Fundraiser - Bald & Beautiful 5.0
Name Chee Sun Joined Bald & Beautiful 5.0 Raised RM6,710.00 Target RM5,000.00 a visiting scientist at the Cancer Research Malaysia
Recent Donors
BEH SIEW FANGRM500.002024-10-19 10:48:49
AnonymousRM50.00Well done!2024-10-16 07:20:05
Tony LeeRM100.00Keep going, Chee Sun? Like +12024-10-13 21:58:48
KHANG TSUNG FEIRM200.002024-10-13 21:49:17
Cheah WeeRM100.00Support!2024-10-13 19:33:02
AnonymousRM50.002024-10-13 19:10:22
YONG KIEN THAIRM100.002024-10-13 17:57:04
AnonymousRM100.002024-10-13 16:16:07
KOK HOWG EWERM200.002024-10-13 16:09:56
AnonymousRM50.002024-10-13 14:31:34
AnonymousRM50.002024-10-11 14:37:24
AnonymousRM200.002024-10-10 20:05:24
AnonymousRM100.00https://puui.qpic.cn/vpic_cover/g3336zgrpo1/g3336zgrpo1_hz.jpg2024-10-09 23:17:32
Ho Swee LaiRM200.00GAMBATE SUPPORT FROM AH FOO2024-10-09 00:30:16
LAU SIAN LUNRM100.00Great effort Chee Sun!2024-10-08 16:35:06
Zati AzizulRM50.00Amazing effort Dr Liew 🌹🌹2024-10-08 15:50:25
Ho sze yanRM50.00Sure support you2024-10-08 12:24:56
Swee Lai HoRM100.00Cant wait to see you bald!!! Always proud of you2024-10-08 12:13:36
YONG LAI WOOIRM200.00加油2024-10-08 12:06:45
Choo Wan YuenRM100.00Well done! All the best :)2024-10-08 12:01:48
KHOR KEAN HOOIRM200.00Way to go buddy!2024-10-08 11:52:30
AnonymousRM100.002024-10-08 11:49:02
Noran HairiRM100.002024-10-08 11:47:26
MOHAMAD AZDIRM10.002024-10-08 11:36:39
Nor Liyana Mohd ShuibRM100.002024-10-08 10:49:33
Maizatul Akmar IsmailRM100.002024-10-08 10:32:54
AnonymousRM200.00Support2024-10-08 08:04:44
Chan Huah YongRM100.002024-10-07 23:59:34
AnonymousRM200.002024-10-07 21:24:33
LOH KHIAN AIKRM100.00Good job!2024-10-07 21:11:34
AnonymousRM100.002024-10-07 16:49:05
AnonymousRM100.002024-10-07 16:40:28
AnonymousRM800.002024-10-07 16:40:26
AnonymousRM500.002024-10-07 16:27:05
AnonymousRM500.00Bro U r the best! 👍 Jia you 💪🏻💗2024-10-07 16:00:06
Eu Sze BeinRM100.00Strongly support!2024-10-07 15:25:45
AnonymousRM100.002024-10-07 15:19:46
Adina binti AbdullahRM100.00Great job Chee Sun!2024-10-07 14:45:56
Yeap Hun MengRM500.002024-10-07 14:10:25
YAP CHOON YENRM100.00Jia You old friend!!!2024-10-07 13:26:59