My Starfish Foundation - EMPOWER CANCER RESEARCH
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  • cancer-preventable

    30-50% Of Cancers Are Preventable

    Globally, about 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer. However, between 30-50% of cancers are preventable by healthy lifestyle, public health measures and early detection, treatment and cure.

  • reverse-cancer

    Reverse The Cancer In Asians

    Asians make up nearly 50% of the global population, yet only 5% of genetic studies involve Asians. By funding cancer research, it helps to accelerate the advancement of cancer treatment and empower Asians with proper screening and treatment, therefore improving survival rates.

  • stand-solidarity

    Stand in solidarity with cancer patients

    When you make the decision to go bald, you connect and support cancer patients with emotional empathy. You are telling them that they are not alone in their battle against cancer and that you are standing by them.



    Bald & Beautiful (B&B) is a cancer awareness initiative aiming to gather participants to go bald and raise funds to:

    ►  Accelerate the advancement of cancer research.

    ► Support cancer patients and their families.

    First launched in 2012, Bald & Beautiful has garnered increased support and attention.

  • Bald & Beautiful 1.0 was held in 2012. 178 participants went bald and RM250,000 raised.

  • Bald & Beautiful 2.0 was held in 2015. 975 participants went bald and RM 1.2 million raised.

  • Bald & Beautiful 3.0 was held in 2018. 1,650 participants went bald and RM2.2 million raised.

  • Bald & Beautiful 4.0 was held in 2021. 1,672 participants went bald and RM3.2 million raised.


  • Cancer Research Malaysia (CRMY)

    CRMY is a non-profit cancer research laboratory researching cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment programs to reduce cancer incidence and mortality.

    We are delighted to highlight some significant achievements by CRMY for your attention:

    ►  A cancer vaccine has been developed and clinical trial will commence shortly.

    ►  Completed one of the largest genetic screen using Asian models to identify genes responsible for oral cancer & the largest genomic map of Asian breast cancers!

    ►  Developing novel treatment for head and neck cancers.

  • Sarawak Children's Cancer Society (SCCS)

    Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society (SCCS) was founded by a group of parents of children with cancer and has supported over 1,650 patients and their families since 2001. SCCS recognizes the complexity of the childhood cancer experience, and provides holistic support to families by addressing financial, logistical, medical, social, spiritual, and emotional needs.