adversity in life should have strengthened them. Perseverance and persistence despite all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities is the way to accomplish what they want to achieve in life

4. Develop creativity, leadership skill and boost confidence.

Creativity and leadership skill are not talents that the students either have or don’t have, but they are skills that the students can build with practices. The group assignment is designed to enhance the students’ creative potentials, leadership skill and boost their confidence. These are important attributes that will help them in their future.


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RM 0.00

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Project Information

University name   :   UITM BANDARAYA MELAKA
Project leader name   :   SITI NOR AMIRAH BT MD NOH

Section I

Research had shown that children who grew up in disadvantaged neighbourhoods fare worse across multiple measures of well-being than do children reared in neighbourhoods with richer and safer environment. Thus, to overcome the disadvantages faced by students from Kg Sg Balang Darat, Muar,Johor, the aims of this project were to identify the students’ Career Code, to expose them to all possible prospects of job relevant to their career code at KidZania, to inspire them to become one in the future, and to develop their creativity and confidence through group activities.

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to KHIND Starfish Foundation for granting us with sponsorship. As a major sponsor, KHIND Starfish Foundation has brought smiles and happiness among the students. In addition, we would like to thank KOPERASI WAWASAN MALAYSIA BERHAD (KOWAMAS) for supporting us in terms of food supplies.

“Seed to A Better Future” was a project organized by the three of us from UiTM Melaka City Campus. We were fortunate to have Assoc. Prof Dr Maheran Katan as our advisor. We chose students from primary school in Kg Sg Balang Darat, Muar, Johor for this project because most of the students in this school were from low income family. Children in this area tend to follow their father’s footsteps by doing menial work in the palm oil plantation after finishing school. They lacked the exposure on possible job opportunities available in the market place. Moreover, this area is infested with drug addicts. We wanted to cultivate strong desire and determination, and foster self-belief in the students to achieve greater height in their future.

The project started off on 29th Oct 2017. Our team conducted Holland Career Personality Test with the students to match their likes, interests, skills, and personality styles to the appropriate career choice. The objective of this test was to tap into their hidden potential. There were 6 Holland Code Career Models: 1. Realistic: practical, physical, concrete, handson; 2. Investigative: analytical, intellectual, scientific, 3. Artistic: creative, inventive, media, graphics, and text; 4. Social: cooperative, healing/nurturing, teaching; 5. Enterprising: competitive environments, leadership; 6. Conventional: detail-oriented, organizing, clerical. The breakdown on the number of students with a particular dominant code is as follows:

Realistic-4 students, Investigative- 2 students, Artistic- 2 students, Social-7 students, Enterprising- 0 student, Conventional- 1 student.

On 4th Nov 2017, we had a day trip to KidZania where the students could choose to work and play at over 60 establishments with more than 100 activities, performing real-life jobs in a simulated, role-playing environment. We helped them to choose activities that are suitable based on the result of their Holland Code Career Models.

On 18th Nov 2017, two group activities were carried out and these activities were facilitated by our team members. The activities were called “Oh My Paper” and “Stand Up to Your Choice” The objective of these activities was to instil creativity, team work and confidence building.

Finally on 19th Nov 2017, the Opening and Closing Ceremony was held in Dewan Anugerah, SK Kg Sg Balang Darat, Muar,Johor. This ceremony was officiated by En Helmy Fadlisham B. Abu Hasan, Faculty Coordinator. This grand ceremony was attended by the Headmistress, Puan Hjh Laila Ismail, teachers, representatives from Parent Teacher Association and all students from standard one to standard six. In her speech, Puan Hj Laila expressed her gratitude to us for choosing her school to conduct this program and she felt that this program was very beneficial to her students. A montage on this project was shown to the audiences, two students gave a short speech on how this project inspired them, and the participants of this project were given the certificate of participation.

There were some difficulties faced by our team in carrying out this program. Lack of budget was the main problem. However, we did not treat insufficient funding as a problem, rather it was an excellent opportunity for us to revise our budget and trimmed any unnecessary costs. In the end our program was very cost effective. We can achieve the same outcome at a much lower cost. We also found another sponsor and negotiated discounts for some expenses such as the transportation costs. Realizing the merit of this project, the school also contributed some amount of money. We also changed the venue and type of activities for group activity to suit our budget.

The participants were sixteen Year 6 students in SK Kg Sungai Balang Darat, Muar, Johor. The students were selected because most of them came from low income background and some of them were facing family problem such as broken family. Some of them had never been to Kuala Lumpur, let alone to a place like KidZania. The trip to Kidzania was really an eye opener for them. This project gave participants the power to dream of a better future and the confidence needed to pursue their dreams. By experiencing doing jobs suitable to their personality, they would have the drive to really work hard to secure their dream job.

Section II

Our project focused on injecting happiness in each of the student as some of them have a hard life. We brought them to a place that they would have never thought of going, i.e. KidZania, Kuala Lumpur. The trip brought a lot of sweet memories to all of us.

Our project focused on injecting happiness in each of the student as some of them have a hard life. We brought them to a place that they would have never thought of going, i.e. KidZania, Kuala Lumpur. The trip brought a lot of sweet memories to all of us would‐like‐to. It’s really something for which they were willing to invest time, effort, and energy.

“Seed to A Better Future” project has changed the way we think about the world because now we realize that not everyone is lucky in this world. One very touching story that brought tears to our eyes was a story of a boy whose father passed away early this year. He was only twelve, but he had to work to help his family. After school he worked in the oil plantation and during weekend he worked as a helper in a restaurant. When other boys at his age were enjoying playing games, this boy must earn income for his family. Some of other students also have similar hardship, but they have risen the life challenges. They reminded us of this quotation “When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure”. By conducting this project, we hope to let them know that they are not alone and there are people who care for them.

We believed that our little mission was filled with happiness and support for them. We used a lot of positive words such as “you can do it”, “that was awesome”, “I never thought it that way, your thinking is very interesting”. We believe that positive words can have positive impact on our life. Talking about positive words reminded us a boy named Shazwan who was very enthusiastic when we asked about his ambition. He said “Saya nak jadi pereka kereta terbang. Saya nak majukan Malaysia supaya dapat cipta pelbagai lagi benda baru yang menyenangkan orang ramai” (I want to design airplane. I am going to develop Malaysia by innovating more new things that help people”. We wish Shazwan and his friends all the best in life.

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